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Jared Lorenzen Signs with Colts
I saw on the Lexington Herald web site that the Hefty Lefty will sign with the Colts today.

*Edited for spelling and grammar.
Woo hoo! Im glad he got signed and I think he can definitely take the 2nd string position away from Jim Sorgi.
Here's the link from KSR.
Thank God, now Sorgi will be back at 3rd string, this is a big help to the team.
This is awesome that Lorenzen got picked up but at the same time, I hate the Colts!!
MVP2 Wrote:This is awesome that Lorenzen got picked up but at the same time, I hate the Colts!!

I'm with you 110%!!!Big Grin
Looks like J-load will be playing a LOT this preseason.
Nice pickup for the Colts, Lorenzen will get a lot of playing time in the pre-season.
That would be something if he got two rings for just being backup. I wish he would work on some of his talents and be a starter.
Awesome news to hear.
Wow, it didn't take long for the former Wildcat to find a new home. Congratulations to the "Hefty Lefty":Thumbs:
Thank god, hopefully Woodson will be 2nd string for the G-men.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Looks like J-load will be playing a LOT this preseason.
i was thinking same thing.:rockon:
good team for him with peyton's knee he might get more pt that expected
PHS#1 Wrote:good team for him with peyton's knee he might get more pt that expected

I was thinking the same thing, if it wasn't for Sorgi being there for a long period of time and already knowing the system J-load would be starting pre-season games which he might start a few anyways.
Go colts.
we will find out sunday how much PT he gets the Colts play the Redskins hall of fame game 8:00pm.
rallo316 Wrote:we will find out sunday how much PT he gets the Colts play the Redskins hall of fame game 8:00pm.

what channel?
I still think he can beat out Sorgi for the backup position.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:what channel?
I am routing for J-Load.

Many people forget that his Junior year he was the highest rated passer in the SEC (over Eli Manning)
In the HOF game I didn't think J-Load did all that great. He was 12/21 for 93 yards and an interception. Quinn Gray, I think played the best out of any of the QBs and I think he'll have the backup position and Sorgi the third. I was also looking at the forums on the Colts website and almost everyone on there was saying that Lorenzen should get cut but I think its too hard to tell after 1 game...on a side note Mike Hart is a beast.
Brooks4Prez Wrote:I still think he can beat out Sorgi for the backup position.

Too bad he's only competing for 3rd with Quinn Gray, the loser of the battle is cut.

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