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Boyd County 28 - Lawrence County 13
Big win for the Lions. Tough loss for Lawrence.
Another fist fight after the game!
anyone got any stats for lc
Congrats to the Lions!! Nice win!
Had this one dead wrong.

I'm starting to wonder if Lawrence Co.'s schedule is getting into the player's heads. They're playing just poorly enough to lose each time...

Congrats on the W, Lions...
Seemed to me like the play calling cost them the game. They move the ball effectively with the run getting 3-4 yards per carry but when it comes to passing the QB makes very bad decisions when choosing his receiver. Boyd made 4 ints, 3 from Danny Waller and 2 of them were in the BC end zone. Lawrence Co has a good team and if they had kept the ball on the ground the score may have been different.
Boyd Co also made 2 adjustments. From a 50 package on defense to a 4-3. That helped stopping the run. Then on offense they put the back-up QB in and moved Wilson to slot reciever and tailback.

As for the fight, I don't know who started it but #50 gave the entire BC home side the bird walking up hill....
Did any of the players involved get KHSAA sanctions or suspensions?
This was a game of two half's. In the first half LC had thier way although Boyd made good on 2 LC turn overs and took the lead at half time 14 to 13. The secound half BC made some great adjustments and pretty much shut down LC . Hat's have to go off to the BC coaches they made the right adjustments and we never had an answer for them. As for the fight well I was on the field last year when this happened and I watched the same kid this year from the stands to see if was going to happen agian and the same kid started the hole mess. Every one thats around the program knows who and it will be up to them to take care of it not us. I personally hate to see that stuff go on no matter what the reason is the playing field is not the place for that crap. Good luck to both teams the rest of the season.
anyone got stats
idk ....but the lawrence county qb had 4 int.. i think three of them were in the endzone.....
LC should have won that game
I am hearing that alot of our key players are not going to finish the season. Any truth to this?
oneijoe Wrote:Had this one dead wrong.

I'm starting to wonder if Lawrence Co.'s schedule is getting into the player's heads. They're playing just poorly enough to lose each time...

Congrats on the W, Lions...

This is about what i expected. I think LC just caught Belfry sleeping. I feel Prestonsburg just didn't match up well with LC. Plus i feel Pburg is a little over rated right now. Remember this LC team got ran all over by Sheldon Clark.
LC needs a better decision maker at QB!!!!
TheONLY1 Wrote:LC needs a better decision maker at QB!!!!
Please keep in mind that this young Man is only a sophmore. He is a very talented young Man that is becomeing a great leader. I truely believe if they would have let him be the starter last year that team would have done better but more than any thing it would have really helped him out this season. I feel they have thier best player at the QB spot this year and thats the way it should be for any team just my thought's
TheONLY1 Wrote:LC needs a better decision maker at QB!!!!

The decision makers are on the sidelines calling the plays-kids have to do what they are told to do. So we have to be fair enough here to question whether Shep made the bad plays or Coach? Does the QB have free reign to change what he's told to do? None of us know that-only those players. Plus you can't lay the game on the QB alone-how about some blocking? This whole team is falling apart IMO-the pressure of this schedule has to "get in their heads" as someone stated above-how could it not? they come so close but always come up short?
Matman Wrote:This is about what i expected. I think LC just caught Belfry sleeping. I feel Prestonsburg just didn't match up well with LC. Plus i feel Pburg is a little over rated right now. Remember this LC team got ran all over by Sheldon Clark.

Maybe the Sheldon Clark game did show the "real" Bulldogs. But I'm not so sure...

If what you say is true, even a "sleeping" Belfry team would have defeated Lawrence Co. by more than 20 points (unless Sheldon Clark ends up being the equal of the Pirates, of course).

You're probably right about P-burg not matching up well with Lawrence. With Craynon out, the Blackcat's running game has been a "power" game with Setser between the tackles. That's Lawrence Co.'s defensive strength (and why it performed well vs. Belfry, IMO). Sheldon Clark got most of their running yardage out of a spread. P-burg (and Belfry) don't do that very much.
any1 got stats.
Big Dawg Wrote:The decision makers are on the sidelines calling the plays-kids have to do what they are told to do. So we have to be fair enough here to question whether Shep made the bad plays or Coach? Does the QB have free reign to change what he's told to do? None of us know that-only those players. Plus you can't lay the game on the QB alone-how about some blocking? This whole team is falling apart IMO-the pressure of this schedule has to "get in their heads" as someone stated above-how could it not? they come so close but always come up short?

Decision making is a big part of playing QB. Not so much in the play calling but when and where to throw the ball or not.
Big Dawg Wrote:The decision makers are on the sidelines calling the plays-kids have to do what they are told to do. So we have to be fair enough here to question whether Shep made the bad plays or Coach? Does the QB have free reign to change what he's told to do? None of us know that-only those players. Plus you can't lay the game on the QB alone-how about some blocking? This whole team is falling apart IMO-the pressure of this schedule has to "get in their heads" as someone stated above-how could it not? they come so close but always come up short?

I don't agree with what you said about the blocking. From what I seen Friday Shepherd had plenty of time to make the throws the lineman did there job as far as the play calling goes I don't know what is going on.
lawrencefan Wrote:I am hearing that alot of our key players are not going to finish the season. Any truth to this?

Who did you hear was not going to finish the season?
lc has alot to work on and good decision making is what they are lacking. as far as shephard goes every1 has an off game but being able to recover and get your mind off of it for next friday will show his true character. best of luck for lc. GO DAWGS!!!!! :rockon:
Isn't Lawrence Co already under the watchful eye of the KHSAA? I read in the paper that they had to go to "sportsmanship" training or something?

I hope for the program that this doesn't continue to be a problem.

Looking forward to seeing a good game this week against the Red Devils.

Lord knows these boys in Russell-Flatwoods need to be tested after such an easy game against East Carter.
The coaches are calling the plays the best they can they just don't have alot to work with meaning there PLAYERS aren't the most talented. They have huge hearts though right??????? WRONG most of these boys don't even care there just out there cause they have nothing else to do in the wonderful town of louisa......its not the coaches fault we can't keep blaming it on the coaches they call plays that could work its just our players don't execute them the right way.....we had to many turnovers such as the 4 pics our qb a player like that only comes through here every 15 years right
TheONLY1 Wrote:The coaches are calling the plays the best they can they just don't have alot to work with meaning there PLAYERS aren't the most talented. They have huge hearts though right??????? WRONG most of these boys don't even care there just out there cause they have nothing else to do in the wonderful town of louisa......its not the coaches fault we can't keep blaming it on the coaches they call plays that could work its just our players don't execute them the right way.....we had to many turnovers such as the 4 pics our qb a player like that only comes through here every 15 years right

I have to disagree on some of your points.....the largest majority of the ones without "heart" as you call it already quit. These kids have more heart than you give them credit for-could you stick it out, loss after loss? Nowhere did I BLAME the coaches, I stated they are the decision makers. Let's be honest here-we don't have the strongest line on either side of the ball, nor do we have the strongest offense in the game BUT we do have many talented kids out their busting their tails week after week. So Shep had a bad night-do we have to blackball every kid that has an off night? We'd sure be in trouble if thats the case!! If Coach thinks he needs replaced, then he'll do it. And since I have no idea what you are referring to by "a player like that only comes thru every 15 years", I cannot comment.
FBALL Wrote:Decision making is a big part of playing QB. Not so much in the play calling but when and where to throw the ball or not.

You are correct. I guess it can happen to anybody-to have an off night?
us2 Wrote:[B][/B]

I don't agree with what you said about the blocking. From what I seen Friday Shepherd had plenty of time to make the throws the lineman did there job as far as the play calling goes I don't know what is going on.

I apologize for that-wasn't pointing at anyone and wasn't talking about Friday's game in particular.
We are a team. Coaches players and fans. The only way we are ever going to build something special is by sticking together. Everybody in the program has to look in the mirror and figure out what each of us can do better to take us to the next step. Until we do that we will always tread water. Every kid on this team has busted their tails to earn a spot I can promise you that. There is still no doubt in my mind we are building a solid program in Louisa. We don't have the luxury do to things that are out of our hands like have cupcake games to bounce back the next week. We get Russell instead. We can pout and point fingers and feel sorry for ourselves or we can buck up, learn from mistakes and continue to grow. LC has always been a blue collar program in a blue collar town. The weak minded give up when times get tough. The people with true character take adversity, fight through it and build character for tough times down the road on and off the field. We've got a lot of great kids in our program that have worked hard through a lot of adversity. Hiding behind fake names and taking shots at them on a public message board is garbage. These are still teenagers and somebody's kids. If you feel like you have to dog them in public at least have the guts to put your name at the bottom of your message instead of being a coward!
The thing about a player like this only comes around every 15 years was said on the radio talking about the qb....i think thats stupid since he hasn't even done anything special all season......and no i wouldn't quit I've been through what there going through losing every game week after week.....i played for them last season and so many years for them before that.....we sucked big was a complete waste of time....but we were better last year then they are this year Smile by far

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