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14th in '09
Ok, so what is your opinions on the 14th region this year? whose top in there respective districts??
look for the lady cougars to be a sleeper team. With only one senior this year. They will be a team to watch out for..
Breathiit should lead pack, with LCC close by season's end.
How many seniors did the lady bobcats loose last year?
UKisN1 Wrote:Breathiit should lead pack, with LCC close by season's end.
Breathitt will miss the Shouse girl, and her strong 6'2 frame, a lot. I guess they will still be good, but it's hard to replace a player like her.
LCC should be tough to beat by season's end. Alot of young players in the mix. tough decisions by Coach Adams on who to play. That is a nice option though.
How many players did Perry County Central loose? This is my top 5 based on talent returing and only that.

1)Letcher County Central
2)Perry County Central
3)Breathidt County <--sorry about spelling. Don't give me detention.. Smile
4)Leslie Co
5)Estill Co
I think you should switch 2 and 3 around... Perry Central lost a lot last year.
1. Breathitt County
2. Knott Central
3. Estill County
4. Perry Central
5. Powell County
Don't see how you can leave LCC or Leslie Co out of top 5.
Leslie lost a lot and LCC will be young.
1. BHS( if can replace Shouse and Southwood)
2. LCC ( if young talent can step up)
3. KCC( need to find a replacement for Mosley)
4. PCC( young talent but hit hard by grad)
5. Leslie( didnt know who else to put here)
Overall I have to say a weak region, level of play is not very good after you get pass 1 and 2. Maybe some sleeper team will come out of 14th this year.
Breathitt Co. will be returning to Bowling Green...No doubt about that
NOble with foul trouble, or some type of injury, God forbid, and you never know.
Benchwarmer Wrote:1. Breathitt County
2. Knott Central
3. Estill County
4. Perry Central
5. Powell County

This looks good for the top 5 at season's start but at season's end it could be completely different. I believe Breathitt and KCC will be 1 and 2 at the end but Estill can easily drop out, PCC has a few players with experience but not leadership experience, Powell usually has a tough team and they could improve from starting at 5th but i don't see them being 1 or 2. Good luck to all the teams in the region though.
I am glad that LCC is getting no repect. That is just what them girls need to prove that in the next 5 years we are going to be a force in the 14th.
LCC's girls are to soft and unwilling to do what it takes to win. When the going gets tough, they lay down and look for excuses.
You better come watch them practice. I bet you would have a hard time making it.
Letcher Countians have always been my prey when it came to sports. I doubt much has changed in the past couple years. PCC will spank them and their so called all american 16 year old Freshmen to be.
listen, i have respect for PCC, and know they will always be good because of there coach. I do not think that they will get spank. It will be a good matchup, and a good game. Ladies cougars will be respected in the 14th region.
warmachine Wrote:Letcher Countians have always been my prey when it came to sports. I doubt much has changed in the past couple years. PCC will spank them and their so called all american 16 year old Freshmen to be.

Why are the freshman 16?
She was held back and her birthday comes after August 1.
So just one 8th grader held back?
Listen, if that happen, and I don't know if it did; that is between them and there parents. I don't know who all got held back.
Don't over look the hardest working coach in the 14th, McKinley down at Estill! If he gets/develops some talent, he will be hard to beat!
It's legal to hold kid's back, if that's what the kid and the parents choose to do. It doesn't matter if they are 16 as a freshman, as long as they turn 19 after August 1 of their senior year. If this girl is as talented as everyone says it looks like the family made a wise choice.
Several girls were held back in the LCC feeder system. All will be eligible to play 4 years of all sports.
If that is what the parents want to do then who are we to judge. If you wouldn't do that with your child then that is your choice.
cougarpride08 Wrote:If that is what the parents want to do then who are we to judge. If you wouldn't do that with your child then that is your choice.

Parents don't always know best: Shakespeare said, "You love not wisely, but too well." Also, the overall welfare of other students has to be considered in certain issues. Hold backs, for me, is a tough issue. If a group of players repeat the 8th grade, win the conference title playing against opponents a full year (or more) younger, what has been accomplished? In many conferences (Middle School) in central Kentucky, this is not permitted.
There are about 10 or more of the 16 year old freshmen. Personally I think the girls are pretty good but I think they are very over rated. The younger girls will catch up with them soon enough talent wise.

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