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Think before you type!
I think that the anonymous nature and the fact that you don't actually say things to people in a face to face conversation of blogs have made many people on here say things and act ways in which is irresponsible and ignorant. I believe that the anger that many bloggers show towards these KIDS is unbelievable. These are 14-18 year old children who go out and for the most part give it every thing they have despite how athletic or non-athletic they may be. The lack of responsibility that many people on here take in demeaning and demoralizing this kids in insane. We shouldn't let the nature of blogging cloud our judgement and morality of ourselves just because there is no reprocussion for what we say.
Very good post. I agree 100%. I think it is great for these kids to just show up to play on a team and want to be part of a team reguardless of the the teams record. For someone to belittle a child, yes even a age 14-18 you are a child, is way beyond me.
It kills me even worse when bloggers say things to your face on here knowing who you are and expect to be treated fairlyin the community. Certain people may not see eye to eye and thats allright but when you make comments about someones personality on here and that person actually knows you. It is a slap in the face. Everyones posts their comments and most try to stay civil. But when you post your opinion and someone does not agree with you ,.,, well it does not give them fair game make stupid statements toward you personally...
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Very good subject!!! I also hate it when someone hides behind a computer screen and makes stupid imature comments regarding a player. I have no room for speaking directly about a player unless you are being positive.
most of the negatives come from these kids, and i think that other than the kids it is young parents who think their kid is the next tom brady, kentucky football is put on like its life and death, just let them play and have fun. not trash talking.
I agree. Most of the people who down grade everyone hides behind an alias.
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:It kills me even worse when bloggers say things to your face on here knowing who you are and expect to be treated fairlyin the community. Certain people may not see eye to eye and thats allright but when you make comments about someones personality on here and that person actually knows you. It is a slap in the face. Everyones posts their comments and most try to stay civil. But when you post your opinion and someone does not agree with you ,.,, well it does not give them fair game make stupid statements toward you personally...
launchpad4 Wrote:I think that the anonymous nature and the fact that you don't actually say things to people in a face to face conversation of blogs have made many people on here say things and act ways in which is irresponsible and ignorant. I believe that the anger that many bloggers show towards these KIDS is unbelievable. These are 14-18 year old children who go out and for the most part give it every thing they have despite how athletic or non-athletic they may be. The lack of responsibility that many people on here take in demeaning and demoralizing this kids in insane. We shouldn't let the nature of blogging cloud our judgement and morality of ourselves just because there is no reprocussion for what we say.
Any personal attacks are "out-of-bounds" in my opinion. I think that debating a coaching strategy or a game is worthwhile, but when the debate crosses the line into personal attacks the debate stops. The moderators seem to do a good job on this site of being fair and balanced as far as posts that "cross-the-line."
Twitter: @tc_analytics

What...:Sad04: Not Brady??? oh wait thats ok cause i was thinking along the line of Eli anyway. But such a true statement. Every parent and player that loves football thinks they have the next NFL MVP, as any parent should. I have always told my son, win or lose, you are "my" superstar. But I never want any child hurt or put down at something they try so hard at. It's a sport, a game let's try and teach our kids the good side of nature and sportsmanship.
UK Wildcat Wrote:What...:Sad04: Not Brady??? oh wait thats ok cause i was thinking along the line of Eli anyway. But such a true statement. Every parent and player that loves football thinks they have the next NFL MVP, as any parent should. I have always told my son, win or lose, you are "my" superstar. But I never want any child hurt or put down at something they try so hard at. It's a sport, a game let's try and teach our kids the good side of nature and sportsmanship.
This is a TEAM sport.
launchpad4 Wrote:I think that the anonymous nature and the fact that you don't actually say things to people in a face to face conversation of blogs have made many people on here say things and act ways in which is irresponsible and ignorant. I believe that the anger that many bloggers show towards these KIDS is unbelievable. These are 14-18 year old children who go out and for the most part give it every thing they have despite how athletic or non-athletic they may be. The lack of responsibility that many people on here take in demeaning and demoralizing this kids in insane. We shouldn't let the nature of blogging cloud our judgement and morality of ourselves just because there is no reprocussion for what we say.
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Oh Yeah! You nailed this one.
Alot of times we forget the amount of time these kids sacrafice, the nagging injuries they play with and the late nights doing homework after practice. Some do it knowing that they will get very little if any playing time.

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