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01-17-2005, 08:28 PM
Hey, Im alfus21 as most of you already know me as a longstanding member of bgp under the same name...
This website is an awesome idea and I look foward to watching it grow
This website is an awesome idea and I look foward to watching it grow
01-17-2005, 08:48 PM
Welcome Alf, Maybe we can get along better on
01-17-2005, 10:05 PM
Naa...prob not bballer...I know it wouldnt be the same if he and I got along

01-18-2005, 01:36 PM
01-18-2005, 10:12 PM
"Beef" Wrote:Naa...prob not bballer...I know it wouldnt be the same if he and I got alongTrue, It just wouldnt be any fun...Just Playing with ya alfus
01-19-2005, 03:10 AM
Wilkommen. Glad you've joined us on here now Alf.
01-19-2005, 09:47 PM
Welcome to BGR!
01-20-2005, 03:21 AM
Welcome Alfus. Guess we get to continue our disagreements here.

01-26-2005, 01:01 AM
Gah funny thing about this is, everybody is talking about how they disagree with me! haha
Boy I must be a fun guy to argue with...
Boy I must be a fun guy to argue with...
01-26-2005, 01:32 AM
Welcome to BGR!!!! Have fun and post away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...and tell some more people about BGR!!!!
01-26-2005, 02:31 AM
Well Alf, I will have to say that I usually agree with most of your posts, nice to have you over.
01-26-2005, 11:29 PM
Glad to have you here Alfus...Thanks for joining
01-27-2005, 09:08 PM
Welcome to BGR alfus
02-21-2005, 09:28 PM
02-21-2005, 11:58 PM
wut up alfus
02-22-2005, 04:43 PM
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