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Alex Legion decides to transfer
Fox Sports is reporting that Alex Legion will leave Kentucky this week..
Is this for real?
Of course it's for real. After the way he was treated in the UNC game I'm not shocked at all. Weird though, because everybody was chanting his name at the game the other day and cheered for him hard when he came in and booed when he came out.

Hopefully he'll stay, but if not then we'll have to deal with it like always. Wouldn't be UK Basketball without drama.
This is horrible for the future. He has some great ability.
Yeah Legion was put in the game way too late the other day. This sucks it really does. Me and my cousin were talking about how much of a great player Legion was going to be in the future.
Then again, it doesn't seem like he has the will to put up with Coach G's style and the work he requires. If he isn't leaving because of playing time, then he just needs to go if he can't fit into the system.
It will be a tough loss, but after reading the story why he is transferring I agree he needs to be somewheres else if he can't get ahold of the system.

Beef Wrote:Then again, it doesn't seem like he has the will to put up with Coach G's style and the work he requires. If he isn't leaving because of playing time, then he just needs to go if he can't fit into the system.
Beef Wrote:Then again, it doesn't seem like he has the will to put up with Coach G's style and the work he requires. If he isn't leaving because of playing time, then he just needs to go if he can't fit into the system.

He's leaving because Billy G. embarrassed the heck out of him the other day. Legion went down the floor, shot, and made an uncontested 15 feet jump shot and was pulled out immediately. Billy G. then scolded him worse than I've ever seen. Porter played 28 minutes the other day, Legion played 6. There's no excuse for that. It clearly has something to do with playing time and the fact that Billy G. treated him so poorly the other day. He pulled him out 3 times for no reason and humiliated him on the sidelines. The fans booed every time he came out.
"the move primarily concerned Gillispie"

Coaches' pride cost us Legion. Plain and simple.

There's still a good chance there's no truth to this. The guy reporting it is a joke and no other outlets are reporting it. Catspause would be all over this and know pretty quickly if true.
I would leave if I were Legion.
Billy G has been making alot of stupid decisions.
I don't see Billy being around very long. Kentucky will not put up with losing, no matter if it is his first year.
If this is true, then I'm going to be ****ed. He is a 4 star recruit compared to Porter who couldn't stick his finger up his ***. **** poor decision making by Gillispie.
All because of porter....shew this is awful
LIPS Wrote:All because of porter....shew this is awful

I don't know if you're trying to blame Porter or what but it sounds like it. Porter would be a fine role player, but remember he doesn't decide his own playing time.
I told you all that Coach was a joke and I hope he is gone after this season. If it is true, which I believe it is after saturdays game, then I dont blame him. Why stay somewhere where you dont get used until late in the second half. This is a disgrace on coachs part and I hope the fans boo the **** out of him next game, I know if I was able to be there I would try my best to get in his ear and let him hear it. He is a JOKE!!!!!
alfus21 Wrote:I don't know if you're trying to blame Porter or what but it sounds like it. Porter would be a fine role player, but remember he doesn't decide his own playing time.
So your saying you would play porter someone who has not done a thing for us all year and play him over someone like legion who is a 10 times better dont make any sense why he was playing porter the other sorry but billy g has already made some hugh mistakes and were only 6 games in....gonna be a long season ahead...
According to catspause and what Coach Gillispie said nothing is done, he met with legion and his mother on Friday and they discussed the possibility, but Alex decided against it, that was then leaked out to the media and the fans have turned it into a big uproar, the situation is similar to that of Joe Crawford during his Sophmore season.
BlackcatFootball Wrote:According to catspause and what Coach Gillispie said nothing is done, he met with legion and his mother on Friday and they discussed the possibility, but Alex decided against it, that was then leaked out to the media and the fans have turned it into a big uproar, the situation is similar to that of Joe Crawford during his Sophmore season.
Well thats the best news ive heard in awhile...
So your saying you would play porter someone who has not done a thing for us all year and play him over someone like legion who is a 10 times better dont make any sense why he was playing porter the other sorry but billy g has already made some hugh mistakes and were only 6 games in....gonna be a long season ahead...

When did I say that man? I said Porter is a decent role player and doesn't decide his own playing time (hence this is the coaches fault)
Well is it true or not? I hope it isnt true and that he can stick it out because he is a great player with huge potential and we really need him. But if coach doesnt realize that and continues to not play him because of his stupid pride then Legion should go somewhere that his talents will be utilized instead of being benched. Legion is far better than Porter who should be playing football instead of stinkin up the court for UK.
BlackcatFootball Wrote:According to catspause and what Coach Gillispie said nothing is done, he met with legion and his mother on Friday and they discussed the possibility, but Alex decided against it, that was then leaked out to the media and the fans have turned it into a big uproar, the situation is similar to that of Joe Crawford during his Sophmore season.

He also didn't show up for practice today and is not returning any of Coach Gillispie's calls. He's most likely gone.
I'm gonna look more into this, but if Alex does leave then Billy G would be in a hot seat with the fans, more so than ever before!
Matt Jones of Kentucky Sports Radio has an interesting take on it, and it is also something Larry Vaught of Kentucky Sports Report is also saying.

I'll post what Jones had to say on Kentucky Sports Radio...
On Friday, there was a meeting between Legion, his mother and Coach Gillispie in which the possibility of a transfer was mentioned. I was told of this on Friday by a source close to the team, but the individual said that he “thought they worked it out” and everything would be fine. Then we go to Saturday, where Legion does not play well and Alex’s mother was very vocal in her criticism of the Coach and how he was using her son. I walked around the lower press area twice and heard her both times and was told by another press member that she kept it up the whole game. Then apparently Legion didnt come to practice today, and we are in our current situation.

The reason for this move has less to do about playing time than it does about the relationship between the Coach and the player. There are multiple members of this team that arent happy with the way the Coach operates and are considering a transfer. Add to that the fact that many of the parents, including one in particular, are quite vocal in wanting a change in the way that Billy Clyde operates and his coaching style. I was told by one player’s family member before the Legion news to expect “at least 2″ to be gone by the end of the semester. I was surprised however that it was Legion who was the first, as he is Billy Clyde’s guy and did not have the issue of an adjustment from one style to another.

I can't post what Vaught is saying because they have rules against posting information that premium members get to read but it says up to 4 more players could transfer before the end of the semester.

A poster on Cats Pause (deplion) who posted this a few days ago that we would see transfers is now saying the following....

I had been hearing there were five guys seriously talking transfer.

Legion was on that list, but I personally did not think he was one of those most likely to leave. A bunch of parents are also furious. One parent in particular is riling up anger in many other parents. At the same time, there are also some parents that support Coach 100%.

Anyway, I don't know if LV named names or not, but I don't want to do it because I don't want to possibly slander players who should not be on the list.

Apparently, the threat is serious enough that Mitch is going to try to get involved. The way I understand it, it will involve personal counselling with the disgruntled players, and will also involve a conversation with BCG discussing some of his coaching tactics.

I had hoped the rumors were BS, but I heard them from a lot of places. With Legion now gone and Vaught issuing an almost identical report to what I posted earlier, I am afraid it may be true.

In the end, I think we get this resolved and only lose a couple of guys to transfer, but the staff needs to get on top of this quickly or it could get really ugly. Should make for a very interesting next couple of days to say the least.
If he goes I dont think he will be the last to go. I think Patterson will be next to leave if things dont straighten up, and who could blame them if they do leave, having to put up with crap like the coach puts them through. He is sure finding himself an exit out of UK by doing what hes doing as coach.
That news doesnt really surprise me, I have expected it for a while now. I know it hasnt been confirmed or anything yet, but still im not surprised. Nor will I be if some other top talent decides to leave, such as Stewart, Patterson and a couple of others. I just wish it was Porter, Coury, Harris and Carter were the ones leaving, they are absolutely horrible players and dont deserve to wear the UK jersey. Same goes for the coach, he doesnt deserve to be sitting on that bench trying to coach this team.
OMG!!! Are you serious? Calling yourselves true Kentucky fans.. I'd be ashamed to put a coach down after he is trying to turn around the greatest basketball team in the world. Give the guy a break it's not like he is following the likes of Petino. He was handed a sloppy hand and is doing what any good coach would do and start by weeding out the weak. As far as Patterson leaving that is just preposterous. Why would anyone leave when they are getting the most minutes in the top team in the land? Buckup.
Im not shocked, but horrible news if its true. Legion is a very tanleted player and should get more mins, I think porter is a good role player but no way he should have played 28 mins and Legion just 6, but like someone said its not Porter fault he doesnt decide how many mins he plays.I hope Legion stays and it turns out like Crawfords sophmore year situation.
I think Legion is makin a huge mistake in transferrin. He is gonna have to sit out a year regaurdless, why not stick out, work your butt and show what your made of INSTEAD of lettin your teammates and the fans (who think the world of you and are excited about your game) down. Braves_Fan can say what he wants, I don't expect him to know what TEAM UNITY and COMMITTMENT means. There is obviously a reason why he didn't get much playin time against UNC and WE don't have all the details on that situation. And for Legion to say that his transferrin has nothin to do with playin time, that's BS. If he was startin and playin 20+ minutes a game he would not be leavin.
If anyone didn't expect turmoil after the past couple of years they were naive. This is not a quick or easy fix.
If he could play defense then maybe he would get more playing time. Later days Legion.
Good Riddance...we don't need a wuss like him.

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