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What is wrong with JBS?
Can the Crusaders recover in time for the tounamnet. Is Cox's injury the end of the run for JBS. Are the wrong players shooting to much. What is the answer.
too many guns not enough bullets
Since no one is going to say this im going to....the reason for JBS losing these 3 straight games is because of the so called best player around Clark Stepp...he is taking two many bad shots and tries to do to much and at times is a bad ball hog....unitl he plays to the pontiental we all know he can play to and pass the ball and be the great player he can be then JBS will still lose to teams they should beat easily...
There's obviously a lot wrong with JBS, even their die-hard fans aren't defending them any more.

Maybe reality has set in. Maybe JBS has played 'over their heads' all season. But still, have they won any game they weren't supposed to win this year? They've sure lost several that they weren't supposed to lose.

Maybe the handwriting is on the wall......some key seniors are reaching the end of their high school careers....and in a way that they weren't expecting. Now it becomes a struggle to get out of their district.
Simple as this...Clark needs to realize he is not the superstar he thinks he is. he does take way too many bad shots and is the worst ball hog i have ever seen. Hopefully Cox will get back to 100% and rescue this team before tournament time.
alckuckler03 Wrote:Simple as this...Clark needs to realize he is not the superstar he thinks he is. he does take way too many bad shots and is the worst ball hog i have ever seen. Hopefully Cox will get back to 100% and rescue this team before tournament time.
I agree with you 100%

alckuckler03 Wrote:Simple as this...Clark needs to realize he is not the superstar he thinks he is. he does take way too many bad shots and is the worst ball hog i have ever seen. Hopefully Cox will get back to 100% and rescue this team before tournament time.
I agree. IMO this goes to show you that the best player on this team is Cox and not Stepp. They have completely fallin apart without him.
UnderArmour24 Wrote:I agree. IMO this goes to show you that the best player on this team is Cox and not Stepp. They have completely fallin apart without him.

I agree
A lot of people said this team would fall apart in 3 years when Cox had graduated, looks like 3 years crept up a little fast on them, didn't expect Cox to go down, hope JBS can pull it back together.
SpyDa Wrote:too many guns not enough bullets

Yeah I agree:Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs:
UnderArmour24 Wrote:I agree. IMO this goes to show you that the best player on this team is Cox and not Stepp. They have completely fallin apart without him.

JBS is 0-2 with the return of Cox.
tubetop Wrote:JBS is 0-2 with the return of Cox.

Hes not fully recoverd yet....the games he was out...clark got used to taking every shot down the court
LIPS Wrote:Since no one is going to say this im going to....the reason for JBS losing these 3 straight games is because of the so called best player around Clark Stepp...he is taking two many bad shots and tries to do to much and at times is a bad ball hog....unitl he plays to the pontiental we all know he can play to and pass the ball and be the great player he can be then JBS will still lose to teams they should beat easily...

I think there is some truth to this post but i dont think its entirely the above mentioned players fault. I think he is actualy a very talented kid but has been improperly coached. Too much imphasis has been put on a 25 point per game average, and alot of very important fundamental aspects of the game like assists, conditioning and defense have been put on the back burner. I think the coaching staff are doing their best to help him pad the stats and look good for the scouts but are actualy being very detremintal to his game. Even with all this, I am confident that he will get it back together soon.
I agree with post # 13. I think Clark Stepp is a good player, but the most important thing to the coaches is padding his stats and making him look better than he is & this at the expense of the team as a whole. As I previously stated the only thing I see that has changed is the leaving of the assistant athletic director & the headmaster. What effect could this possiblely have on the basketball team?
Hey, doesn't nearly every team have a Stepp? Hot one night and cold the next and overcompensates nearly every play because he has trust issues.
Hey, doesn't nearly all teams have a senior who overcompensates because he has trust issues, always seems to be that overconfident, cocky point guard that gets their head blown up and sabatoges plays because the others just can't execute. Layoff Clark Stepp he is a product of this game and is certainly not the only player in the 14th region who has these faults.
They are coached by Stepps, ran by Stepps, and have Stepps on the team. That pretty much sums it up right there. Even though the Stepps are known for great stats they are not really knwn for wins. Ervin may have lead the state/country in scoring, but he wasn't exactley great in the Wins-Loss column.

Some one should ask him how the Kentucky vs Indiana All Star Game went his senior year.
Post 17-what do u mean?
The thing about it is, Cox should not even attempt to come back this year and let his injury heal! The boy has a future after high school and is being rushed to play for reasons that we all know, but I will not mention! Anyways, the best of Luck.
Cox is definitely not 100%, but with all the talent on this team they should still not be losing. They just need to realize they need to play as a team. Collins, Short, Clint Stepp, and Hall can give Clark a lot of help if he would let them. I think after 3 losses in a row, they might start to realize that their are more than one person that needs to take the shots, because as most have seen, Clark doesn't have all that great of a shot. But he is a great penatrator, passer and can handle the ball, leave the 3 pt shooting to some of the others.
mountain hoops guru Wrote:Cox is definitely not 100%, but with all the talent on this team they should still not be losing. They just need to realize they need to play as a team. Collins, Short, Clint Stepp, and Hall can give Clark a lot of help if he would let them. I think after 3 losses in a row, they might start to realize that their are more than one person that needs to take the shots, because as most have seen, Clark doesn't have all that great of a shot. But he is a great penatrator, passer and can handle the ball, leave the 3 pt shooting to some of the others.
Great post!
tubetop Wrote:JBS is 0-2 with the return of Cox.
you think he can sit out for a month and then hit the floor running. Takes time to pick back up.
Wow , from looking at the post looks like some eyes have been opened!!
Not like it wasn't right there in front of everyone all along. Maybe it just took 3 losses here in the 14th region for some to even notice. #2 in the state in scoring and #2 in career assists don't usually get you wins on the floor. Remember when Michael Jordan first came into the NBA, he was scoring 50 a game, but they didn't win very many, then he learned how to use his team mates and his average went down, but the wins came up. Just an idea!
mountain hoops guru Wrote:Not like it wasn't right there in front of everyone all along. Maybe it just took 3 losses here in the 14th region for some to even notice. #2 in the state in scoring and #2 in career assists don't usually get you wins on the floor. Remember when Michael Jordan first came into the NBA, he was scoring 50 a game, but they didn't win very many, then he learned how to use his team mates and his average went down, but the wins came up. Just an idea!

It's hard for the young man to understand something like this when his dad is telling him to do the exact opposite!
hondaman Wrote:I think there is some truth to this post but i dont think its entirely the above mentioned players fault. I think he is actualy a very talented kid but has been improperly coached. Too much imphasis has been put on a 25 point per game average, and alot of very important fundamental aspects of the game like assists, conditioning and defense have been put on the back burner. I think the coaching staff are doing their best to help him pad the stats and look good for the scouts but are actualy being very detremintal to his game. Even with all this, I am confident that he will get it back together soon.

What you talking about...He averages 10 assists a game according to the coaching staff.Smile
mountain hoops guru Wrote:Not like it wasn't right there in front of everyone all along. Maybe it just took 3 losses here in the 14th region for some to even notice. #2 in the state in scoring and #2 in career assists don't usually get you wins on the floor. Remember when Michael Jordan first came into the NBA, he was scoring 50 a game, but they didn't win very many, then he learned how to use his team mates and his average went down, but the wins came up. Just an idea!

First Most everyone don't believe his numbers anyway, uncles keeping the stats, scoring maybe, assists is completely unbelievable, scoring comes at a sacrifice to his team. JBS was built to show off the Stepp boys and only for that reasons. All the other kids are used for that purpose. If you could play with two players JBS would start only two. Scoring comes from playing a patsy schedule and padding in games where you have talent advantadge. Big games low scoring and no assists are the norm. Good kid, Good player just nothing special as a basketball player. reality check time
bobcatfan22 Wrote:Hes not fully recoverd yet....the games he was out...clark got used to taking every shot down the court

Bull, how long you going to use that one? I guess until they finally win a game and then he will be fully recovered. He didn't even have a tear, just a strain. He is fully recovered.
mountain hoops guru Wrote:Not like it wasn't right there in front of everyone all along. Maybe it just took 3 losses here in the 14th region for some to even notice. #2 in the state in scoring and #2 in career assists don't usually get you wins on the floor. Remember when Michael Jordan first came into the NBA, he was scoring 50 a game, but they didn't win very many, then he learned how to use his team mates and his average went down, but the wins came up. Just an idea!

absolutly excelent point. couldnt have said it better myself. Right on!!!!:rockon:
Survivor Wrote:What you talking about...He averages 10 assists a game according to the coaching staff.Smile

Im not trying to disagree with anyone but if he does they are the quietest and most unnoticed ones i have ever seen.

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