Poll: What do you believe in?
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Who here believes in ghosts?
Who here believes in Ghosts?

If not ghosts, what about earthly angels? or guardian angels?
Both. I believe in ghosts, angels, and demons among other things.
I strongly believe in angels. I don't believe that each person has their own 'guardian angel', but angels are definitely real. I'm kinda torn on the demon thing, I know the devil tries to corrupt us, but I have no idea on if to believe if he send his little devil spirits here or not.
I believe in all of the things listed.
Pupaw Wrote:I believe in all of the things listed.

including the 'neither'? :p
ronald_reagan Wrote:including the 'neither'? :p
I should've implied what I meant. I knew that was going to happen.Smile
Pupaw Wrote:I should've implied what I meant. I knew that was going to happen.Smile

there's always one in the crowd... :moon:
I have no clue why I made this a multiple choice poll, when I included "both" as a possible answer??
Angels yes or maybe and ghost no.
I just believe in Angels, not so much in ghost.
I have seen some weird and unexplainable things in my day so I voted both...
I have a confirmed spiritual activity right here on these boards.

We all know that our 40th president, Mr. Ronald Reagan has been deceased since 06-05-2004 and now he is back in spiritual form and posting on our very own website.

I believe.
Midee1 Wrote:I have a confirmed spiritual activity right here on these boards.

We all know that our 40th president, Mr. Ronald Reagan has been deceased since 06-05-2004 and now he is back in spiritual form and posting on our very own website.

I believe.
That made me chuckle... Justa little.
Midee1 Wrote:I have a confirmed spiritual activity right here on these boards.

We all know that our 40th president, Mr. Ronald Reagan has been deceased since 06-05-2004 and now he is back in spiritual form and posting on our very own website.

I believe.

Some would argue that 'demons' should definately be an option, in that case. :devilflam

There should have been a choice titled, "Not Sure, I'll Need Some Kind Of Proof".

That's kind of where I fit. I've never seen or heard anything unusual that has made me believe in the supernatural. And I don't have much confidence in the shows on TV that investigate ghosts and hauntings. Harry Houdini proved many years ago, before TV and film tricks, that most people who say these things or act like they can contact the hereafter, were frauds and fakes.
I think most people who say they see or hear ghost actually believe that they did see or hear something, but in most cases there is an explanation. An optical/auditory illusion. And I think if you are predisposed to believe these things (example: growing up listening to grandma tell ghost storys she's experienced), then you are much more likely to have a ghost experience.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:There should have been a choice titled, "Not Sure, I'll Need Some Kind Of Proof".

That's kind of where I fit. I've never seen or heard anything unusual that has made me believe in the supernatural. And I don't have much confidence in the shows on TV that investigate ghosts and hauntings. Harry Houdini proved many years ago, before TV and film tricks, that most people who say these things or act like they can contact the hereafter, were frauds and fakes.
I think most people who say they see or hear ghost actually believe that they did see or hear something, but in most cases there is an explanation. An optical/auditory illusion. And I think if you are predisposed to believe these things (example: growing up listening to grandma tell ghost storys she's experienced), then you are much more likely to have a ghost experience.

I think you make some very good points in that post.

Its sorta like a girl and spiders. The more scared they are of them, the larger they are... Smile

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