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Matney Suspended, JCHS on Probation
DALE Wrote:I've heard 3 different schools: Paintsville, Sheldon Clark, and Lawrence Co. were the ones that reported them. I do not believe that the KHSAA has a written document out there saying who it was or wasn't, so right now it's just pure speculation. It is ironic that the house in question on the transfer was the neighbor to long time Paintsville principal Boyd. The fact is that no school will openly admit who done what and everyone is going on either their pure biased opinion or some he said-she said stuff. The only thing that matters is that JC got caught with their hand in the cookie jar before dinner, got their hand smacked and will move on. JC football definately has brighter days ahead.

Could it be that Boyd's motive wasn't school related but directed at Matney himself? Seems like I heard there was a disagreement over some property Boyd wanted to buy, but Matney wouldn't sell. Not entirely sure of specifics though.
BballFan63 Wrote:Could it be that Boyd's motive wasn't school related but directed at Matney himself? Seems like I heard there was a disagreement over some property Boyd wanted to buy, but Matney wouldn't sell. Not entirely sure of specifics though.

First I've ever heard of that and I'm sure there are 100 other reasons why people think it could've been Paintsville, SC, or LC. But I think the finger pointing should stop until there is factual evidence that a "particular" school was the one that reported it. Instead of pointing the finger at everyone else they should point it at themselves and move on. It was a minimal set back at most if anything at all, it didn't take away any W's and it didn't take their playoff eligibility.
BballFan63 Wrote:Could it be that Boyd's motive wasn't school related but directed at Matney himself? Seems like I heard there was a disagreement over some property Boyd wanted to buy, but Matney wouldn't sell. Not entirely sure of specifics though.
Why does everyone think it was Paintsville as a school ststem?
Boyd was asked to testify as a witness because he was a neighbor. But he really could give a rat's patootie about the whole situation. I have heard that it was PHS, SCHS, LCHS and even a JCHS parent that made the initial claim. Does anyone on here actually know for sure or is it just speculation? Be honest, and if you don't have proof, then either produce it, or just admit that it is rumored.
The Guru Wrote:Why does everyone think it was Paintsville as a school ststem?
Boyd was asked to testify as a witness because he was a neighbor. But he really could give a rat's patootie about the whole situation. I have heard that it was PHS, SCHS, LCHS and even a JCHS parent that made the initial claim. Does anyone on here actually know for sure or is it just speculation? Be honest, and if you don't have proof, then either produce it, or just admit that it is rumored.
I'll admit the part about the land - I'm not sure about. It has been talked about, but I don't have proof. I actually haven't gone looking for proof. But now, Guru, you seem pretty level headed, and you know that usually there's some level of truth behind every thing. Why are you so adamant that Boyd "doesn't care"? The statement that he was only called "as a witness because he lived there" may be true. But, then again, maybe it isn't.

No matter what, I think you will agree with me (I hope) that Matney and the school should receive some punishment, but the boys should not.
BballFan63 Wrote:I'll admit the part about the land - I'm not sure about. It has been talked about, but I don't have proof. I actually haven't gone looking for proof. But now, Guru, you seem pretty level headed, and you know that usually there's some level of truth behind every thing. Why are you so adamant that Boyd "doesn't care"? The statement that he was only called "as a witness because he lived there" may be true. But, then again, maybe it isn't.

No matter what, I think you will agree with me (I hope) that Matney and the school should receive some punishment, but the boys should not.

That pretty much sums it up. The kids just went out and played and IMO their hands are clean. Coaches and school adminastrators are held to a higher standard and they should be since they are adults.
BballFan63 Wrote:I'll admit the part about the land - I'm not sure about. It has been talked about, but I don't have proof. I actually haven't gone looking for proof. But now, Guru, you seem pretty level headed, and you know that usually there's some level of truth behind every thing. Why are you so adamant that Boyd "doesn't care"? The statement that he was only called "as a witness because he lived there" may be true. But, then again, maybe it isn't.

No matter what, I think you will agree with me (I hope) that Matney and the school should receive some punishment, but the boys should not.

Have you ever met Grayson Boyd? If you had it would be self explanitory! LOL

Yes, Coach Matney and the administration should be punnished and I think they are being punished. I really don't know why we are discussing it, unless we think the punishment was either too harsh, or not harsh enough.
But most of the JC people want to shift blame across the creek here which is what perplexes me. That is the only reason I got on this thread to begin with.
The same newspaper article I talked about earlier said that Boyd was compelled to testify. Guru stated that "Boyd was asked to testify as a witness because he was a neighbor." Which one is it, and can the KHSAA compel any citizen to testify about anything. My MATH isnt very good because these statements just dont add up. :blondetea
livewire220 Wrote:The same newspaper article I talked about earlier said that Boyd was compelled to testify. Guru stated that "Boyd was asked to testify as a witness because he was a neighbor." Which one is it, and can the KHSAA compel any citizen to testify about anything. My MATH isnt very good because these statements just dont add up. :blondetea

Compelled, asked, what does it matter?
JCHS accepted the fact that they were wrong! They are accepting responsibility for their actions!
If the School system acknowledges that they were in the wrong, regardless of how they got caught, then why can't their fans accept it? They can't because they have to have someone to blame! That's why! They (the fans) want to blame everything on someone else. Just realize that ALL SCHOOL SYSTEMS MAKE MISTAKES EVEN YOURS AND MOVE ON!
But so n so did this and so n so did that.....give me and the rest of the world a break!Rolleyes
The Guru Wrote:Have you ever met Grayson Boyd? If you had it would be self explanitory! LOL

Yes, Coach Matney and the administration should be punnished and I think they are being punished. I really don't know why we are discussing it, unless we think the punishment was either too harsh, or not harsh enough.
But most of the JC people want to shift blame across the creek here which is what perplexes me. That is the only reason I got on this thread to begin with.

You misunderstand me. I'm not shifting blame. Matney and the school should be punished; i'm not arguing that. We did wrong; we should be reprimanded. Is it harsh enough? Yes, for a first time offense. You will probably disagree, but it's not in our hands.

And, yes, I have met Mr. Boyd and spoken with him on several occasions. With that being said, it still wouldn't surprise me if the accusations against him turned out to be true. Whether I knew him or not had nothing to do with my belief about the truth. We probably won't ever know the whole truth, and that's ok. We, as a school and community, need to learn from it and move on.
BballFan63 Wrote:You misunderstand me. I'm not shifting blame. Matney and the school should be punished; i'm not arguing that. We did wrong; we should be reprimanded. Is it harsh enough? Yes, for a first time offense. You will probably disagree, but it's not in our hands.

And, yes, I have met Mr. Boyd and spoken with him on several occasions. With that being said, it still wouldn't surprise me if the accusations against him turned out to be true. Whether I knew him or not had nothing to do with my belief about the truth. We probably won't ever know the whole truth, and that's ok. We, as a school and community, need to learn from it and move on.
I am sorry but I wasn't refering to you on shifting blame, you are one of the few that actually understand most about this and I truly respect that. Boyd is not one to go out on a limb to even help his own school, let alone go out against another school! That is just the way he is.
The Guru Wrote:I am sorry but I wasn't refering to you on shifting blame, you are one of the few that actually understand most about this and I truly respect that. Boyd is not one to go out on a limb to even help his own school, let alone go out against another school! That is just the way he is.

Then I obviously don't know him as well as you.
I knew I liked you for a reason. See you tonight.
The Guru Wrote:Compelled, asked, what does it matter?
JCHS accepted the fact that they were wrong! They are accepting responsibility for their actions!
If the School system acknowledges that they were in the wrong, regardless of how they got caught, then why can't their fans accept it? They can't because they have to have someone to blame! That's why! They (the fans) want to blame everything on someone else. Just realize that ALL SCHOOL SYSTEMS MAKE MISTAKES EVEN YOURS AND MOVE ON!
But so n so did this and so n so did that.....give me and the rest of the world a break!Rolleyes

I believe it matters a whole lot. If JCHS violated the rules they should be punished. If the student did something wrong then there should be consequences. Others have said it on here, there must not have been a whole lot there or the punishment would have been a whole lot more. I don't know the ins outs and so ons but sounds to me like two different messages are coming from either you or Mr. Boyd. Its like trying to have your cake and eat it to, you just can't do that. As far as JCHS accepting they were wrong, I bet they just saw it as the lesser of two evils. Yes, my high school has made mistakes. We fought the KHSAA in the past, we one the battle but lost the war. This is probably why there is such an uproar by the public schools across the state, no matter what they do they feel they can't win. (See the basketball thread regarding the officiating scandal.)
If every single kid on JCHS football team is there rightfully and legally, there are still going to be accussations made regardless because there are several kids on that team (and extremely good players at that) that originated either in elementary, middle, or high school in other school districts. JCHS needs to understand that is a part of it.
We have a large number of our kids who go to Johnson County for school. From grade school to high school they and Paintsville attract a bunch.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Perhaps just young and very naive.

Naive, NO, misinformed, YES. All I have heard from both JC and PHS alum that I talk to is it was our county neighbors up north.
MCDADDY Wrote:If every single kid on JCHS football team is there rightfully and legally, there are still going to be accussations made regardless because there are several kids on that team (and extremely good players at that) that originated either in elementary, middle, or high school in other school districts. JCHS needs to understand that is a part of it.

The same can be said about almost every high school in the state of KY.
Redneck Wrote:Naive, NO, misinformed, YES. All I have heard from both JC and PHS alum that I talk to is it was our county neighbors up north.

well if your referring to who i think you are i had heard the same thing as well from a board member @ paintsville...he wasnt 100% sure either but he did mention that...
livewire220 Wrote:I believe it matters a whole lot. If JCHS violated the rules they should be punished. If the student did something wrong then there should be consequences. Others have said it on here, there must not have been a whole lot there or the punishment would have been a whole lot more. I don't know the ins outs and so ons but sounds to me like two different messages are coming from either you or Mr. Boyd. Its like trying to have your cake and eat it to, you just can't do that. As far as JCHS accepting they were wrong, I bet they just saw it as the lesser of two evils. Yes, my high school has made mistakes. We fought the KHSAA in the past, we one the battle but lost the war. This is probably why there is such an uproar by the public schools across the state, no matter what they do they feel they can't win. (See the basketball thread regarding the officiating scandal.)

Give one good reason it would matter how the KHSAA got their information that JCHS had violated rule? You say it matters a whole lot, so let's hear why.
Why do you say IF? JCHS did violate a minor rule, and have received an appropriate punishment. Why are you making this out as me and Mr. Boyd against JCHS? That is stupid!
Actually, 90% of your post is absolutely pointless.
OMG Wrote:well if your referring to who i think you are i had heard the same thing as well from a board member @ paintsville...he wasnt 100% sure either but he did mention that...

I'm referrin to a bunch of people...
The Guru Wrote:Give one good reason it would matter how the KHSAA got their information that JCHS had violated rule? You say it matters a whole lot, so let's hear why.
Why do you say IF? JCHS did violate a minor rule, and have received an appropriate punishment. Why are you making this out as me and Mr. Boyd against JCHS? That is stupid!
Actually, 90% of your post is absolutely pointless.

I could care less about you, PHS, or JCHS. You obviously didn't read my posts very well, you just assume I am for one particular side. All I have said is that in any situation whether it be a person running their mouth on the playground or someone making a claim in a court of law is that the accused have the right to face their accusers. No one else needs to know and especially no one on here. I have stated only what has been said or quoted in the newspapers.
Redneck Wrote:I'm referrin to a bunch of people...

livewire220 Wrote:I could care less about you, PHS, or JCHS. You obviously didn't read my posts very well, you just assume I am for one particular side. All I have said is that in any situation whether it be a person running their mouth on the playground or someone making a claim in a court of law is that the accused have the right to face their accusers. No one else needs to know and especially no one on here. I have stated only what has been said or quoted in the newspapers.

It doesn't work like that.
Plain and simple. When you are dealing with the KHSAA you have no rights.
Redneck Wrote:It wasn't Paintsville. Unlike JC, Paintsville don't care what the other is doin across the creek, that's the way it's always been and always will be.

this is crap ive went to both schools and played for both programs...paintsvilles major talk in the "coaches office" (more like a closet) is who or what is happening across the mighty paint creek
JCMADMAN99 Wrote:this is crap ive went to both schools and played for both programs...paintsvilles major talk in the "coaches office" (more like a closet) is who or what is happening across the mighty paint creek

id doubt unless you were on the staff you would have heard any of that talk, thats to say that kind of talk even happened...they really dont talk about it hardly at if any...granted they keep up with their season like most teams do with their rivals but thats as far as it goes...
JCMADMAN99 Wrote:this is crap ive went to both schools and played for both programs...paintsvilles major talk in the "coaches office" (more like a closet) is who or what is happening across the mighty paint creek

Rolleyes I'm still tryin to figure out when you ever played at Paintsville. You were at Paintsville when, 2 years ago, when Coach Runyon was at the helm?
Redneck Wrote:Rolleyes I'm still tryin to figure out when you ever played at Paintsville. You were at Paintsville when, 2 years ago, when Coach Runyon was at the helm?

im thinking the 99 is his graduation year
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Hey you danged well if there is anybody in this town that could spill beans it is me. But you also know danged well I dont operate like that, but I do admire your gallantry.Smile

I'll betcha a dollar to a doughnut you aint spilled the beans on everything you know either. Wanna make that bet?Big Grin

Mr. Kimball, I've heard too many coaches and school administrators say a similar thing: that they know of specific violations but that they are not willing to spill the beans; to report violations of their coaching friends. Don't you think that is part of the problem? People see this stuff going on, don't report it thus permitting it to continue to occur, and then other people start rationalizing that if "they are going to do it, I am too".

Its really kind of hard for anyone (and I'm not directing this specifically to you) to allege the private schools or other public schools cheat or have advantages, when the same people making those allegations are themselves aware of their school cheating and fail to report it.
OMG Wrote:im thinking the 99 is his graduation year

I'm thinkin he's still in school...
I am not so sure if JCHS might be the one that caused them to get caught. I do know that a lot of discussion was taking place in the pond creek area about this kid by his family to many people way prior to it ever coming out. I guess sometimes it is better to keep things on the down low! I truly don’t think it matters who or what school reported them. A little less pointing of fingers would be a good start since we have very little proof of who did it. They broke the rules and now they suffer the consequences which I think is very light for what it could have been. It happened and we must move on. This will continues to be a successful program with Matney. We all know that he is very capable of understanding this game and getting wins. :mad:
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
BelfryJustice Wrote:I am not so sure if JCHS might be the one that caused them to get caught. I do know that a lot of discussion was taking place in the pond creek area about this kid by his family to many people way prior to it ever coming out. I guess sometimes it is better to keep things on the down low! I truly don’t think it matters who or what school reported them. A little less pointing of fingers would be a good start since we have very little proof of who did it. They broke the rules and now they suffer the consequences which I think is very light for what it could have been. It happened and we must move on. This will continues to be a successful program with Matney. We all know that he is very capable of understanding this game and getting wins. :mad:


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