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Define a Great Coach
In your own opinion, how would you define a great coach?
IMO, you don't have to win every game to be considered a great coach. Great coaches are the ones that can get the best out of their players, gets kids off of their butts and have them on the field or in the field house lifting weights, give inspirational speeches, ensure that their players have good grades, teach lessons about respect, sportsmanship, teamwork, and most of all life.

All these things I've mentioned above have been passed on by great coaches to their players and majority of their former players are leaders in their communities as doctors, lawyers, coal miners, judges, coaches, and/or just your typical businessmen.
I think a good coach uses sport to teach life lessons that the kids can take with them after they graduate.
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BlackcatAlum Wrote:IMO, you don't have to win every game to be considered a great coach. Great coaches are the ones that can get the best out of their players, gets kids off of their butts and have them on the field or in the field house lifting weights, give inspirational speeches, ensure that their players have good grades, teach lessons about respect, sportsmanship, teamwork, and most of all life.

All these things I've mentioned above have been passed on by great coaches to their players and majority of their former players are leaders in their communities as doctors, lawyers, coal miners, judges, coaches, and/or just your typical businessmen.

I agree.
A good coach is one that won his last game.
IMO a good coach is one who uses his kids to their full potential. That does everything in his power to better their lives through the game he is teaching. Whether it be assisting the kid to recieve scholarships to advance his education or just learning lessons in life.

Also, winning doesn't hurt, because lets face it. NONE of us play to lose. We ALL want to win and win every game.
I dont think to judge if a coach is a good coach or not should be determined by his win/loss record. I think he should be judged by how his players act both on and off the court. To me, a good coach is one who will pick up the phone and bug the crap out of college coaches to try to get every one of his seniors a chance to play in college. Not just the stars that get all the attention. Give me a coach that wins 60% of his games and say 50 or 60% of his players the chance to play at the next level over one who wins 90% of his games and only sends 1 or 2 on.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
I think the greatest coach will be one that does the most with the least. If you can get 7 or 8 wins out of a team that shouldn't win 4 or 5, you have really done something. Of course, the coach should teach all of the lifes lesson also. Getting your Sr's. some looks for college is also great.
Chuke Williams..... enough said!
A coach is someone who can be backstabbed, talked about behind his back and praised to his face. A coach can receive calls from the president of the league about complaints from parents and then be the same coach who gets calls to his house telling him how great of a job he is doing. A good coach learns to deal with issues on and mostly off the field.. A great coach is a person who can do his /her job with a good conscience, a good moral thought about the kids and be able to face those paresnts who call the president of the league in conversation, smile and think to themselves." I will put them on my prayer list at church this week!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Mr. Sandwich Wrote:Chuke Williams..... enough said!

Chuke is one that has done lots for his players. I know the guys that played for him at Prestonsburg are all leaders in their communities.

Great coach right their!

But lets avoid comparing coaching, you can mention them but lets not turn this thread into a debate.
A great coach is a coach who leads by example.He playes the players that deserve it not because of what their last name is.And has the brass to stand up for his decision.Also he understands how to deal with the young men or women.He dosen't have to give long winded speeches because talk is cheap.He knows how to coach and knows how to teach.He is concered about every player and develope their skills not just a few players. He also helps young athletes to a point to help them deal with life but in a limited role that burden is on the parents not the coach.He is willing to accept praise when it is due and willing to accept critizism when it is due. He gets the most out of his players he gets them to work in the off season to get better and stronger,He's not to proud to listen to his players.He is a encourager not a discourager he commands respect but also gives it.He is a winner in life and the playing field.He is concered with his players well-being in the classroom.

I probably left out some things but these are a few.
State Champs Wrote:A good coach is one that won his last game.

I have to disagree, a bad coach can win a game because the other coach is worse. Winning doesn't define a good coach. Like the others said, a good coach is someone that drives their team to do the best the possibly can. Play hard for the whole game and never give up, even when they are down 100-0. A good coach teaches life lessons that will carry with his/her players till they die. It is always good to win games but that doesn't determine if they are "good" or not. Also a good coach has his/her players look up to them and respect every decision they make.
A good coach teaches the team to be one. Their is no "I" in TEAM. Also the ability to teach the honor in truth. A good coach blames himself/herself before others. Must have the ability to learn from one's mistake. The coach must never judge by hearsay. NEVER take someone else's credit for a great performance. A great coach will find the joy in what they do. Don't ever forget why you started coaching. Love of the game. "It's not if you win or loose but how you play the game."
blitz43 Wrote:I think the greatest coach will be one that does the most with the least. If you can get 7 or 8 wins out of a team that shouldn't win 4 or 5, you have really done something. Of course, the coach should teach all of the lifes lesson also. Getting your Sr's. some looks for college is also great.

I disagree. I believe that coaches who place emphasis on their records are missing out on opportunities to teach kids how to be hard working, disciplined, ethical and motivated adults. These skills rank much higher than how many Ws are on the list. So many "athletes" nowadays have bad attitudes and the coaches not only allow it, they facilitate it with rewarding these actions (i.e., excessive playing time, no consequences for actions, etc). :confused:
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:A coach is someone who can be backstabbed, talked about behind his back and praised to his face. A coach can receive calls from the president of the league about complaints from parents and then be the same coach who gets calls to his house telling him how great of a job he is doing. A good coach learns to deal with issues on and mostly off the field.. A great coach is a person who can do his /her job with a good conscience, a good moral thought about the kids and be able to face those paresnts who call the president of the league in conversation, smile and think to themselves." I will put them on my prayer list at church this week!!!!!!!!!!!!"
WELL SAID !!!!!!!
Since I played for a great coach in Dick Roddy who led Belfry to their first ever state title game I would want a coach like that. Coach Roddy was tough as a Mike Ditka and had a football IQ as a Bill Walsh. Belfry has been very fortunate to have great coaches. Coach Haywood has followed a long list of Belfry greats who put their players first and that to me is what it takes to be a great high school coach. Dedication, committment and pride in your school to become a state champion level program.
State Champs Wrote:A good coach is one that won his last game.

That's funny and in the NFL it's true! Smile
A great coach wins and loses with class and is not afraid to give the other team credit when deserved. A great coach teaches and is able to compete and win games even when he may not have the best talent.
Great topic Blackcat...
PureRedDevil Wrote:I have to disagree, a bad coach can win a game because the other coach is worse. Winning doesn't define a good coach. Like the others said, a good coach is someone that drives their team to do the best the possibly can. Play hard for the whole game and never give up, even when they are down 100-0. A good coach teaches life lessons that will carry with his/her players till they die. It is always good to win games but that doesn't determine if they are "good" or not. Also a good coach has his/her players look up to them and respect every decision they make.

I agree with what you have said but if he don't win he want be in coaching very long.
State Champs Wrote:I agree with what you have said but if he don't win he want be in coaching very long.

Ha yeah..
I was saying that the coach doesn't have to have a perfect season every year or always have a winning season. There are some good coaches out there that are just in bad location where it is tuff to get good players. IMO any body that takes their own time to be with a group of wild kids every day and teach them things is, in my mind, some what of a hero. If that makes any sense to you all?
This also refers to teachers. In my mind they are considered coaches too.
I would have to say that MARTY JOYCE would be a great definition of a great coach.I played for him back in 89 at GEORGE ROGERS CLARK. If I am not mistaking I think he is still coaching today at HENRY CLAY.
doj23 Wrote:Since I played for a great coach in Dick Roddy who led Belfry to their first ever state title game I would want a coach like that. Coach Roddy was tough as a Mike Ditka and had a football IQ as a Bill Walsh. Belfry has been very fortunate to have great coaches. Coach Haywood has followed a long list of Belfry greats who put their players first and that to me is what it takes to be a great high school coach. Dedication, committment and pride in your school to become a state champion level program.

Good point. Belfry has had some legends, for sure! This is why they have the program they have. "Dedication, committment and pride in your school to become a state champion level program". This is definitely what most of the teams are lacking now. I would rather see a coach teaching someone how to be a hard working, honest, dedicated and committed adult than to see him running the score up to make himself look good. Teach these skills first, coaches and the rest will fall into place. :Clap:
A great coach is someone who takes what he has - a group of young people and teaches them how to overcome adversity, how to achieve goals the right way, be a leader, a winner as well a good loser. A great coach is someone who will adapt to circumstances and overcomes them with a great work ethic and organizational skills. A great coach will be someone who is respected for the little things they do without wanting to be known that they done it so someone else could reap the benefit. A great coach is someone kids will talk about for the rest of their life, knowing they made a positive influence in their life and helped them understand the game of life!
Guys I have to brag on a man that I have watched coach for quite a few years now here in Bell Co. He is coaching my son now and I have seen him coach some others in my family in the past. I am talking about Coach Hoskins of Bell County he has been coaching at Bell for about 8(?) years now. He coaches the Defensive line and does a terrific job of getting the best out of his players. He is almost always positive with his players. They always work hard for him and have the utmost respect for him. He rarely screams and yells like other coaches I see but he has control of them. I hope one day he gets the opportunity to be a Head Coach at Bell.
I agree with all of these traits, but one of the most improtant has to be that they should be able to talk to the kids/players
Bobcat_Dad Wrote:Guys I have to brag on a man that I have watched coach for quite a few years now here in Bell Co. He is coaching my son now and I have seen him coach some others in my family in the past. I am talking about Coach Hoskins of Bell County he has been coaching at Bell for about 8(?) years now. He coaches the Defensive line and does a terrific job of getting the best out of his players. He is almost always positive with his players. They always work hard for him and have the utmost respect for him. He rarely screams and yells like other coaches I see but he has control of them. I hope one day he gets the opportunity to be a Head Coach at Bell.

I really appreciated this post...Coaches who can teach and still win without screaming are a rare breed...Sounds like Bell County has a heck of an assistant...See if you all can encourage Dudley to play Belfry...The Pirates need games and it would match two of the best programs east of Lexington...Take care and good luck this week.
IMO, a great coach is one who pushes their players to their full potential, Keeps them in order, and if they are not playin the way they should, then gets them back on their game. Winning doesnt mean everything. If a not so good team like Evangle Christian loses to Pikeville, but plays their best, then maybe that coach has done his/her job. I also think a great coach can take little talent and make something.
I feel that a great coach is one who knows his players, not only their athletic strengths, but their character, personality and bend, so to speak. He/she teaches by example and molds young men and women to be confident in anything they choose to pursue. A great coach leads with a "quiet strength" in the fashion of Tony Dungy. Motivating by encouragement and any criticism is constructive not personal. A great coach will have earned the respect of his/her players and will instill in them that working hard, being a good team mate and being responsible will pay off. Not only in a game of sports but in the game of life.

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