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Being Required to Vote?
I really dont care if I am allowed to vote or not, its all a bunch of crap anyway. All the candidates are jokes and idiots anyway but I will never let anyone tell me I cant say what I want about them or that Im not allowed to complain.
Braves_Fan_26 Wrote:I really dont care if I am allowed to vote or not, its all a bunch of crap anyway. All the candidates are jokes and idiots anyway but I will never let anyone tell me I cant say what I want about them or that Im not allowed to complain.

You should run for office. Clean up the mess. :Thumbs:
Well it still doesn't matter if you vote or not. Say canidate A wins 49% of the vote. And canadite B wins 51% of the vote. Canidate B gets all the electoral votes and wins the presidency. And canadite A gets no credit for his votes.
If you don't vote then all the young men and women who have died for this country over the decades fighting for that right have died in vain. Just my opinion. It should be mandatory to vote, if not your mouth should be wired shut until the next 4 years. That would be extreme but it would make the lame respect our fallen soldiers.
sherman14 Wrote:Well it still doesn't matter if you vote or not. Say canidate A wins 49% of the vote. And canadite B wins 51% of the vote. Canidate B gets all the electoral votes and wins the presidency. And canadite A gets no credit for his votes.

Which is why we should follow the Federalist papers and Madisons views more closely.

What would be the most democratic and federalist idea would be the following:

Each state currently has electoral votes equal to the number of senators (2) and reps (population/district based).

Each congressional district gets a vote, while the 'popular' vote winner in each state gets the 2 senate votes. This splits the power between the people, and gives the state itself official representation in Washington. Maine currently has this set up. California is on its way as well. Originally, most states did.
More Cowbell Wrote:I will repeat my views on this from my earlier post in this thread:

I disagree with any law that would force people to vote. First of all, requiring all citizens to vote would force people to make decisions on candidates that they have absolutely no idea about. Personally, I think uninformed voters are even more dangerous than those who don't vote at all. Would it improve the electoral process to have people go in there and randomly pick a name, or to go in and vote for whoever their parents/spouse/TV personality told them to?

Second, I do think it infringes on our personal freedoms to require the vote. I think that would be the government overstepping its boundaries yet again. So would you also be required to vote in every race you are allowed to, even if you didn't care who was running for a particular office? I always vote, but if I don't know anything about the candidates in a certain race, I skip that one. I don't think the government should tell me I have to hit a button for every office that is up for election.

Good Post!!!

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