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New Coach At Lawrence
That's fine. I just hate for someone to be "discussed" when they have not even announced their intent to leave.
Cecil???No way,,He is one that has led the downfall.No sympathy for him.Fire him.Keep Sammons and Preece but let Preece work the middle school program and for goodness sakes clear the sidelines of that bunch of unofficial coach wannabee.s.
Thats the world of sports!!
catwoman Wrote:Cecil???No way,,He is one that has led the downfall.No sympathy for him.Fire him.Keep Sammons and Preece but let Preece work the middle school program and for goodness sakes clear the sidelines of that bunch of unofficial coach wannabee.s.

Oh yea like you know so much about the side line coach wanna be's if it wasnt for a bunch of them there is a lot of stuff that wouldnt get done. Stuff that no one else would do. And no it was not Coach Cecils fault for the down fall so keep his name out if.
Thats your tale Im sitting on mine.Wannabe,s need to go.Why?Look at the record the last five years.Worst in the area!!!Our boys need real coaches who know the game not a bunch of clowns.Most in the county agree with that,
catwoman Wrote:Thats your tale Im sitting on mine.Wannabe,s need to go.Why?Look at the record the last five years.Worst in the area!!!

Like they would you, and if i am not mistaken your using someone elses user name.
catwoman Wrote:Thats your tale Im sitting on mine.Wannabe,s need to go.Why?Look at the record the last five years.Worst in the area!!!Our boys need real coaches who know the game not a bunch of clowns.Most in the county agree with that,
Oh ok I see you tell them to there face there clowns you know the ones that take care of the kids when theuy need equipment fixed during the game or water during the game and making sure the balls are dry during the rain and whatever, because i believe you would get an ear full.
Get in there faces.Are you kidding.To want to be violent towards a coach is something that is terrible and would run from anything like that.Our team has shown signs of wanting to take action in a game that gets you in trouble.Red neckin is terrible.We need to make coaching changes.Nothing personel.Apologise for the use of the word clowns.Dont really think that, we should have Our SCHOOL BOARD hire some qualifed coaches.To get physical with a coach or anyone is something Im sure you dont mean either.That is something that should never happen.Im not talking about the guy who takes care of the balls during games.That guy has done that for years.He stays!!
Really without finger pointing, it would be great if what people we have in place could turn this program around.In any sport at any school, coaches get replaced, alot of the time when things turn sour.You bring a new coach in to try to light a spark and begin to get the players to give it their all.I wish it didnt get personel.I would hate to let someone go.especially those with families.With that on my mind , I feel ashamed,Im sorry for ever saying anything that would ever have anything to do with someone losing their job.A man trying to provide for his family with his body, heart and soul is honorable.Im deeply sorry.I just hope the people who do the hiring dont rely on information from a message board.Better to see the light late than never.
Batpuff Wrote:Oh ok I see you tell them to there face there clowns you know the ones that take care of the kids when theuy need equipment fixed during the game or water during the game and making sure the balls are dry during the rain and whatever, because i believe you would get an ear full.

Seems to me that taking care of equipment or water or whatever has NOTHING to do with coaching the game. Bottom line is, IF Billy leaves, the administration needs to get a QUALIFIED coach to take his spot. After speaking with a board member, I was told that any hiring will come from our so-called site based council. You have to go to them. Instead of getting on a message board and mouthing off, find a member of the council and put your two cents in. Arguing back and forth on here does nothing to help our program.And Batpuff, you have to admit, EVERYONE thought our sideline was a joke. There was more people in coaching shirts than players. Our administration has got to get behind the program and let whoever is the head coach get some PAID personnell and not the wanna-be's we had this year.
thats funny right there,I dont care who you are.Have fun with it,,,bring back chuke!!!Nows thats funny right there.
Lisa Douglas Wrote:You don't think he would make them a dandy coach? I think he's done an amazing job with jc... lc could certainly use him!

The laughing was for him leaving JC for LC.Smile 5-6 years ago I would have told him to go to Lc instead of JC. But LC seems to be having a few problems in the school system right now, and (the main reason) Matney has it too good where he is at. Great junior class and excellent talent coming up from the middle and grade school levels will keep him here for a while. A really good job would have to come open for him to leave the close-knit family he has here.
Batpuff Wrote:Oh ok I see you tell them to there face there clowns you know the ones that take care of the kids when theuy need equipment fixed during the game or water during the game and making sure the balls are dry during the rain and whatever, because i believe you would get an ear full.

Its never a good thing when you have to try to defend your coaches by using "fixing equipment" and "getting them water" to justify the quality of a coaching staff. Plain and simple, LC needs to clean house and start over fresh. Nothing or no one on that sideline can revamp this program. They have been given 5 years to do so with each year getting worse, time to pull the plug.
Kayaker Wrote:Its never a good thing when you have to try to defend your coaches by using "fixing equipment" and "getting them water" to justify the quality of a coaching staff. Plain and simple, LC needs to clean house and start over fresh. Nothing or no one on that sideline can revamp this program. They have been given 5 years to do so with each year getting worse, time to pull the plug.

To start with you need to know what your talking about before you go and make a statement, there are guys on the sidelines that have been there through several coaching staffs that vol. there time to help these young men out.
Batpuff Wrote:To start with you need to know what your talking about before you go and make a statement, there are guys on the sidelines that have been there through several coaching staffs that vol. there time to help these young men out.

Well okay then, I dont know but since you do, why dont you give us your theory on what LC needs to do to get its football program back on track? And going through several coaching staffs isnt always a good thing.
dawgmom Wrote:Seems to me that taking care of equipment or water or whatever has NOTHING to do with coaching the game. Bottom line is, IF Billy leaves, the administration needs to get a QUALIFIED coach to take his spot. After speaking with a board member, I was told that any hiring will come from our so-called site based council. You have to go to them. Instead of getting on a message board and mouthing off, find a member of the council and put your two cents in. Arguing back and forth on here does nothing to help our program.And Batpuff, you have to admit, EVERYONE thought our sideline was a joke. There was more people in coaching shirts than players. Our administration has got to get behind the program and let whoever is the head coach get some PAID personnell and not the wanna-be's we had this year.

Back in "my day", your water boys and equipment "mgrs" were high school kids, either injured players or kids that didn't play football. I know for a fact we didn't have more "helpers" than we did players!!! Some of the guys that are on the sidelines should stay, I won't mention names, you know who you are, BUT there are as many that need to be cleared out. Way to much mixed info thrown at the boys-everyone yelling out something different. I think Dawg Mom has a point, Luke Salmons would be an excellent choice. New enough to make changes and not be afraid of the repercussions that change brings.
Dawg@heart Wrote:Back in "my day", your water boys and equipment "mgrs" were high school kids, either injured players or kids that didn't play football. I know for a fact we didn't have more "helpers" than we did players!!! Some of the guys that are on the sidelines should stay, I won't mention names, you know who you are, BUT there are as many that need to be cleared out. Way to much mixed info thrown at the boys-everyone yelling out something different. I think Dawg Mom has a point, Luke Salmons would be an excellent choice. New enough to make changes and not be afraid of the repercussions that change brings.

Oh I agree with you 100%
Batpuff Wrote:Oh I agree with you 100%

and i'm not referring to you!!!!!
Dawg@heart Wrote:and i'm not referring to you!!!!!

Oh I know what your talking about. We get a few that think they know and blow everything up.
Dawg@heart Wrote:Back in "my day", your water boys and equipment "mgrs" were high school kids, either injured players or kids that didn't play football. I know for a fact we didn't have more "helpers" than we did players!!! Some of the guys that are on the sidelines should stay, I won't mention names, you know who you are, BUT there are as many that need to be cleared out. Way to much mixed info thrown at the boys-everyone yelling out something different. I think Dawg Mom has a point, Luke Salmons would be an excellent choice. New enough to make changes and not be afraid of the repercussions that change brings.

Saying there were more helpers than players was a little exaggerated but you get my drift. I agree with what you said. Good post
I never meant anything against the guy who takes care of the balls.I retire from this site.Way too serious on this site!!
Whoever the new LC coach is i hope he has the patience and thick skin to put up with some idiotic fans.
Never seen a place where expectations were so out of whack and some fans (parents) are so unrealistic.
Good luck whoever the new coach is.
I just think that with the talent Goldsmith has had since he has taken over, he shouldve went farther than he has.
dbcooper Wrote:Whoever the new LC coach is i hope he has the patience and thick skin to put up with some idiotic fans.
Never seen a place where expectations were so out of whack and some fans (parents) are so unrealistic.
Good luck whoever the new coach is.

Think this statement might be just a bit harsh???
Dawg@heart Wrote:Think this statement might be just a bit harsh???

Not really.

Been around there enough to know that the talent that was there in the 90s is not there now and there are more than a handful of fans who think that GOldsmith shoulda won seven or eight games per year.
Not with that schedule. It would probably even be fair to say the LC teams of the 90s would not have posted the numbers they did if they were playing that caliber of schedule year after year.
LC needs to get back to playing a winnable schedule and parents need to parent and let coaches coach.
catwoman Wrote:Thats your tale Im sitting on mine.Wannabe,s need to go.Why?Look at the record the last five years.Worst in the area!!!Our boys need real coaches who know the game not a bunch of clowns.Most in the county agree with that,

Maybe the downfall of LC football the last few years is people involved in the program like yourself. Who want to put blame where it doesn't belong, as someone who played under Cecil @ Russell, I can assure you he is no clown. I would love to see him back @ Russell now. I doubt anyone would get rid of him, it would be a terrible mistake. I haven't really kept up with LC football, just saw them play when they played Russell this yr. Just seems to me, that maybe they haven't had the talent they used to have, down years can happen. You don't have your Parker's or West's around, things can get tough. So you need to quit putting blame where it doesn't belong, or you'll just continue to tear down your school's program.
dbcooper Wrote:Not really.

Been around there enough to know that the talent that was there in the 90s is not there now and there are more than a handful of fans who think that GOldsmith shoulda won seven or eight games per year.
Not with that schedule. It would probably even be fair to say the LC teams of the 90s would not have posted the numbers they did if they were playing that caliber of schedule year after year.
LC needs to get back to playing a winnable schedule and parents need to parent and let coaches coach.

Maybe not the SAME talent, but there is talent there. It happens over time-things and kids change and not everyone can be perfect every year. I think alot of the pressure to be the team of the 90's was a load of crap. The 90's are over. Its a whole new generation of players. LC certainly doesn't hold the monopoly on idiotic fans. I am a parent and I never expected a perfect season, from Billy or anyone else. EVERY school has parents that won't leave the coaching staff alone but not all of us are in that group. We never spoke to our staff other than social hello's in passing. This schedule would have been he** on alot of teams and I feel sure other places fans or parents would have thought their team coulda, shoulda done better. Thats just human nature-
Regardless of the all knowing football fans that every school has, Louisa was behind this team, good or bad, better or worse-that doesn't make us idiots. That makes us loyal.
catwoman Wrote:Cecil???No way,,He is one that has led the downfall.No sympathy for him.Fire him.Keep Sammons and Preece but let Preece work the middle school program and for goodness sakes clear the sidelines of that bunch of unofficial coach wannabee.s.

No, blake preece needs to go to. Him coming here was the worst thing that happen at lawrence county.
Dawg@heart Wrote:Maybe not the SAME talent, but there is talent there. It happens over time-things and kids change and not everyone can be perfect every year. I think alot of the pressure to be the team of the 90's was a load of crap. The 90's are over. Its a whole new generation of players. LC certainly doesn't hold the monopoly on idiotic fans. I am a parent and I never expected a perfect season, from Billy or anyone else. EVERY school has parents that won't leave the coaching staff alone but not all of us are in that group. We never spoke to our staff other than social hello's in passing. This schedule would have been he** on alot of teams and I feel sure other places fans or parents would have thought their team coulda, shoulda done better. Thats just human nature-
Regardless of the all knowing football fans that every school has, Louisa was behind this team, good or bad, better or worse-that doesn't make us idiots. That makes us loyal.

You're right that on the whole most fans were behind the kids and coaches from what I saw on the outside. You're also right that many people conduct themselves appropriately. If that's you, then consider yourself excused from my description. But the description was an accurate one when it comes to a large number of fans who think they know football when they couldn't tell you whether a 4-3 is a defense or a baseball score.
I respect your loyalty and that of others in Louisa, but judging from comments I heard the times I saw them play and those on message boards, these fans wouldn't cut Vince Lombardi a break.
Plus, having some talent doesn't include having Shorts, Parkers, Wrights, Wests, Meadowses, Michaels,Cooks, McKenzies, Abshires, and so on.
A lot of talent concentrated in a short period of time and it just isn't there right now. The freshman QB can be a good one, but things look pretty thin aside from him.
DAWG lc Wrote:No, blake preece needs to go to. Him coming here was the worst thing that happen at lawrence county.

See what I mean DAWG lc?

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