Poll: Do you believe in god?
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03-23-2008, 07:54 PM
Yes I do!!!
03-23-2008, 08:02 PM
BFritz Wrote:Ever think that God doesn't make things happen? Ever think that He gave us the freedom for things to turn out the way we want?God loves everyone, including the Steelers.
Some of you might think that thinking like that makes me think God is cruel; wouldn't it be more cruel if He didn't give us free will? If God made everything work out perfect, nothing would have any meaning.
God did give us a great world, capable bodies, and a fruitful world.

03-23-2008, 09:05 PM
I agree with you, but you missed my point. You mentioned if everything was perfect, then nothing would have any meaning. My point was I dont understand why children are victims in crime. Im not blaming God. Ive seen many miracles happen, and I believe that each and every day is a miracle. God has been wonderful to me and my family. I was just stating I sometimes wander when I see on television, that someone tortures and kills five or six children, then ties their arms together like shoestrings..Anybody and everybody has questions in their minds, whether anyone wants to admit it or not..
BFritz Wrote:Ever think that God doesn't make things happen? Ever think that He gave us the freedom for things to turn out the way we want?
Some of you might think that thinking like that makes me think God is cruel; wouldn't it be more cruel if He didn't give us free will? If God made everything work out perfect, nothing would have any meaning.
God did give us a great world, capable bodies, and a fruitful world.
03-23-2008, 09:05 PM
RavenBoy Wrote:God loves everyone, including the Steelers.
03-23-2008, 09:25 PM
I seen the word hate and I had to say it. lol
03-30-2008, 12:40 AM
BFritz Wrote:Ever think that God doesn't make things happen? Ever think that He gave us the freedom for things to turn out the way we want?
Some of you might think that thinking like that makes me think God is cruel; wouldn't it be more cruel if He didn't give us free will? If God made everything work out perfect, nothing would have any meaning.
God did give us a great world, capable bodies, and a fruitful world.
Im with you on this one, but one thing that I do is if Im in a game I always pray that my teamates and I stay safe and during a tense situation I pray also.
03-30-2008, 11:48 AM
Jshort5 Wrote:Im with you on this one, but one thing that I do is if Im in a game I always pray that my teamates and I stay safe and during a tense situation I pray also.I did the samething except I also Prayed to win.
03-30-2008, 12:53 PM
Yes I do. And about the bad things happening, I believe it is that if nothing bad ever happened to a Christian, then people would want to be Christians for the wrong reasons. You shouldn't just be a Christian for what God will do for you, but what he has already done. JMO.
03-30-2008, 02:04 PM
Panther Thunder Wrote:Yes I do. And about the bad things happening, I believe it is that if nothing bad ever happened to a Christian, then people would want to be Christians for the wrong reasons. You shouldn't just be a Christian for what God will do for you, but what he has already done. JMO.Thats what I believe also.
03-30-2008, 05:04 PM
Raven, If Bama plays the Cats...10-04 and you pray for a win, and I also pray for a Bama win, who wins? We both do, Sometimes God allows your prayer to be heard but the answers No. I personly don't think God cares who wins, but cares about a safe injury free game. Good Luck this fall.
04-01-2008, 05:13 PM
I do believe and i am a christian. The Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust.
04-02-2008, 09:25 PM
BamaBoy Wrote:Raven, If Bama plays the Cats...10-04 and you pray for a win, and I also pray for a Bama win, who wins? We both do, Sometimes God allows your prayer to be heard but the answers No. I personly don't think God cares who wins, but cares about a safe injury free game. Good Luck this fall.Actually If Bama won I would think the reason I lost was because god would know Bama would need it more cause UK has won more games than anyone in college!

04-04-2008, 12:40 AM
OK, I got that so let us win this one this fall ...please. :rockon:
04-04-2008, 08:37 PM
BamaBoy Wrote:OK, I got that so let us win this one this fall ...please. :rockon:Sounds good to me. :howdy:
10-02-2008, 11:20 AM
I DEFINATELY believe in God.
10-16-2008, 12:57 AM
10-16-2008, 07:58 PM
Im not sure if I do or not. Yeah someone or something created all the planets and people and animals and so on and so forth. My only problem with all this is if everyone of you believe in God and go to church on sundays, why do you talk about some things and some people so badly? If you truly believed in God and were or wanted to be a good person then you wouldnt say or do the things you do. The bible is another thing that I have trouble with. It has so much killing in it and all these sayings, how does anyone know what to believe. One question I have for all of you, who wrote the bible? Also, if you say that it is/was all of Jesus' followers, then who took over after they were all gone and dead and how do you know its not made up anyway? Man, especially white man has lied to us all of our lives, tried to scare us and make us believe in something that may not even exist. White men laid claim to America as if it was theres in the first place, when anyone with any sense at all knows the Indians, the true Native Americans were here before any of us. Thats beside the point though. Another thing is, white men claim that Jesus is white, come on people, open your eyes and really read the bible, it says Jesus had skin of bronze. I dont know about you but that sounds arab to me, the people most americans hate. In ending, yeah I somewhat believe, but I also believe that mankind has embellished and/or revised the bible to make you believe in something that they want you to believe in.
10-16-2008, 09:03 PM
Panther Thunder Wrote:Yes I do. And about the bad things happening, I believe it is that if nothing bad ever happened to a Christian, then people would want to be Christians for the wrong reasons. You shouldn't just be a Christian for what God will do for you, but what he has already done. JMO.
Couldn't of said it better myself :Thumbs:
10-16-2008, 09:46 PM
10-16-2008, 10:40 PM
Yes I BELEIVE and i know it is hard to understand why all these terrible things happen but God said we will go thru trials and tribulation but if you don't really know read Matthew and it will explain what God has said will happen when he is ready to come back for his children and then turn the TV on CNN and you will understand it is just going by the book. And i have a question Why would anyone want to take a chance that there is'nt a GOD? May God Bless !!
10-17-2008, 11:56 AM
Most definately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where would we be without him?
10-17-2008, 04:42 PM
Although I don't show it as much as I should I do believe in god and have faith in him.
10-17-2008, 05:27 PM
AmazingFan Wrote:Most definately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where would we be without him?
Yes, most definitely!
10-17-2008, 07:45 PM
RavenBoy Wrote:You know that is something I have always thought about. Why do we always hide anything to do with God? Easter with a Rabbit and Christmas with a fat man dressed up eating cookies.
Yes, I do too. The question you had on Easter and eggs is answered one way by the Catholic Encyclopedia this way: A great many pagan customs, celebrating the return of the spring, gravitated to Easter. The egg is the emblem of the germinating life of early spring.. The rabbit is the pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertitlity.
I'm not Catholic, this is just one answer I found.
10-17-2008, 07:55 PM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I agree with you, but you missed my point. You mentioned if everything was perfect, then nothing would have any meaning. My point was I dont understand why children are victims in crime. Im not blaming God. Ive seen many miracles happen, and I believe that each and every day is a miracle. God has been wonderful to me and my family. I was just stating I sometimes wander when I see on television, that someone tortures and kills five or six children, then ties their arms together like shoestrings..Anybody and everybody has questions in their minds, whether anyone wants to admit it or not..
We do have free will from God, the reason bad things happen to even children is no fault of God's. The bible says unforseen circumstances befall us all. We are so far removed from perfection that the badness in this world will only be restored by God himself.
10-17-2008, 11:26 PM
There had to be an original creator of everything- someone had to put everything in motion and had to give things a living aspect.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
10-18-2008, 11:16 AM
10-18-2008, 11:56 AM
I do believe in God. His is the creator of all beings.
10-21-2008, 12:11 PM
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