07-03-2005, 02:42 AM
I think South Floyd and Pburg should play against eachother..That would be some good competition!!! They def. need to play one another this up coming season!!
07-03-2005, 03:07 AM
Hahaha....Pburg would kill them.
07-03-2005, 03:38 AM
Good competition? Which football programs have you been watching?
Yes SF won some games last year, but look at their schedule. Pburg would run/pass/do anything to SF that they wanted to do. It would be a 50+ victory by the Blackcats IMHO. 8)
Yes SF won some games last year, but look at their schedule. Pburg would run/pass/do anything to SF that they wanted to do. It would be a 50+ victory by the Blackcats IMHO. 8)
07-03-2005, 01:12 PM
I agree.. Pburg would win by a lot
07-05-2005, 10:59 PM
total domination
07-07-2005, 07:38 PM
there would be no chance in hell that sf could even come close 2 beatin p-burg..p-burg would toss sf around like they were nothing..

07-08-2005, 12:43 AM
only because they graduated one of the best classes last year with osbourne and CO.
07-09-2005, 02:16 AM
i think p-burg will do good this upcoming season also..they have alot of experienced players coming back such as shaffer, peters, hamilton
07-09-2005, 02:22 PM
this is true, did the running back and quarterback from SF graduate last year?
07-09-2005, 02:52 PM
Osbourne graduated form sf and is going on to play at Union. I'd like the see the two play however I'm with everyone else...P-burg would kill them!
07-11-2005, 04:33 PM
Well in the future they may play... but i doubt they would schedule SF, usualy P-burg schedules tough teams and teams that they have to play
07-15-2005, 09:32 PM
johnson the qb is coming back for sf
07-21-2005, 09:20 PM
shaffer is the qb 4 p-burg so there is no competition between johnson and shaffer..shaffer would would make johnson look bad :wink: [/Sub][/Rainbow]
07-23-2005, 03:16 PM
lol p-burg would make em' look bad in proably just about every aspect of the game....
12-17-2006, 07:12 PM
12-17-2006, 07:51 PM
i think it would be a great chance for both teams
12-17-2006, 10:33 PM
P'Burg would have their way with SF.
12-18-2006, 01:08 AM
P'burg by a lot
12-18-2006, 03:25 AM
spiker_chick Wrote:I think South Floyd and Pburg should play against eachother..That would be some good competition!!! They def. need to play one another this up coming season!!
Honestly what were you thinking when u posted this. I know that everybody has there own opion but, why post somthing like this.
12-18-2006, 03:57 PM
If you want to start a new thread about this go for it but Im going to close this one because there is information in it that no longer is correct because it's over a year old.
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