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"Loose Change" Video
Has anyone watched this video? It actually brings up some interesting facts about 9/11. Not saying its true, however it does make you think. If you have not watched it, just search it on you tube. It has 9 ten minute segments.
I just got done watching the first of the movie and it is ridiculous. I'm not even going to go into the reasons why that idea is absurd. Idiots dream up this kind of poopy to have something to talk about...anyone who would believe that our country would even try to pull off something that big needs to get themselves checked. I'm going to stop typing now because the longer I go on the more darn mad I get.
vundy33 Wrote:I just got done watching the first of the movie and it is ridiculous. I'm not even going to go into the reasons why that idea is absurd. Idiots dream up this kind of **** to have something to talk about...anyone who would believe that our country would even try to pull off something that big needs to get themselves checked. I'm going to stop typing now because the longer I go on the more ****ed I get.
My cousin died in the World Trade, so it would pee me off more than anything if it were true.

However, the dudes are independant researchers, so it's not like they're influenced by outside sources to make it look one way or the other.

On another note, it's hard to explain stuff like the videos of the planes that look like cargo planes or how there's no pieces of the plane in that field.

But then you'd have to think that the goverment would be smart enough to know that people would realize things like there's no pieces or anything.

I don't know, so if anyone has any explanations, please share.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Crazy things happen...I have no idea why there were no pieces of the plane in the field. All I know is that the government wasn't behind 9/11...I would bet my life on it.
Anyone who believes this is a moron.
I agree with you all that it is absurd, just got bored the other day and was looking at some on the 9/11 and JFK conspireses and ran across that and was like hmmmmm I wonder if anyone else has saw this. It is kind of funny that someone would take that much time to make up some stupied junk such as this. I was really suprised in this video that they did not use the argument that Bush already knew about it by using his first adress to the nation where he states "Well I was at a school in FLordia when I saw the first plane strike the tower because you know they had a TV on," then making the argument that there was no way because the video footage of that was not released untill the folowing day. Which is true but yet I think Bush just got his words mixed up.
Beetle01 Wrote:Anyone who believes this is a moron.
If it's on that page and I missed it, let me know, but that page doesn't explain how there were no pieces in the field.

Everything else makes sense, but I can't find that explanation.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I watched the video a long time ago.

What I gathered

-The plane that went through the pentagon had parts evaporate from the engine fuel, right? Scientists said the fuel could not have reached high enough temperatures for the metal to melt.

-The bomb sniffing dogs were taken away and the security cameras were turned off at the WTC the day before 9/11. Why?

-People in the Pentagon said they thought bombs were going off all around them. The people from the Pentagon who commented in the video were all fired. Why?
PC_You_Know Wrote:I watched the video a long time ago.

What I gathered

-The plane that went through the pentagon had parts evaporate from the engine fuel, right? Scientists said the fuel could not have reached high enough temperatures for the metal to melt.

-The bomb sniffing dogs were taken away and the security cameras were turned off at the WTC the day before 9/11. Why?

-People in the Pentagon said they thought bombs were going off all around them. The people from the Pentagon who commented in the video were all fired. Why?

What parts evaporated, if look at that site I posted it shows many pictures with pieces of the plane scattered everywhere.

That is not true that the dogs and security cameras were taken away and turned off

Not sure if that's even true.
PC_You_Know Wrote:I watched the video a long time ago.

What I gathered

-The plane that went through the pentagon had parts evaporate from the engine fuel, right? Scientists said the fuel could not have reached high enough temperatures for the metal to melt.

-The bomb sniffing dogs were taken away and the security cameras were turned off at the WTC the day before 9/11. Why?

-People in the Pentagon said they thought bombs were going off all around them. The people from the Pentagon who commented in the video were all fired. Why?

Any source? If the government was behind this then why in the heck would they have the security cameras turned off and bomb sniffing dogs taked away...they would have had no bearing on the attack.
I can't remember if I've seen it. It seems familiar just by thinking about it but if I have, it's been years ago. I will watch or rewatch it, whatever the case is, sometime this week. I love getting into conspiracy theories, have several books on JFK and the likes.

Beetle01 Wrote:What parts evaporated, if look at that site I posted it shows many pictures with pieces of the plane scattered everywhere.

That is not true that the dogs and security cameras were taken away and turned off

Not sure if that's even true.

What's the direct link to the page with those pictures (I'm just too lazy to look through them all)?

One thing I did see is how the plane in France had it's body evaporate when it didn't even catch fire.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life

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