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Simon Kenton 40 - Russell 20
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Good Job Sk ,,, Russell just wouldn't wrap Simpson up if they would have it would have been a diffrent ball game & pour blocking just beat the devils tonight.
I heard on the radio broadcast that Bailey and Mitchell were both laid out. Hope they're both ok!
6A team that has played some better 6A teams. Ryle, Conner and Boone co. etc... Russell did well, but obviously not enough. We, still need the Defense to step it up and wrap the Tackles. D-team's practice next week is really going to suck! Keep the heads HIGH, We need ya' for Mason. They are a threat, and we can stop them. Good luck to David and Justin hope you all are ok.
Tough loss for the Red Devils. It's hard for anyone from eastern Kentucky to go to northern Kentucky and expect to win because they are simply on another level there with the size & speed.

Congrats SK!
Shake this one off in a hurry Devils. Get ready for the Royals.
Two things for ya:
1. No body got laid out except for the hit Drew Abrams got running for the endzone.
David Bailey looked to have rolled an ankle on being tackled out of bounds, or contacted a case of turf toe. Justin Mitchell had cramps all second half and still came back to run a long TD reception from AJ,, No body got laid out...

2. I love my DEVILS, but I have realized 2 things and they AIN'T pretty. A)- There is no leadership that can be seen from the stands, No leader on this team that takes charge and makes others accountable.....B)- Either I am dead wrong or this team is just not that good..........

Saying the second will def cause stirs in the postings. I watched a kid last night that has more heart snap-to-snap,, maybe they out to re-draft the captains and allow 44 to become a captain.. Like I said, I love these guys but they either got to get it together or get ready for basketball season.

"If, If's and But's were Cakes and hard candy....we would all have a Merry Christmas"

We COULD have scored in the last part of the second quarter before half time in shoulda been 19-14. Then we get the ball back and score again like we did would have put us up 21-19. Then NOT fumbled on the kick off return would have erased a score from them and not fumbled again that would erase a score from them.... Like I said,,,shoulda coulda, woulda..... They did not look good last night except for some sparks ever now and then.
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Tough loss to a good team. Shake it off.

You cannot turn the ball over four times and expect to stay in the game with a good 6A team. Wrap up. don't just hit, wrap. You don't have to send a guy flying backwards. Just wrap up hold on and wait for help from the others.

I hope Bailey's injury isn't too serious. He is probably the best playmaker on the team and definitely brings some intensity when his mind is right.

Finally that is the best team and the best RB that Russell will see all year including the playoffs. There is a huge difference between 3A and 6A. Russell had some chances but made way to many mistakes.

Get ready for a war next week with Mason County. That is the most important game of the year.
I'm not so much disappointed in the fact that Russell didn't win as I am in the fact that they got blown out again by the 2nd decent team they've faced this season. Deviloligist, I agree with you that it is not evident who the leader on the field is (1) who wants to win and (2) who has the respect of his teammates so that his desire to win matters in that they actually follow his lead. It could be that this person exists on the team, but I agree that it is not evident to those watching the games who it might be. It would be nice to see some positive shows of emotion sometimes from someone. I only listened last night, but if Burgess can bring that element, then that is great. I think it is important for a team to have one or more emotional leaders who can set things straight every now and again.

As a Russell fan, I want to feel like the team is going to compete for 4 quarters as hard as they can. I noticed the Daily Independent article this week talked about the Russell players dropping their helmets and bending over in exhaustion in the 3rd quarter. Maybe the problem is simply that the conditioning of the team is poor? In reference to Deviloligist raising the possibility that this team just might not be that good, I ask why did you guys think this team was going to be on the level of the last few years anyways? They lost Foster, Jones, Cornwell, Bender, Boyd, Bates, and Hicks that I can remember. They might have equally talented replacements, but it sure doesn't look like the replacements match the desire and effort that a lot of those guys brought to the table.

That being said, I agree with FBall that the Mason County game is the biggest of the year because it is for home field in the 2nd round of the playoffs. I'll be pulling for them to come together and decide it is time to show that they can beat a good team.
Russell will not face another team as physical and fast as what they faced last night.

Yeah this team has its faults. But they also do have talent. At the biggining of the season I thought that Jones would be the most sorely missed and that is one spot that they have not been able to replace. either at QB or defensive end.
FBALL Wrote:Russell will not face another team as physical and fast as what they faced last night.

Was Simon Kenton really that good? Are they better than they were last year?
ryanparker Wrote:Was Simon Kenton really that good? Are they better than they were last year?
SK's losses have been Boone County, Connor, Ryle, and NCC. They were in everyone of those games but the Boone County game.

Hypothetic situation.

If SK is a 3A school they are ranked either 1 or 2.
FBALL Wrote:SK's losses have been Boone County, Connor, Ryle, and NCC. They were in everyone of those games but the Boone County game.

Hypothetic situation.

If SK is a 3A school they are ranked either 1 or 2.

Good point. Simon Kenton does play good competition. I am wondering if that isn't starting to hurt Russell. Look at our two losses this year:

We play Ashland at Ashland the week after they lose to Ironton. They essentially have to beat Russell to save their season. Therefore, their motivation is high. Who does Russell play the week before in preparation? West Carter. The starters get to play about a half.

We play Simon Kenton at Simon Kenton the week after they lose to Boone County. Again, they are motivated to get a win. Who does Russell play the week before? Lewis County. The starters get to play a quarter and a half.
congrats SK. Is the Russell/Mason co. game next Friday?
Also right now the offense is not the problem. Defensively against good teams this defense has to find a way to stop them and get off of the field.

An example is that it is 19-13 half way through the 3rd quarter. Russell has just scored and the first offensive play Russell has Simpson hemmed in only to let him reverse field and go 80 yards for a TD.

Simpson is the best RB that Russell will see. He has good size and great speed and is probably going to get a scholarship somewhere as a DB. He showed that speed at Russell last year returning a kickoff for a TD.

Russell is obviously missing those kids Ryan mentioned that graduated. Mostly along the line defensive line and their leadership. That said there is still plenty of talent on the field. It is a team that has yet to find itself though. Numerous mistakes and poor tackling have been the major issue.
sumj45 Wrote:congrats SK. Is the Russell/Mason co. game next Friday?
I agree, Mason will be the test, I hope that this team will prove me wrong about leadership and heart.. As far as being good is concerned that will pan out in the playoffs. I dop agree that playing these 3 teams back to back will have our starters ready to play inthe playoffs. I just hope that they stay in and get playing time.
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
FBALL Wrote:Also right now the offense is not the problem. Defensively against good teams this defense has to find a way to stop them and get off of the field...Numerous mistakes and poor tackling have been the major issue.

I agree with this. I think the offense isn't exactly explosive, but the defense is not playing well at all. At this point, though, isn't it too late for them to learn how to tackle?
ryanparker Wrote:Good point. Simon Kenton does play good competition. I am wondering if that isn't starting to hurt Russell. Look at our two losses this year:

We play Ashland at Ashland the week after they lose to Ironton. They essentially have to beat Russell to save their season. Therefore, their motivation is high. Who does Russell play the week before in preparation? West Carter. The starters get to play about a half.

We play Simon Kenton at Simon Kenton the week after they lose to Boone County. Again, they are motivated to get a win. Who does Russell play the week before? Lewis County. The starters get to play a quarter and a half.

Also a good point.

But you play who you have to play. You have to find a way to win.

SK is basically a bigger faster version of Ashland. Again Russell hangs with them until an avalanche of mistakes (fumbles and missed tackles) bury them late in the third quarter.

This game should make them better. If only we had a few more quality opponents early in the year. Win or lose these games help in the long run.

Also Bailey getting hurt didn't help. Abrams still picked up 140 yards against a good physical team that was blitzing every play.

This team still has the potential to make some noise in 3A. They have to pick it up on the defensive side of the ball though. And they are going to have to find a way to get Cordle more comfortable throwing the ball on offense.
Still the problem with this team I feel is there is NO leadership. I believe there is no one that wants to take the leadership role on this team and that is going to be their downfall. Unless someone takes that role within the next two weeks then we may be sitting at home earlier in the playoffs then we want to.
ryanparker Wrote:I agree with this. I think the offense isn't exactly explosive, but the defense is not playing well at all. At this point, though, isn't it too late for them to learn how to tackle?

Yes and no. They know how to tackle. Its not hard to put your arms around somebody and hold on. Getting yourself in the position to do so seems to be the trick. Drive and wrap is a pretty simple concept.
Another thing that strikes me is the fans. I really feel that Russell fans have become spoiled. The success over the last 4 years is pretty hard to live up to. I think these players feel that pressure more than most of us think. They are trying to live up to expectations that can be overwhelming. Russell fans expect them to win every game and play perfect that isn't always going to happen. Right now they are 6-2, one of the better teams in 3A, and some people are in panic mode. Lets just see how it all shakes out and enjoy the ride.

There are alot of other teams out there that would love to be in the situation that Russell is in.
FBALL Wrote:Another thing that strikes me is the fans. I really feel that Russell fans have become spoiled. The success over the last 4 years is pretty hard to live up to. I think these players feel that pressure more than most of us think. They are trying to live up to expectations that can be overwhelming. Russell fans expect them to win every game and play perfect that isn't always going to happen. Right now they are 6-2, one of the better teams in 3A, and some people are in panic mode. Lets just see how it all shakes out and enjoy the ride.

There are alot of other teams out there that would love to be in the situation that Russell is in.

You are right. Time for me to quit complaining and just look forward to watching the next couple of games. We have Mason County at home in a big district game for home field in the playoffs and Raceland at home in what should be a great atmosphere for a high school football game. If we manage to beat Mason, we get two more home playoff games against Magoffin and Sheldon Clark since they will likely lose to Belfry this week. That's some pretty good entertainment to look forward to.
Good job Simon Kenton. Red Devils...Put this one behind you guys and get ready for next week.
Russell does need to do a better job of tackling. Simpson was a HECK of a back. He was fast and strong. It is a tough job to bring down a back like that with one guy. The Red Devils need to do a better job of getting ppl to the ball FAST. It would have been a lot easier to bring him down if we had 3-4 guys on him. Russell needs to get to the ball and get their NOW.
Mason is next. Russell needs to recover and play good Red Devil football.
The captains on this team have yet to show any leadership. It's time some one does. If not this is going to be a very short season. The seniors need to take charge. Defend the R.
FBALL Wrote:Another thing that strikes me is the fans. I really feel that Russell fans have become spoiled. The success over the last 4 years is pretty hard to live up to. I think these players feel that pressure more than most of us think. They are trying to live up to expectations that can be overwhelming. Russell fans expect them to win every game and play perfect that isn't always going to happen. Right now they are 6-2, one of the better teams in 3A, and some people are in panic mode. Lets just see how it all shakes out and enjoy the ride.

There are alot of other teams out there that would love to be in the situation that Russell is in.

I agree i think i made some those points after the Ashland loss as well.

Ivan:rockon: will have the team ready to rumble this Friday.
Russell did well considering Simon Kenton had 1 of the best backs we have seen in a while. Great speed.

Russell had a real good chance at this game.

The new player did well and has impressive size, he will make a good addition to this team.

Yes us Russell football fans are very spoiled. We are use to winning every game. There was a stretch in recent years that there record was something like 30 wins and 2 loses. Nevertheless Russell is still a very good as a 3A team. We just expect the best from the best program in the area.

I think that Russell will be just fine the rest of the season!!!

It would be hard to argue that Russell doesn't have the best program in the area.

I am not knocking any other program in any manner.I like to see every team in the area succeed.But Russell is the top one year in and year out.

Raceland has a fine football program as well.and could be the best team in the area this year.
ryanparker Wrote:Was Simon Kenton really that good? Are they better than they were last year?

Simon Kenton is OK. Actually I feel that NKY teams as a whole are down this year. With the exception of Highlands of course.

There just really isn't a whole lot to get excited about this year with the Conner's, and Ryles, Boone's and Dixie's of NKY. Simon should have some better days ahead and maybe of all of those teams mentioned they may have the most going for them, but again , in general all these teams are just a step behind what they have been in the past. IMO

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