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Fantasy Baseball?
So, anyone up for a good BGR league? I'll set one thru ESPN if any one is interested. I prefer ESPN, it has more interactive features and info than Yahoo. Message board, chat room, trophies, polls, etc. 12, 16, or 20 teams would be ideal. Seen no one had mentioned one yet, so thought I would throw it out there. This would be an active league, not one that would jus slide off the burner in the first couple weeks. Head-2-Head, playoffs, couple of creative ideas about the draft and other things, to keep it from being like the norm and get boring.
I'm up for it man, is it free?
Yeah. If we have some interest, I will work on couple prizes for like the Final 4 teams in the playoffs, maybe like a MLB hat, T shirt, stuff like that. Sumthin bigger for the Champion. We'll bump this thread till like the weekend, or until we get a max of 20, if we can get that many. I really enjoy ESPN's fantasy games and think alot of others that have not played there before, will also.
Yeah I enjoy the ESPN games to, only ones I have really played is Football and Basketball once, looking forward to seeing how Baseball is.
Lets set it up.
Count me in!
So we have four now, do you have or want a certain number of members to join?
I will set it at 16 teams. 4 in each division. Surely we can get that many baseball people out of all the members on here. We can go ahead and create the league page now, then as soon we get 4 teams joined, I can make the divisions and such. I'll get to it here in a few mins, and be back with invites and password and such. Standard roster? Like 1 each field position, 1 DH, 5 starting pitchers, 5 or so relievers, and about 10 bench players? Also, what about playoffs? Prefer 6 teams with top 2 getting byes, or 8 teams and no byes?
I think 6 teams and 2 getting a bye on the playoff system.
Yeah I like the 6 team deal with the 2 getting byes, that would work.
Ok, I got the league ready. ESPN only lets ya send out invites thru email for private leagues, so we will have to leave email addy's here or PM me with it, either one. Dont worry, I won't stalk ya after I get ya email. If ya dont have an ESPN account yet, ya will have to create one, but it only takes like 2 mins. After that, go to the email invite I will send, and ya can join thru the link provided. Any you guys know anyone on here that may want to play, let em know, cause I know not everyone checks the Pro Sports forum. We have 4 now, so need just 12 more. Shouldnt be too hard.
Below, i will post the scoring methods and points for each category. 20 categories for position players and 20 for pitchers.
Also, tentatively set live draft for Sun March 2nd at 7:15, or 7:45, can't remember now. Sunday evenings are usually best for most people. If ya cant make it, it will always auto draft for ya by position ranking.
Batting--- Singles (1B)1 --Doubles (2B)2 --Triples (3B)3 --Home Runs (HR)4 --Total Bases (TB)1 --Walks (BB)1.5 --Runs Scored ®1 --Runs Batted In (RBI)2 --Stolen Bases (SB)1 --Strikeouts (K)-2 --Caught Stealing (CS)-2 --Ground into Double Plays (GIDP)-3 --Grand Slam Home Runs (GSHR)7 --Game Winning RBI (GWRBI)3 --Sacrifices (SAC)1 --Extra Base Hits (XBH)2 --Double Plays Turned (DPT)3 --Errors (E)-2 --Outfield Assists (OFAST)2 --Put Outs (PO)1
Pitching--- Innings Pitched (IP)3 --Earned Runs (ER)-2 --Wins (W)10-- Losses (L)-5 --Saves (SV)5 --Blown Saves (BS)-5 --Strikeouts (K)2 --Hits Allowed (H)-1 --Walks Issued (BB)-1.5 --Shutouts (SO)15 --Hit Batsmen (HB)-3 --Quality Starts (QS)5 --Home Runs Allowed (HRA)-3 --Holds (HD)3 --Complete Games (CG)10 --No Hitters (NH)30 --Perfect Games (PG)50 --Wild Pitches (WP)-2 --Team Win (PTW)5 --Team Loss (PTL)-3
30 total spots (20 starters / 10 bench spots) plus 5 Disabled List spots
Batters (10)
1 C
1 1B
1 2B
1 3B
1 SS
1 LF
1 CF
1 RF
1 DH
1 Util (any position)
Pitchers (10)
5 Starting Pitchers
5 Relief Pitchers
Reserves (10)
Any 10 positions

5 Disabled list spots
Strikeout King a BGR member as well said he would join.
Count me in.
Count me in as well.
Count me in to.
Anymore room left in the league, been looking for somewhere to play. LMK and I'll go sign up.
Yeah, we have about 10 of the 16 spots reserved, so got a few openings left. PM me your email addy and I'll send ya the invite.
And for anyone else that may wanna play.
Count me in. Just let me know what is goin on.
Live or Auto Draft???
Live. Its set for Mar 2 at 7:15 right now, I think. Anyone that hasnt received an invite that wants in, let me know. I think I have gotten to everyone that has PM'd me their email addy's. BlueBlur and bassmaster, your invites will be sent this evening sometime.
We got 12 out of the 16 spots filled. Anyone else?
Reminder guys, the live draft is set for this Sunday at 7:15pm. May wanna check in a few mins early to make sure your PC will run the draft software correctly. I think the "war room" opens up an hour before the draft starts, to chat and talk some trash about how bad the Yankees are gonna destroy teams this year, and other things.
Still 4 spots left, if anyone wants in. Draft Sunday nite at 7:15.
Hey set me up I will do it.

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