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Best Big Man in the Mtns.
Who do you think will be most likely to dominate the paint this season in the 14th, 15th or 13th?
Garrison Collins
In my opinion, there are only three in the mountians. Collins of JBS, Newman from Betsy Layne, and Adams from Pikeville. In my opinion, Collins wont ever be able to put up any big numbers because of the situation he is in at his school. Newman to my knowledge has not played against anyone his size or bigger. So for me to judge him right now wouldnt be fair. Adams looked much improved over the summer. So to say who would be the best this far before the season starts is kinda pushing it. Those will be the three to watch though.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Adams will be the best big man in the 15th..hands down!
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:In my opinion, there are only three in the mountians. Collins of JBS, Newman from Betsy Layne, and Adams from Pikeville. In my opinion, Collins wont ever be able to put up any big numbers because of the situation he is in at his school. Newman to my knowledge has not played against anyone his size or bigger. So for me to judge him right now wouldnt be fair. Adams looked much improved over the summer. So to say who would be the best this far before the season starts is kinda pushing it. Those will be the three to watch though.
I asked "most likely be the best"-calling for a prediction based on last season's performance, no guarantees!
I have to say Garrison Collins from JBS and Ashley Hatfield from Valley. Garrison is a true big man, and Ashley just has more athleticism than any man his size that I've ever seen play ball in this area, and the scary thing is he will play for 3 more years before he goes to college. I would say Adams is on the list, but he hasn't proven a single thing yet, he hasn't been a threat in the paint since playing for Pikeville and he's listed at 6'10, a big man in EKY that tall should dominate everyone, he hasn't, and Ashley has never been intimidated to bang around down low with him. So my list is Garrison and Hatfield.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:I have to say Garrison Collins from JBS and Ashley Hatfield from Valley. Garrison is a true big man, and Ashley just has more athleticism than any man his size that I've ever seen play ball in this area, and the scary thing is he will play for 3 more years before he goes to college. I would say Adams is on the list, but he hasn't proven a single thing yet, he hasn't been a threat in the paint since playing for Pikeville and he's listed at 6'10, a big man in EKY that tall should dominate everyone, he hasn't, and Ashley has never been intimidated to bang around down low with him. So my list is Garrison and Hatfield.
I agree, but I'd have to put Newman from Betsy Layne, in there as well....I've only seen him play a couple times, and he impressed me every game, I haven't seen the Hatfield kid play yet, and I watched Garrison play when he was only a freshman....So I'm sure he's improved since then.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:I have to say Garrison Collins from JBS and Ashley Hatfield from Valley. Garrison is a true big man, and Ashley just has more athleticism than any man his size that I've ever seen play ball in this area, and the scary thing is he will play for 3 more years before he goes to college. I would say Adams is on the list, but he hasn't proven a single thing yet, he hasn't been a threat in the paint since playing for Pikeville and he's listed at 6'10, a big man in EKY that tall should dominate everyone, he hasn't, and Ashley has never been intimidated to bang around down low with him. So my list is Garrison and Hatfield.

With Garrison playing with Clark and Clint, what do you think he will be able to prove this season? How to rebound if the two miss? How to pass the ball back out for them if he does get the rebound? As much as you like to put Shelby Valleys name out in every thread, Ashley is not a big man. He may be the tallest player on Their team, but he is a forward. I do think he is a heck of a player, just not a big man though. You wont put a player on a list who lead the 15th region runner up in field goal percentage, rebounds, and blocked shots?
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:I have to say Garrison Collins from JBS and Ashley Hatfield from Valley. Garrison is a true big man, and Ashley just has more athleticism than any man his size that I've ever seen play ball in this area, and the scary thing is he will play for 3 more years before he goes to college. I would say Adams is on the list, but he hasn't proven a single thing yet, he hasn't been a threat in the paint since playing for Pikeville and he's listed at 6'10, a big man in EKY that tall should dominate everyone, he hasn't, and Ashley has never been intimidated to bang around down low with him. So my list is Garrison and Hatfield.

BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:With Garrison playing with Clark and Clint, what do you think he will be able to prove this season? How to rebound if the two miss? How to pass the ball back out for them if he does get the rebound? As much as you like to put Shelby Valleys name out in every thread, Ashley is not a big man. He may be the tallest player on Their team, but he is a forward. I do think he is a heck of a player, just not a big man though. You wont put a player on a list who lead the 15th region runner up in field goal percentage, rebounds, and blocked shots?

Both of you guys can make valid arguments for each player, both Adams and Hatfield, and neither has to be wrong.

As for Hatfield, whether he is a big man or not is dependent on what one considers "a big man". Some may only think of centers, others may include forwards, it's all just what you consider the term to include. If you do consider him a big man, he would certainly have to be considered as one of the top guys for this list.

As for Adams, he may not have been dominant last year, but tall guys tend to develop late so he may yet become the best big man in the region. He has not shown the consistency yet in actual games, but that may likely come this year. The potential is definitely there to be an unstoppable force down low.

BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:With Garrison playing with Clark and Clint, what do you think he will be able to prove this season? How to rebound if the two miss? How to pass the ball back out for them if he does get the rebound? As much as you like to put Shelby Valleys name out in every thread, Ashley is not a big man. He may be the tallest player on Their team, but he is a forward. I do think he is a heck of a player, just not a big man though. You wont put a player on a list who lead the 15th region runner up in field goal percentage, rebounds, and blocked shots?

Okay, so since Amare Staudamire players forward, I guess he wouldn't be included in the big man category right?

And no, I don't put Valley's names in every thread, I put the best players names, I didn't even put Ashley's first, jeesh back off, just cause you're a Pikeville follower doesn't mean you bash people, I said nothing bad about Adams, only the truth, so why the harshness towards me?
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Okay, so since Amare Staudamire players forward, I guess he wouldn't be included in the big man category right?

And no, I don't put Valley's names in every thread, I put the best players names, I didn't even put Ashley's first, jeesh back off, just cause you're a Pikeville follower doesn't mean you bash people, I said nothing bad about Adams, only the truth, so why the harshness towards me?

I am sorry for the whole forward statement. I do however think that 6'10" is a big man where 6'4" isnt. I did not bash him in any way. Read my post again, I just said he wasnt a big man. If that is bashing, then I am sorry. But the facts are still the same, there are very few big men in this region. At this point in time, Shelby Valley doesnt have any. That is just my opinion, you may think they do and that would be ok.

I forgot about that boy from East Ridge, Lucas I think his name is, he got some minutes in varsity games last year. Did he graduate already or is he a senior this year?
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Collins is big, but I saw a big guy from KCC the other night. Richard someone, big guy looks like a big improvement for Kcc.
Screwball Wrote:Collins is big, but I saw a big guy from KCC the other night. Richard someone, big guy looks like a big improvement for Kcc.
Did he play with them over the summer at Pikeville Colleges team camp?
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
im gonna have to go with eric ison of letcher central
I do not believe that there is a true big man in the 13th. The Day kid at Pineville is probably the closest thing to a big man that I can think of. There are several pretty fair kids in the 6-4 to 6-6 range but I can not think of a single kid that really likes to play with his back to the basket.
sloppyseconds Wrote:im gonna have to go with eric ison of letcher central
Ison is about 6'9" so he would fit into this category and like Adams he is a late bloomer. Both are hard workers and will reap the bendfits of it.
By the way, Garrison Collins is the best big man.
SportsKrazee Wrote:Garrison Collins

I agree.
Possum Bait Wrote:I do not believe that there is a true big man in the 13th. The Day kid at Pineville is probably the closest thing to a big man that I can think of. There are several pretty fair kids in the 6-4 to 6-6 range but I can not think of a single kid that really likes to play with his back to the basket.

you cant think of Matt St. John? he went from 6'6 to 6'8 from start to finish of last season and now hes around 6'9, thier expecting him to hit around 6'11 in the future from what i hearing. hes only a sophomore.
If the Adams kid from Pikeville keeps on improving like he has been then he has to be mentioned.
The big man that swrewball saw at kcc was richard caudill ... he is very stong and he has got alot of moves but he has alot to improve on
Collins from JBS is IMO the best big man by far. He was ranked the #1 player at Rick Bolus camp this summer and I was amazed that Cats Pause did not have him ranked in the 14th region top 10.
uk96 Wrote:Collins from JBS is IMO the best big man by far. He was ranked the #1 player at Rick Bolus camp this summer and I was amazed that Cats Pause did not have him ranked in the 14th region top 10.

He could be the best big man in the 14th if he was passed the ball.
I've gotta question. How many "TRUE" big men are there in the mountains. I don't know of very many. But my choice would be Dustin May from Belfry.
Ashley Hatfield will turn into the great post player he is suppose to be this year. Judging from the last year, his dominance as a center type player will get more and more noticable as the the season goes on. He is at least in the top three big men if he is not the best big man inthe mountains.
Scotty doesn't know Wrote:Ashley Hatfield will turn into the great post player he is suppose to be this year. Judging from the last year, his dominance as a center type player will get more and more noticable as the the season goes on. He is at least in the top three big men if he is not the best big man inthe mountains.

Exactly, he's very dominant, and still people won't say he's a big man, he's just the more athletic type like Dirk Nowitzki, the boy is just 16 and is 6'4-6'5, he's still growing, he is a big man, and is one of the top in the mountains, and in a few years, will be projecting D-1.
He is huge, but hes horrible. He was 6'7 last year, and probably didn't average 8 points and 8 boards a game in the 13th region. Any kid that is over 6'6 in this region should get a double-double night in, and night out.
OnCeABobcat Wrote:Who do you think will be most likely to dominate the paint this season in the 14th, 15th or 13th?
The big kid from Pineville
MR.PERFECT Wrote:The big kid from Pineville

Oh yeah I forgot all about him, Dustin Day is deff the best big man in the 13th IMO!!!

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