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Lets rant a little about things we cant stand :evil:
hah Thanks Tribe!

I also hate it when they lock the bathrooms at school (i'm pretty sure thats illegal?) and i def hate it when people smoke in the bathrooms and the teachers don't do ANYTHING at all about it.. c'mon, if they really tried they could put an end to it!!
at East Ridge, they dont lock the doors, they go and take up all of the stalls and so no one that really needs to pee can get into them and they turn off the main light in the bathroom because the smoke is less visible then. so yea, i go and pee, and then i smell horrible because of that damn lingering smoke! i hate it and i agree, something should be done about it. the teachers stand in the bathrooms there sometimes but there isnt a constant monitor with them.

i HATE the East Ridge girls smoking crowd!
I agree tribe The boys room at ER isnt any better I go in and about gag on smoke it dont help considering I already am alergic to smoke that might be one of the reasons Dr. Hazlett told me friday I might have to get my uvula clipped off cause its swolen so big I cant breath. I've already have had my tonsils removed. Sorry got off topic there. But I really do hate smoking and any tobacco products.
Before this year the smokers would always smoke in the back 3 stalls.. that didn't bother me cause you still had 4 stalls to pee in...but not this year, there's more smokers so they use ALL the stalls.. It kills me. Teachers know the ones that smoke, they don't do anything about it.

It's pathetic when you have to check out of school to use the bathroom!
I hear that. Same at my school. I never checked out to go and use the bathroom but I did go to the bathroom where the band students have 2 bathrooms and I peed there so I wouldn't have to fight with the smoking crowd.
alright u said u hate it whe ppl descriminate against others and then u started talking about republicans and not eithier one but still....your being a hypocrit by sayin u hate ppl that descrinate against other and then u descriminate against rednecks and republicans Idea
Sleeping in a hot room.

Buying a CD player or PS2 controller and it is incased in that plastic case that is sealed all the way around. Those piss me off so bad. Because you want to open it up in the car and play with it like a little kid, but oh no, the plastic is so strong you can't break into it.

Pringles cans that won't open and you have to cut it open instead of pop it.

Cereal bags that explode when you open them.

People who have the ice and water feature in their refrigerator but it isn't hooked up because they are so lazy.

People who when get mad decide to use a cuss word every other word.

When ever you get hurt and have to wear a cast 1,000 people ask you, "WOAH! What happened!!!!" Like they care.

Parents who complain about how in their days they got spanked when they did bad stuff and how it made them respect their parents but give their kids time out.

Out meal. What the hell? Who made this?

People who flip out when pets poop or pee inside but won't keep them outside.

People who bring their 3 year old kids to R movies and ruin it for the rest of us because their kids cry.

People who bring gum to school and won’t share.

People who hate MTV because everyone else does.

Anytime someone does a stupid trick for fun they get accused of ripping off Jackass.

People who say they hate the CATS test but still try their hardest on it.

I hate people who are always using their cellphones

The people who won't quit doing the, "WHAAAAAT!" "OOOOOOOOKAYY!"

I hate people telling me, "You need to gorw up" as if them telling me too will make me do it.

Those people who get mad when ever a teacher brings up the Big Bang Theroy.

People who think it is cool/funny that they don't go to Church

When ever you think someone has a watch and you ask them, "What time is it?" and they say, "Skin thirty LOL" "Time to get a watch" "About that time" "Hair past mole"

I hate how anyone who picks up a gutiar for 20 mintues becomes an expert.

The Truth Company
CNN, agreed. Espically with the one about the Lil Jon YEA OKAY WHAT deal, there is a group of like 5 guys or so that still think that its so cool to try and sound like him, it awful.
ZAG Wrote:alright u said u hate it whe ppl descriminate against others and then u started talking about republicans and not eithier one but still....your being a hypocrit by sayin u hate ppl that descrinate against other and then u descriminate against rednecks and republicans Idea

i dont like republicans because of their views and how some try to press it on other people, its not discrimination to dislike the fact that some are pushy and i dont want to see things the same way that they do. AND i did talk about rednecks because i hate the fact that everyone from outside of this area things that all of the people who live here are the same way as a selected few. its not discrimination and further more, add this one to my list: I dislike people who cannot spell.

ZAG, don't worry about me and what i do and feel it. it's my own opinion. when i said that i hate it when people judge other people, i meant as in race, sex, religion, sexual preference, etc.
CNN Wrote:The people who won't quit doing the, "WHAAAAAT!" "OOOOOOOOKAYY!"

God bless you CNN.


There is alot I hate, and little I love. I hate big annoying people who constantly talk, people who use baby-talk to their 17 year old sons, Dodge Neons, Goodbye's, Kim Richey,, Bean bag chairs you can never get comfortable in, super-high raised up beds that when I roll out in the morning I can get hurt, the movies "Secret Window" and "The Ring", and the books "Undoing Depression" by Richard O’Connor’s, and "The Big, Bad Book of BBQ" by Charles Dickens. I also hate high-school kids that believe in alchemy. Halo 2 is NOT the best game ever, and neither is Halo 1. Halo 2.5 nor Halo 3 will become the best game ever. I hate gaming magazine awards. I hate fanboys. I hate game controllers because a game controller will never offer optimum accuracy, and especially not the Xbox controllers. If I wanted to play with something that big it wouldn't be a video game.

I hate it when people are self-richeous, self-loving, and overly-cocky. I hate Reverend Jessie Jackson. I hate theswag's avatar. I'll end it here.
Reizvoll Wrote:
CNN Wrote:The people who won't quit doing the, "WHAAAAAT!" "OOOOOOOOKAYY!"

God bless you CNN.


There is alot I hate, and little I love. I hate big annoying people who constantly talk, people who use baby-talk to their 17 year old sons, Dodge Neons, Goodbye's, Kim Richey,, Bean bag chairs you can never get comfortable in, super-high raised up beds that when I roll out in the morning I can get hurt, the movies "Secret Window" and "The Ring", and the books "Undoing Depression" by Richard O’Connor’s, and "The Big, Bad Book of BBQ" by Charles Dickens. I also hate high-school kids that believe in alchemy. Halo 2 is NOT the best game ever, and neither is Halo 1. Halo 2.5 nor Halo 3 will become the best game ever. I hate gaming magazine awards. I hate fanboys. I hate game controllers because a game controller will never offer optimum accuracy, and especially not the Xbox controllers. If I wanted to play with something that big it wouldn't be a video game.

I hate it when people are self-richeous, self-loving, and overly-cocky. I hate Reverend Jessie Jackson. I hate theswag's avatar. I'll end it here.

super-high raised up beds that when I roll out in the morning I can get hurt, and where exactly would this bed be located?
i like my bed by the way.

i love the fact that you get annoyed by those stupid boys at school too. i hate it when your mom talks in baby talk and follows you into your room still doing it. i hate it when your mom does the whole duck thing, because im not your girlfriend and i dont think that she wants to accept that, yes i get the joke about the big size/game controllers thing! i love the movie "the ring" you b-word lol Jesse Jackson is pretty annoying. theswag's avatar is pretty darn ugly but whatever floats his fruit loops i guess. together we could go on and on and on about those little kids at the football game and everything else that we talk about!

i hate it when parents let their kids run wild at football games and they end up playing a little scrimmage game with their friends and they dont have enough respect and actually sense to get out of people's way and not to play right in the middle of a group of 40 people.

i hate it when heavy set people wear the least amount of clothes that they could ever legally get away with. im sorry, they shouldnt make some clothes in those big of sizes because that is just wrong and the people willing to wear some of it should be embarassed.
Your bed is a danger zone tribe. If I was to roll out of that thing the way I do mine, I'd likely have a broken neck. It is comfortable though.

Those kids at the football game were lucky I was on parol... :? Made me spill my pepsi. :x
How would you know her bed is comfortable? :| :? :!:
he would know probably because he is my best friend and he spends the night with me quite often.....
she's right blacky.
:x I was hoping for something better than that. Smile I was gonna grab some Sad and sit back and watch the :mrgreen: . Tongue
Well, you must really love your Sad
no sorry, i dont do that, im a good girl, and he is really my best friend!
Aww, isn't she so sweet. 8)
suuuuure i am!

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