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McCain ad has "HANG" over obama!
A new Mccain ad which aired on none other than the right wing news outlet Fox, has the words H A N G over obamas head for a full second. The words where supposed to spell change, but the C and E where blackened out, supposedly by signs being held by supporters, but thats complete BS. I have a hard time believing no one noticed this before airing the ad, but it's is on fox, so I cant expect too much.

Link with video.

incident occurs at 15 seconds, look for the big letters in red, white and blue.
I mean are you serious? Who would notice this and who cares anyways..It is little things like this that are pointed out everyday from people looking to stir things up. I wish McCain would get on T.V. and say..TAKE IT HOW YOU WANT TO TAKE IT!

LOL!!! Taking whining to a whole new level...
Given the history of this country, particularly in the South, even if this is an accidental oversight, it's very unfortunate. Willie Horton. Republicans have tapped into racial fears and hatred before; they'll do it again.
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:I mean are you serious? Who would notice this and who cares anyways..It is little things like this that are pointed out everyday from people looking to stir things up. I wish McCain would get on T.V. and say..TAKE IT HOW YOU WANT TO TAKE IT!

Yes im serious, if this was the other way around, right wingers would be in a fit.

i just dont think there's anyway things like this can slip through by mistake.

I wish McCain would get on TV and say that also, it would end his chances at the white house.
thecavemaster Wrote:Given the history of this country, particularly in the South, even if this is an accidental oversight, it's very unfortunate. Willie Horton. Republicans have tapped into racial fears and hatred before; they'll do it again.

so true, and until they admit it, they will never get the Black vote. Even the right wing hero Regan was involved with some racial issues.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:so true, and until they admit it, they will never get the Black vote. Even the right wing hero Regan was involved with some racial issues.

1. Please spell his name right.
2. What issues are you talking about? Please give links.
jetpilot Wrote:1. Please spell his name right.
2. What issues are you talking about? Please give links.

One of the most memorable was the speech that started his presidential campaign in 1980. It was held in Neshoba County, Mississippi, where 3 civil rights workers where killed by white supremacist. The crowd was in the thousands, and was overwhelmingly, if not completely white. Some of the people involved in the murders where held in high regard in the town, and where being protected. While speaking at the fair, Reagan said he was for "state rights", which pretty much meant that if it came down to whites and blacks, he has with the whites. This was similar to 1964, when Goldwater made it known that he supported state rights, and was against the Civil rights act, Reagan came out and supported Goldwater. The GOP wanted to win the south by getting the white democratic vote, and they knew that in order to do this, they needed to say things that pleased the majority. And they done a good job of this.

Reagan also opposed the voting act of 1965, saying it was "humiliating to the south"

In 1966 while running for governor, Reagan opposed the California fair housing act by saying "If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house, it is his right to do so."

This carried over into his policies while in office. He eliminated or changed a lot of programs that primarily helped the poor, and black communities. While claiming to cut national spending, he done the opposite, and just widened the gap between the rich and poor, something the GOP is very good at.

Another issue that was very racial was the incident with Bob Jones university, which was practicing segregation. The university was filing a lawsuit because the IRS had denied them a tax exemption. Reagan sided with the university, and later said the issue wasn't presented to him as a civil rights issue. But that should have been obvious if he had just read about the issue. Reagan was ignorant to the fact that many "Christian" schools where still practicing segregation, which is typical of your out of touch GOP member.

I know that Reagan is held with high regard on the right, but he was really just an advocate for the white supremacist. This is why things like McCains ad, with the subliminal messages angers me.
I think it is making something out of nothing.... I don't think it was at all intentional.... no one could be that dumb. Did anyone see the ad he ran during Obama's speech congratulating him on the nomination? That was classy... IMO
Didn't the Republican party free the slaves. I'm only a history major now so correct me if I'm wrong but the Whig which is now the Republican party was the party of Lincoln and the party of African Americans until FDR. Now you can't say that Republicans are the party of hate which you imply since a majority of Southerners are registered Democrats. Owen you and I see eye to eye on some things, but this definately isn't it.
launchpad4 Wrote:Didn't the Republican party free the slaves. I'm only a history major now so correct me if I'm wrong but the Whig which is now the Republican party was the party of Lincoln and the party of African Americans until FDR. Now you can't say that Republicans are the party of hate which you imply since a majority of Southerners are registered Democrats. Owen you and I see eye to eye on some things, but this definately isn't it.

Are you suggesting that the major parties have not evolved, campaigns not changed, since the 1860's? I figure you would know, being a history major and all. Enlighten us.
PHS95 Wrote:I think it is making something out of nothing.... I don't think it was at all intentional.... no one could be that dumb. Did anyone see the ad he ran during Obama's speech congratulating him on the nomination? That was classy... IMO
Don't confuse "Class" with a political move.
DevilsWin Wrote:Don't confuse "Class" with a political move.

Why can I not point out a classy ad by McCain when others are making inane observations about an ad that I am quite certain was not meant to be offefnsive....

Besides that, I am sure I am more than capable of telling the difference between class and political moves, just as I am more than capable of telling you that I never said it wasn't political, but it was the most classy thing I have seen out of either candidate during this whole election.

By the way, what about a presidential campaign ISN'T political? Isn't that the nature of the beast? If it were an Obama ad, would you be acting as though it is an insignificant thing or would you be lavishing praise on him for putting aside all of the garbage for one night in order to be a decent human being?
PHS95 Wrote:Why can I not point out a classy ad by McCain when others are making inane observations about an ad that I am quite certain was not meant to be offefnsive....

Besides that, I am sure I am more than capable of telling the difference between class and political moves, just as I am more than capable of telling you that I never said it wasn't political, but it was the most classy thing I have seen out of either candidate during this whole election.

By the way, what about a presidential campaign ISN'T political? Isn't that the nature of the beast? If it were an Obama ad, would you be acting as though it is an insignificant thing or would you be lavishing praise on him for putting aside all of the garbage for one night in order to be a decent human being?

I'm a Yella Dawg Democrat no doubt but to suggest that anything said or done by either of these 2 candidates is pure politics and nothing less is ridiculous.

Things may appear to be Classy, Genuine and Honest when refering to each others personal character but there's always an alterior motive.

When they debate, we may get a glimpse into how much they hate each other!Smile
I didn't say it wasn't politics, but it showed class....
launchpad4 Wrote:Didn't the Republican party free the slaves. I'm only a history major now so correct me if I'm wrong but the Whig which is now the Republican party was the party of Lincoln and the party of African Americans until FDR. Now you can't say that Republicans are the party of hate which you imply since a majority of Southerners are registered Democrats. Owen you and I see eye to eye on some things, but this definately isn't it.

IMO history doesn't really apply to the current parties due the major realignment that occurred in the south during and after the civil rights movement. The south was solidly democratic, but things changed after the civil rights movement, and a lot of people in the GOP swung in to pick up the so called "Wallace voters". They knew that using racial undertones in their politics would win the south, and it has in almost every presidential election since 1972.

I never said that all republicans are racist, or use the hate filled tactics that many in the GOP do, but it's obvious that republicans have used racial talk to win the south.

I wont argue that the south was historically a solid stomping ground for the democratic party, and im sure the "racist vote" kept them in power.

While signing the civil rights act in 1964, LBJ predicted that the south would be lost for an entire generation, and he was pretty close, because it's been two generations, and the democrats have yet to regain much ground in the south.
PHS95 Wrote:Why can I not point out a classy ad by McCain when others are making inane observations about an ad that I am quite certain was not meant to be offefnsive....

Besides that, I am sure I am more than capable of telling the difference between class and political moves, just as I am more than capable of telling you that I never said it wasn't political, but it was the most classy thing I have seen out of either candidate during this whole election.

By the way, what about a presidential campaign ISN'T political? Isn't that the nature of the beast? If it were an Obama ad, would you be acting as though it is an insignificant thing or would you be lavishing praise on him for putting aside all of the garbage for one night in order to be a decent human being?

It was a classy move by McCain, but one classy move, surronded by numerous attack ads doesn't really balance out.

If Obama where to release an ad, that had hateful subliminal messages, accident or not, I would be furious with him, but I already am, because I hate his plan with clean coal.
And one classy move by the democrats, surrounded by numerous attacks wouldn't balance out either.... my point, really was, this is ALL political... but, to undecided voters who may have been watching that evening, it was a class move....
So none of the Reagan lovers on here are going to stand up to defend their racist hero?

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