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Admit something you normally wouldnt :shock:
admit to in person Confusedhock:

I enjoy taking a big ole stinky dump, and then talking about it. :oops:

I have shaved my entire body from head to toes.

I tend to worry alot.

I talk and scream in my sleep.

I have called into work sick so I could play video games. Tongue

I often think to much.

I sometimes sleep in the cloest or on the porch :?:

That last one was a joke..

or was it :?:

I lie sometimes too.

I'm a virgin....

and i lie occasionally...
yes, the last one is a complete lie! :roll:

I'll admit to a few

I tend to overanalyze everything

I'm really not as outgoing as many of you perceive on here...I'm the quiet type...most of the time and if I dont know you

I tend to be bossy when it comes to

I like to eat alot. Sometimes I can eat more than QQ ( although you wouldnt know it by looking at me)
i talk, scream, and fight in my sleep

i do nothing in school

i will be really bothered if i do not get into EKU

my days are filled with too much stuff and i get so stressed that i end up not doing most of it

i hate sleeping without someone else in the bed with me because of comfort factors and being cold

when it comes to people i am a black and white person, if i like you i like you and if i dont then i dont

bluegrassrivals is really one of like 3 websites that i ever visit and im addicted lol :mrgreen:
Half the time im on the phone with my male friends, im in the bathroom.

I sleep swear.

I sometimes go commando when i practice football.

i can suck a Ramen Noodle through my nose and pull it out my mouth.

I lie..... not alot, but more than i should.

I have a porn stash hid away better than Area 51.

i have thought about murder...seriously.

i am a very emotional person when it somes to funeral's and wedding's.

I have loved someone so much i cried because i found out they didnt love me back.

if i have to fart in school, i wait till i get in the hallway(J/K'ing)

i take food from the lunchroom and stick it in my pockets.

I work hard at school, but dont pass always.

i read when i am in the bathroom.

i have a HUGE stack of magazines in the bathroom.

i have a shy bladder.

i dont like to go in the bathroom at school cause i have a shy bladder, and i cant go when there is a bunch of people there.

I am afraid to sleep without a TV and a fan on, cause i hear every little sound.
i pick my nose in public when i think no one is
i also like QQ, shave from head to toe.
I usually take my phone to the bathroom and talk on it while doin a #2.
I rarely go to sleep before 3

I get road rage easily

I watch way too much tv

I get mad quick, but then feel real stupid afterwards.

I can't hold a grudge

People that like to think that they are deep thinkers get on my nerves.

I procrastinate
I lie sometimes but not too much...nothing big though.

I actually have several Sims games, don't play them often though...only when I'm really bored.

I snore lol. :oops:

I have like no self-confidence

I have to pee ALLLLLLLL the time
self confidence is also an issue of mine

i also read when i pee allllll the time lmao
Okay here is mine. This could take a while. lol

-- I lie, and yes it's a lot.

-- I have cheated on about 4 girls in my life. (don't hold this against me ladies lol)

-- I have a really bad temper that could cause me to hit anyone standing in front of me.

-- I get road rage easily.

-- I have had sex more times than I've visited BGR's. ( Just a rough guess)

-- My penis isn't the biggest thing in the world, but it's the prettiest lil sumbitch you ever seen.

-- I sleep better after masturbating. :twisted:

-- I'm basically a nympho.

-- I'm good at what I do.

-- I love playing sports. I could possibly pass up sex for sports if given the opportunity.

-- Everytime my guy friends call on the phone, I always have to take a piss. Don't know if it's a habit or what, but its the truth.

-- I once had sex with 4 girls in one week.

-- I once kissed 7 girls in one night.

-- I am very whipped right now. I hate to tell anyone I'm in love, but right now I gotta spill it. And as bad as I hate to admit it, whatever she says for me to do....I do it with pleasure. lol Gosh that hurt.

-- Thanks,
blackcatfan4life Tongue Big Grin Cap_PDT_0:
Well, Bcf4l, I can back up the one about the bathroom thing lol..everytime i use to call you, you would go take a dump lol....I do too so O well.......
i dont know why this is but alot of men arent bothered by using the restroom while talking to people on the phone. it is like a normal occurance to them to poop and talk at the same time. lmao.. why is that? :lol:
Helps us concentrate or something. lol
I'm a self-proclaimed techno artist

and a self-proclaimed rock star.
(not me singing btw)
helps you concentrate! lmao!

never heard that one before... Big Grin
You should try it...
I have had sex with a girl and a guy at the same time
I've never had a nightmare.
I won't sleep anywhere without my Tennessee blankie!
Sasquatch72 Wrote:I have had sex with a girl and a guy at the same time
Confusedhock: 3some.gif
Was it some DP action or how did that go sasquatch... lol
LMAO! Duh, Quatch? Hasn't everyone?!? lol
Just playing...

swag, I am NOT going to use the bathroom and talk to someone at the same time. If I did anything during that, I would probably :mrgreen:
haha well i thought about making my list but its not quite up to par with BCF4L's lol or the one about sasquatcg being with a GUY and a girl at the same time.... :lol:
Oh now Dirty. You can make a list. Just bc your life hasn't been as interesting as mine doesn't mean you can't share your list with us. :wink: lol
yeah, im just gonna leave out the details on that one guys
but there mighjt have been some DP
I've had sex with two chicks at once, don't know if I would have admitted that one Sasquatch!
its all good man, its not like we were on the same end
blackcatfan4life Wrote:Oh now Dirty. You can make a list. Just bc your life hasn't been as interesting as mine doesn't mean you can't share your list with us. :wink: lol

I am soryr i jsut dont feel compelled to reveal some stuff about myself lol you all might think less of me! Green_Lig:

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