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If...Then Wrote:Do you guys play Wood or Speed and where at?
We play woodsball at Jacks Creek, it's just up the road from South Floyd. Usually try to start around 1:00. If you want to come over you can meet up with us & follow us up to where we play.
Johnny Ringo Wrote:We play woodsball at Jacks Creek, it's just up the road from South Floyd. Usually try to start around 1:00. If you want to come over you can meet up with us & follow us up to where we play.

Jeeze thats a good drive. Sunday I usually play with my team so ill have to check and see. I might bring them with me
If...Then Wrote:Jeeze thats a good drive. Sunday I usually play with my team so ill have to check and see. I might bring them with me
Killer, bring em too if ya want. the more the merrier.
well there should be quite the turnout this weekend and i cant wait myself.
Yea I cant wait either.
bub should play this weekend unless he whimps out again.
Killer I hope he does.
who all is going to be going tomorrow?
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:who all is going to be going tomorrow?
Just enough to take care of you and the other runners!Cool
Wyatt Earp Wrote:Just enough to take care of you and the other runners!Cool

well i just got news that Ringo is sick and cant go.
Oh --- we --------- fired our guns & the bellies stopped a' cumin,
There wuttin as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin,
Way past Z's just a' flyin down the road!!!!!

What a day!!!!!! First, that low-down, yella-bellied, dirty dog, Johnny Ringo chickened-out in one of the most cowardly displays of spinelessness ever known to man. Thus, depriving me & my good friend Wyatt the privilege of blasting his sorry yella carcass to pieces.

Then, us ol' timers, with the help of a new gun slinger they call ‘Curly Bill’, destroyed the yella bellies without suffering a single casualty in a display of military prowess that will no doubt live in paintball folklore for generations to come. In fact, word has it the ol’timers military tactics may even be studied by the US military in an attempt to better train infantry soldiers at West Point.

Oh, by the way, the Sniper brought his “A” game yet again today! In the ol’timers winning effort the Sniper had two confirmed kills, strongly assisted in another kill, and in amazing display of intestinal fortitude the Sniper chased, on foot, not one, but two yella bellies completely off the field of battle!!! That’s right just one look at the Sniper charging at them and two yella bellies, instead of fighting like men, turned and ran, & I mean turned tail & ran completely out of the holler!!! Funniest thing I’ve ever seen! It was comparable to a little sickly antelope spotting the King of the Jungle coming in for the kill!
Right you are Sniper my friend. Johnny Ringo ill and then to double burden his plight the wife will not let him paintball. He gets the chance to even up next weekend if the illness leaves and something else doesn't show up. Great day on the comeback trail for the Earp gang as the new guns are helping out. Curly Bill and The Judge were on about the same level as The Sniper and Ringo was no place to be found. Amun-Ra didn't last long today so it must have been the early ride from Richmond that got him.Cool
today was awesome. and i must quote one of my teammates that ran..."o god we're gonna die!" ha now that was a good laugh...me and another went to the back of the holler and all the way up the hill to get behind u all and turned out u all had went back down holler so when we got back to u Sniper we were bout out of ammo well at least i was but good game today and i believe it was 2-1 today in favor of the young guns.
You ole men crack me up. Only one and count em' ONE win on the day out of three games and you act like it was the Super Bowl... Any good general knows that is takes more than one battle to win the war.
Even with Ringo hiding out due to the bird flu, the Young Guns still walked away winners. Like always...
Well finally we ALL agree on one thing --- the Sniper chased two yella-bellies completely out of the holler on foot. By one of the yella bellies own admissions they were yelling "oh, God, we are going to die!" while the Sniper gave chase.

Amun Ra, the Sniper gives credit were credits due! You do deserve a little credit. Finally, at least you did try to fight this weekend, you didn't last long in any of the games, but you did actually get involved in a gunfight from closer than 500 feet away. Good job :Thumbs:

Anyway, the Sniper will set the record straight! Here goes, the ol'timers won the 1st game without a casualty. Then in a strange twist of fate, both Curly Bill and the Sniper had weapons malfunctions & had to step aside in game 2. Out-number & Out-gunned Wyatt and the Judge fought bravely to the very end against overwhelming odds. The game ended with one of the bravest acts of courage ever witnessed, which by the way has become a trademark of the ol'timers unlike their cowardly opponents, when Wyatt charged into heavily fortified enemy lines with guns blazing before being shot down. Again, in game 3 the Sniper left early due to yet another weapons malfunction. I'd like to point out the Sniper was never killed this weekend. Though, I will admit some of us ol'timers got caught up in the dramatics of the moment in game 3 and tried some unorthodoxed tactics. However, in the end us ol'timers kept our perfect record of never backing down, never giving an inch, & never showing one ounce of cowardness on the battle field!!! Sadly, the yella-bellies can't say the same!
Sorry i couldnt come sunday guys. My GX would fix right
If...Then I think you would enjoy playing so maybe in the near future. Sniper has it right when he states the facts as only the Sniper can. Johnny Ringo lays motionless in the sanitorium so hopefully he will recover in order to get shot next weekend. Cool
The Sniper Wrote:Well finally we ALL agree on one thing --- the Sniper chased two yella-bellies completely out of the holler on foot. By one of the yella bellies own admissions they were yelling "oh, God, we are going to die!" while the Sniper gave chase.

Amun Ra, the Sniper gives credit were credits due! You do deserve a little credit. Finally, at least you did try to fight this weekend, you didn't last long in any of the games, but you did actually get involved in a gunfight from closer than 500 feet away. Good job :Thumbs:

Anyway, the Sniper will set the record straight! Here goes, the ol'timers won the 1st game without a casualty. Then in a strange twist of fate, both Curly Bill and the Sniper had weapons malfunctions & had to step aside in game 2. Out-number & Out-gunned Wyatt and the Judge fought bravely to the very end against overwhelming odds. The game ended with one of the bravest acts of courage ever witnessed, which by the way has become a trademark of the ol'timers unlike their cowardly opponents, when Wyatt charged into heavily fortified enemy lines with guns blazing before being shot down. Again, in game 3 the Sniper left early due to yet another weapons malfunction. I'd like to point out the Sniper was never killed this weekend. Though, I will admit some of us ol'timers got caught up in the dramatics of the moment in game 3 and tried some unorthodoxed tactics. However, in the end us ol'timers kept our perfect record of never backing down, never giving an inch, & never showing one ounce of cowardness on the battle field!!! Sadly, the yella-bellies can't say the same!

you are correct u didnt get shot but i did come close to your head several times before you even knew where i was. and i would have had you had a ball not busted in my barrel and cause all of my balls to curve. however i did come o so close to killing the great sniper.
Wyatt might as well strap a bomb to him and yell Jihad! when he runs at us cause he dies everytime....

As for the one who was on my team that yelled he was "going to die" and "God help us", well I aint got much to say to that... I haven't the words.
I'm in bad shape right now guys but I will be back.
I will play ASAP
Johnny Ringo Wrote:I'm in bad shape right now guys but I will be back.
Well Ringo i hope you kick the bird flu so you can show this Sunday.
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:you are correct u didnt get shot but i did come close to your head several times before you even knew where i was. and i would have had you had a ball not busted in my barrel and cause all of my balls to curve. however i did come o so close to killing the great sniper.

The Sniper always knows where you are RaiderNation. In fact, I believe the Sniper has killed you 3 times in the past two weeks now, and if not for a misfortunate weapons malfunction that number may be even higher. Besides close doesn't count in paintball! It’s all or nothing

Amun-Ra Wrote:Wyatt might as well strap a bomb to him and yell Jihad! when he runs at us cause he dies everytime....

As for the one who was on my team that yelled he was "going to die" and "God help us", well I aint got much to say to that... I haven't the words.

Amun-Ra, you’re missing the point, you yella bellies just don't get it!!!! It’s not that Wyatt died in the charge, of course he did! THE POINT IS --- HE CHARGED!!!! It was brave, it was gallant, it was courageous, it was magnificent, it magnanimous, it was powerful, it was absolutely brilliant!!!! In short it was everything you yella bellies are not. We all die in paintball, but even in death there is honor. Wyatt snatched a small piece of victory from the jaws of defeat with one last courageous act of defiance!!! That's the difference is the ol'timers and you yella-bellies. NOT ONCE, not a single time have any of you shown that kind of moxy!

As for the turning tail & running incident, I'll say it again, it was like two small sickly antelope spotting a lion closing in on the kill!
Johnny Ringo Wrote:I'm in bad shape right now guys but I will be back.

Johnny ringo, get well soon!!! so we can kill you!!! Smile
The Sniper Wrote:The Sniper always knows where you are RaiderNation. In fact, I believe the Sniper has killed you 3 times in the past two weeks now, and if not for a misfortunate weapons malfunction that number may be even higher. Besides close doesn't count in paintball! It’s all or nothing

you've killed me 2 times 1 time last Sunday and 1 time this past Sunday and you didn't know where i was for about 5 mins. cause i seen you looking around for me while i was shooting at you.
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:you've killed me 2 times 1 time last Sunday and 1 time this past Sunday and you didn't know where i was for about 5 mins. cause i seen you looking around for me while i was shooting at you.
It's where you are so quick RN09. You fella have had your way up until we got sme new guns and gave you The RunningMan or boy. Sniper, Judge,CurlyBill and myself are all taking PD to get even more prepared. You should probably stay in Tinsel town this weekend Amun-Ra.Cool
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:you've killed me 2 times 1 time last Sunday and 1 time this past Sunday and you didn't know where i was for about 5 mins. cause i seen you looking around for me while i was shooting at you.

I beg to differ Sir, twice last Sunday, & once this weekend. Either way you should start getting used to falling under the Snipers fire cause it only gets worse!!! And the reason you saw me looking for you is because I wanted you too. I know your new & still green around the ears, but no this RaiderNation ---- your still a kitten playing with ol'TOMCATS !!!! Big Grin


THE SNIPER / yella-bellies
:flame: :beg:
The Sniper Wrote:I beg to differ Sir, twice last Sunday, & once this weekend. Either way you should start getting used to falling under the Snipers fire cause it only gets worse!!! And the reason you saw me looking for you is because I wanted you too. I know your new & still green around the ears, but no this RaiderNation ---- your still a kitten playing with ol'TOMCATS !!!! Big Grin


THE SNIPER / yella-bellies
:flame: :beg:

o i beg to differ u killed me 1 time last sunday and that was the 1st game and the 2nd game i didnt die....then u killed me the 1st game this weekend and thats it i didnt die the 2nd or 3rd game.
OK, thats it, now I'm killing you again this weekend for disagreeing with me! Cool
The Sniper Wrote:OK, thats it, now I'm killing you again this weekend for disagreeing with me! Cool

o but no i will be killing you this weekend to get revenge...Cool :ChairHit:
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