12-15-2007, 09:33 PM
sherman14 Wrote:I do belive abortion is wrong and women don't have a choice. If women have a choice to KILL there children then any convicted murderer had the right to kill who ever they did. I have one question. Whats the difference in abortion killing a innocent human and shooting someone in the head?:confused:sherman i'm josh....lol.... i'm pro-chocie and will always be because you shouldn't strip a womans right to her own body.....that's like telling her you can't have breasts
12-16-2007, 09:41 PM
More Cowbell Wrote:I still hate to hear it called "freedom of choice." That makes it sound as though there are no consequences for choosing to end another life.
For all those who support abortion rights, consider:
Imagine that you heard that in some town in this country, the citizens were killing off all the mentally handicapped people once it was determined they were too large a burden on their families. If you believed this was wrong, wouldn't you try to help these people as best you could?
That's exactly what pro-life supporters are trying to do - protect those who can't protect themselves.
A first trimester fetus = a mentally handicapped person? There is a logical extension/jump there that is not exactly parallel.
thecavemaster Wrote:A first trimester fetus = a mentally handicapped person? There is a logical extension/jump there that is not exactly parallel.i agree with you.......a fight i have had for months now with the person who made this thread i can't get it through his head That PRO-CHOCIE isn't pro-Abortion...i just think that a women should have a right to her own body.....there shouldn't be a law to tell someone that they can't have one because they'll start getting back alley abortions and getting infections and dying.....Do u see where i'm coming from????
12-17-2007, 10:41 AM
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:sherman i'm josh....lol.... i'm pro-chocie and will always be because you shouldn't strip a womans right to her own body.....that's like telling her you can't have breasts
What? That is no comparison with breast and a life. You pro-choices run away from the truth abortion is completley wrong in all forms.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad
12-17-2007, 10:43 AM
thecavemaster Wrote:A first trimester fetus = a mentally handicapped person? There is a logical extension/jump there that is not exactly parallel.
12-17-2007, 10:56 AM
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:.....there shouldn't be a law to tell someone that they can't have one because they'll start getting back alley abortions and getting infections and dying.....Do u see where i'm coming from????
And your point? I'm pro-choice too if thats the case.
12-17-2007, 10:39 PM
sherman14 Wrote:What? That is no comparison with breast and a life. You pro-choices run away from the truth abortion is completley wrong in all forms.the comparison is breast gives live (Breast feeding) and takeing a woman breast is somewhat the same thing as abortion
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad
12-17-2007, 10:40 PM
ronald_reagan Wrote:And your point? I'm pro-choice too if thats the case.yea....you can't get that through sherman14's head he thinks if they get a back alley abortion they deserve to die!
12-17-2007, 10:47 PM
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:yea....you can't get that through sherman14's head he thinks if they get a back alley abortion they deserve to die!
I think you missed my point.
I agree with Sherman14. I was saying that if women die from infections from illegal abortions...... then oh well.
12-17-2007, 10:49 PM
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:the comparison is breast gives live (Breast feeding) and takeing a woman breast is somewhat the same thing as abortion
And further... don't ever say 'you'll always be' something, as you did with being pro-choice.
Let me tell you now.. if you want a family 10 years from now, you and your wife... and after spending the time in prayer to gather the strength to be a father, concieve a baby, prepare for it, and learn to love it... only to have your wife abort it..... you'll find that you're pro-choice beliefs will no doubt change.. quickly.
12-17-2007, 10:56 PM
ronald_reagan Wrote:i'm PRO-CHOCIE.....i don't excatly support abortion .....i support women having the RIGHT.....and if an abortion wasn't neccasary....them i'm against it if a woman is out screwing around and gets pregnant and just Aborts it because she can't handle the Job of careing for the baby......but any ways i don't think the goverment has the right to tell you what to do with your body!!!!
And further... don't ever say 'you'll always be' something, as you did with being pro-choice.
Let me tell you now.. if you want a family 10 years from now, you and your wife... and after spending the time in prayer to gather the strength to be a father, concieve a baby, prepare for it, and learn to love it... only to have your wife abort it..... you'll find that you're pro-choice beliefs will no doubt change.. quickly.
12-17-2007, 10:57 PM
ronald_reagan Wrote:I think you missed my point.Ok How would you break that to a girls parents that their daughter died from an illeagl abortion.....when there should be a Clinic to get it done?????
I agree with Sherman14. I was saying that if women die from infections from illegal abortions...... then oh well.
12-17-2007, 11:14 PM
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:Ok How would you break that to a girls parents that their daughter died from an illeagl abortion.....when there should be a Clinic to get it done?????
"your daughter broke the law, and lost her life because of a poor decision."
Any other questions? :confused:
12-17-2007, 11:19 PM
ronald_reagan Wrote:"your daughter broke the law, and lost her life because of a poor decision."ok....what makes you PRO-LIFE??????
Any other questions? :confused:
12-17-2007, 11:20 PM
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:i'm PRO-CHOCIE.....i don't excatly support abortion .....i support women having the RIGHT.....and if an abortion wasn't neccasary....them i'm against it if a woman is out screwing around and gets pregnant and just Aborts it because she can't handle the Job of careing for the baby......but any ways i don't think the goverment has the right to tell you what to do with your body!!!!
Thats the most contradicting post in the history of BGR.
12-17-2007, 11:21 PM
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:ok....what makes you PRO-LIFE??????
Because I didn't kill her, or make the choice that led to her death.
I'm 100% pro-life.
12-17-2007, 11:22 PM
ronald_reagan Wrote:Thats the most contradicting post in the history of BGR.What do u mean by that????
12-17-2007, 11:23 PM
ronald_reagan Wrote:Because I didn't kill her, or make the choice that led to her death.Did You Know That 77% Of Pro-Lifers Are Men......
I'm 100% pro-life.
12-17-2007, 11:25 PM
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:Did You Know That 77% Of Pro-Lifers Are Men......
did you know that 100% of pro-choicers were not aborted? :confused:
Big deal... I wish it were 100% for men. More things would get done.
12-18-2007, 12:15 AM
ronald_reagan Wrote:did you know that 100% of pro-choicers were not aborted? :confused:
12-18-2007, 08:41 AM
Did you know that if Hitler had been aborted as a first trimester fetus that six + million people may not have died in the Holocaust? This type of argument (100% of pro-choicers") is called a "red herring." It settles nothing. Bumper sticker mentality.
12-18-2007, 09:32 AM
Your just using something from the past. Even if Hitler was aborted the holocaust would've probably still happend
12-18-2007, 09:45 AM
thecavemaster Wrote:Did you know that if Hitler had been aborted as a first trimester fetus that six + million people may not have died in the Holocaust? This type of argument (100% of pro-choicers") is called a "red herring." It settles nothing. Bumper sticker mentality.
Yes it would have. Thats a fact. But it proves nothing....
What is your point? Its ridiculous.
12-18-2007, 09:46 AM
sherman14 Wrote:Your just using something from the past. Even if Hitler was aborted the holocaust would've probably still happend
He makes a good and valid point with the issue of aborting hitler. I think you're wrong on this.
But its not a good point for saying that abortion is ok.
12-18-2007, 02:20 PM
thecavemaster Wrote:Did you know that if Hitler had been aborted as a first trimester fetus that six + million people may not have died in the Holocaust? This type of argument (100% of pro-choicers") is called a "red herring." It settles nothing. Bumper sticker mentality.Dude I think you shouldve stuck with the whole corn seed LOL!!!
12-18-2007, 02:42 PM
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Dude I think you shouldve stuck with the whole corn seed LOL!!!
This summer do this: hold a corn seed in one hand; in the other, hold an ear of corn; stare at a corn field. Perhaps you will be able to see the analogy, even if you don't agree with it. If not, hope you get some good picture books this Christmas.
12-18-2007, 02:52 PM
thecavemaster Wrote:
This summer do this: hold a corn seed in one hand; in the other, hold an ear of corn; stare at a corn field. Perhaps you will be able to see the analogy, even if you don't agree with it. If not, hope you get some good picture books this Christmas.
Under your view... a baby would only be a baby at a certain day. I mean, one split second its viable, the next its a child. The whole basis of the trimester arguement comes down to that one point. Its why its at the very very best... the funniest thing I've ever heard.
12-18-2007, 03:10 PM
Lots of laws in life pick an arbitrary timeline. However, "within the first trimester" is a clearly defined timeline, is it not?
12-18-2007, 03:12 PM
thecavemaster Wrote:Lots of laws in life pick an arbitrary timeline. However, "within the first trimester" is a clearly defined timeline, is it not?
Thats exactly what i'm saying. You're saying at the end of week 13, in a split second.... something magical happens. Its a baby all of the sudden.
Thats laughable.
A fraction of a second before, it wasn't?
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