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My mom is having back surgery today in Lexington. She ruptured a disk in her back and the one above it is bad, too. Hopefully the surgery will go well.
I'll pray for her Cali
she will in our prayers cali
she will be ok... i bet on it.
She will in our prayers cali
Thanks everyone! The surgery went well and she should be home tomorrow! Hopefully everything will be okay!
Great, glad everything was ok
Cali, tell your mom I said to get well soon. She's been slacking on her job. Besides, while she's been out I haven't had anyone to aggravate. Smile
Glad to hear everything went okay.. I will be praying for her
Great News
Im glad she is OK
BTW Doc, Happy Bday! Confusedhock:
I am glad that everything went alright, I am wishing her a full and speedy recovery!

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