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Matney Suspended, JCHS on Probation
Johnson Central head coach Jim Matney has been suspended for the first two games while the team has been placed on probation by the KHSAA. The team will still be eligible for post season play.
When and where did you hear this Redneck?
DALE Wrote:When and where did you hear this Redneck?

here is the link Dale.
DALE Wrote:When and where did you hear this Redneck?

The 6:00 news on WYMT. It's on their website, check it out.
Looks like they were caught for breaking two bylaws. #6-Transfer and #10-Recruitment, how or who was not released in Batpuff's link.
A mild slap on the wrist IMO. Not really big news.
wooderson Wrote:A mild slap on the wrist IMO. Not really big news.

i agree how are they still eligible to play in the post season thats rediculus
wooderson Wrote:A mild slap on the wrist IMO. Not really big news.

Really. What in the **** does "probation" mean if they are still postseason eligible?
Redneck Wrote:Really. What in the **** does "probation" mean if they are still postseason eligible?

Meaning that any further infractions would result in loss of postseason play, fines, etc. One must understand that this type of "violation" takes place throughout the state(private and public) and until the KHSAA lowers the boom on one of these programs it will continue. Not making JC the goat here because they are one of the many who have been caught but rest assured they wont be the last.
Matney is and always has been a win at all costs coach. They have fired so many coaches over there for reasons unknown. Will they fire him for obvious reasons??
Lexington Christian was handed down some pretty stiff penalties for basically the same thing. I think the reason the penalty was so minimal was because Coach Matney said it was basically "a rule misinterpretation."
well he knew what he was saying...and he knew the whole time it was wrong and he still did it...he's just too arrogant to stop doing it, and he'll probably continue to do it...khsaa just sent a real good message to all the schools that do everything right huh? this is really a shame thats all that happened to them..
Anyone know who reported the "infractions"?
20/20 Wrote:Anyone know who reported the "infractions"?

I would hope that the KHSAA would keep that information private.
Yes, just about everyone knows who reported them.
Please note that this thread is being watched. Unless it is made public absolutely NO NAMES are to be mentioned concerning the "reporting" of the infractions.

**Rumors are NOT considered public knowledge**

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
For the individual maybe, but not for the kids. Why on Earth should kids be punished for a mistake made by their head coach? If anyone should be punished it should be the coach and whoever knew that it was going on. I will say this, it is very possible for anyone to misunderstand many rules such as the transfer rule. The language used in the bylaws are garbage from the 1600's. So much "where because", "whom therefore before" crap it isn't funny. I know most newspapers are written to be literate for someone with the reading level of a 4th grader. Maybe they should try the same instead of someone needing a dang PhD in Philosophy to understand what the **** they are talking about.
20/20 Wrote:Anyone know who reported the "infractions"?

FINAL WARNING::::Please do NOT post any names!!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
DALE Wrote:For the individual maybe, but not for the kids. Why on Earth should kids be punished for a mistake made by their head coach? If anyone should be punished it should be the coach and whoever knew that it was going on. I will say this, it is very possible for anyone to misunderstand many rules such as the transfer rule. The language used in the bylaws are garbage from the 1600's. So much "where because", "whom therefore before" crap it isn't funny. I know most newspapers are written to be literate for someone with the reading level of a 4th grader. Maybe they should try the same instead of someone needing a dang PhD in Philosophy to understand what the **** they are talking about.

Right on Dale. JC didn't really bend the rules and ya'll dont know half the story so i dont think you can make these judgements based on your know-nothin status. Coach Matney is in no danger of being fired and this will only be a minor set back fo the Golden Eagles.
OMG Wrote:well he knew what he was saying...and he knew the whole time it was wrong and he still did it...he's just too arrogant to stop doing it, and he'll probably continue to do it...khsaa just sent a real good message to all the schools that do everything right huh? this is really a shame thats all that happened to them..

Im willing to wager that you have never played for Coach Matney and until you have you cant say he's too "arrogant". And JC didnt break any major rules so why destroy a whole season over absolutely nothing?
JC should just do like Prestonsburg and get one of their judges to strike down the KHSAA ruling.
OMG Wrote:well he knew what he was saying...and he knew the whole time it was wrong and he still did it...he's just too arrogant to stop doing it, and he'll probably continue to do it...khsaa just sent a real good message to all the schools that do everything right huh? this is really a shame thats all that happened to them..

Matney is not arrogant. He would never purposely do something to jeapordize the school, players, or his own coaching postion.
Yeah really if they recruited they shouldn't be aloud to play in the's bull****.
phs1986 Wrote:FINAL WARNING::::Please do NOT post any names!!!!

Don't worry. We know who did it but we also know the rules of this website. Rivals is too much fun to risk losing membership.
THOMCAT Wrote:Don't worry. We know who did it but we also know the rules of this website. Rivals is too much fun to risk losing membership.

brotherinarms Wrote:Im willing to wager that you have never played for Coach Matney and until you have you cant say he's too "arrogant". And JC didnt break any major rules so why destroy a whole season over absolutely nothing?

he's very arrogant, ive been around enough to know that...and when did i ever say it was a bad thing..most coaches are very arrogant, its just apart of their personality...i was simply implying that him being as arrogant as he is, whatever happened i think imo he will continue to do...maybe your definition of arrogant and mine are different but if you played for him than you know him better than i do....
DALE Wrote:Lexington Christian was handed down some pretty stiff penalties for basically the same thing. I think the reason the penalty was so minimal was because Coach Matney said it was basically "a rule misinterpretation."

does any one know if lex christian is eligible for the playoffs next season. and if any know any info fill me in?
OMG Wrote:he's very arrogant, ive been around enough to know that...and when did i ever say it was a bad thing..most coaches are very arrogant, its just apart of their personality...i was simply implying that him being as arrogant as he is, whatever happened i think imo he will continue to do...maybe your definition of arrogant and mine are different but if you played for him than you know him better than i do....

Ive put in 7 seasons under Coach Matney...4 football and 3 wrestling...I thought you were making a derrogatory comment
The sad part is that we live in a society of double standards. A transfer could be declared ineligible because of an invalid address (turning in an address on paperwork and deciding to live elsewhere within the county) while another transfer could get a house within a school district and never move and drive to their new school from their old address and be eligible. We have heard horror stories all our life that a player, coach or school did this or that. The sad part is that most of us never know the whole story and probably never will.

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