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ESPN High School Player Rankings
Tim and Ted are both good kids. Theve worked VERY hard to get the attention theyre getting and they deserve it. Good luck to both this season and in the future.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:Actually, he wasn't from LSU.
He was from Louisville Holy Cross.
My bad, Thanks for correcting that, like I said I wasn't sure but wanted to get it clarified. Cant wait to watch Tim and Ted this season.
blackcatjt Wrote:yea OVERRATED
Why is everyone on here so negative? can't you just congratulate two very talented athletes from Eastern Kentucky that are being recognized on a national level?
All I heard about from last week is that Dials from SC ran both of them over at the scrimmage. How could two top 150 kids let someone not ranked do that, I mean, didn't he score like 4 TD's on them?
congrats guys wish you the best
blackcatjt Wrote:yea OVERRATED
finally someone that agrees with me
you don t get it racial slurs are the easiest accusations to make against someone when you are playing different races and getting BEAT at that. I seriously doubt that any thing said in any game is done only to do just what you said to intiimidate. Again a good player lets it slide.AND where I come from no I would not tolerate racial slurs if I personally HEARD them KIDS LIE LIE you know.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:"Your Mama" is not a slur... It's stupid.

Racial references and use of the "N" word are ignorant, hateful, inflammatory, and over the line....Racial slurs aren't and shouldn't accepted in these days and times (just ask Don Imus)

The "true" player plays the game and plays it with respect...The "True" player doesn't need to talk trash to intimidate.

YES any type of offensive talk, behavior is stupid but its everywhere and you have to learn to ignore it or let it get you all I said was which ever one it was was letting it get him and it took him out of the game there were others of color that didn t act that way and we dont know what his problem was everyone just assumed it was racial slurs on the PIKEVILLE side that is.HEY I do wish them lots of luck I just know it takes more than stats to make it in the world and that means learning to choose your battles and like I said what is said in games is just that it is said in games.

FOX SPORTS Wrote:I would imagine Coach Haywood would have benched one or more of his players too if he knew what was being said on the field...what is seen from the stands isn't always
a true picture of the entire situation.

Will any coach ever know everything said on the field now come on .If coach Haywood personally heard a player say anything he didn t like I imagine YES he would bench a player.Things will always happen on the field that coaches won t know about ARE we going to need to hire a few BABYSITTERS to run along side certain players to make sure nobody upsets them during the game.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:All I heard about from last week is that Dials from SC ran both of them over at the scrimmage. How could two top 150 kids let someone not ranked do that, I mean, didn't he score like 4 TD's on them?
they can't do everything.. they played as well s they could have...

Grand Slam Wrote:congrats guys wish you the best
Big Grin see its not that hard to be classy and show some respect for two good student athletes.
Panther Thunder Wrote:they can't do everything.. they played as well s they could have...

THERE you go they are not the entire team you need everyone one not just your ESPN guys

ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:All I heard about from last week is that Dials from SC ran both of them over at the scrimmage. How could two top 150 kids let someone not ranked do that, I mean, didn't he score like 4 TD's on them?

I was at this scrimmage and yes SC laid it on them and to quote a remark from another link what was up with
Pikevilles sideline THEY did look like a MASH unit THE HONAKERS were not impressive and neither was the team. I guess I was expecting more since they returned a lot of their players.It doesn t matter what you do at CAMP it is what you do in a REAL GAME>>>>>>
truthful Wrote:you don t get it racial slurs are the easiest accusations to make against someone when you are playing different races and getting BEAT at that. I seriously doubt that any thing said in any game is done only to do just what you said to intiimidate. Again a good player lets it slide.AND where I come from no I would not tolerate racial slurs if I personally HEARD them KIDS LIE LIE you know.

PIkeville was actually winning the whole game until the last few minutes so that blows your first statement out. I happened to be on the sidelines and heard the Belfry kids with my own ears saying these sickening things. It is hard to lie when you hear it personally. Calling a high school a liar is always good when you don't want to admit you have done something wrong.
truthful Wrote:THERE you go they are not the entire team you need everyone one not just your ESPN guys

I was at this scrimmage and yes SC laid it on them and to quote a remark from another link what was up with
Pikevilles sideline THEY did look like a MASH unit THE HONAKERS were not impressive and neither was the team. I guess I was expecting more since they returned a lot of their players.It doesn t matter what you do at CAMP it is what you do in a REAL GAME>>>>>>
Pikeville held SC to three three and outs on 20 plays of offense. SC scored twice I believe maybe three times. Dials is a hell of a ball player who did look pretty dang good. The Honakers made a lot of good reads and did a lot of other things well. Hey truthful, do you even know what Pikeville's coaches ask of these boys on the field? If you know so much about Pikeville please share with everyone your all knowing knowledge of what Pikeville's LB are supposed to do and who they are supposed to read and what is supposed to happen up front for all of these other things to happen!
truthful Wrote:""but its everywhere and you have to learn to ignore it or let it get you ""

"what is said in games is just that it is said in games."

truthful, you sound as if you are defending racial slurs as just a part of life and when they are said on the field it is just part of the battle.....THESE MAY THE MOST SAD THINGS I HAVE EVER HEARD ON THIS SITE.

Because it's "everywhere" DOES NOT make it alright.

Racial slurs are NEVER OK..whether it be on the playing field, in the stands, in the classroom, at ones office, or in the living room....IT IS JUST WRONG!!!!
FOX SPORTS Wrote:truthful, you sound as if you are defending racial slurs as just a part of life and when they are said on the field it is just part of the battle.....THESE MAY THE MOST SAD THINGS I HAVE EVER HEARD ON THIS SITE.

Because it's "everywhere" DOES NOT make it alright.

Racial slurs are NEVER OK..whether it be on the playing field, in the stands, in the classroom, at ones office, or in the living room....IT IS JUST WRONG!!!!

Very Well said FOX SPORTS!
TRAIN85 Wrote:PIkeville was actually winning the whole game until the last few minutes so that blows your first statement out. I happened to be on the sidelines and heard the Belfry kids with my own ears saying these sickening things. It is hard to lie when you hear it personally. Calling a high school a liar is always good when you don't want to admit you have done something wrong.

Hey buddy I know for a fact that high schoolers will look you in the eye and LIE on any body to get out of trouble and to save face HOPE you are not a parent yet cause you got some hard road ahead of you if you believe EVERYTHING a HIGH SCHOOLER said .I know this PERSONALLY as I am in a position to know as I work with kids everyday. AGAIN your word that BELFRY said these things and I guess you are from PIKEVILLE the REFS had the call there if they wanted to make it or if THEY heard anything going on.Again EASY to say this when YOU are LOSING and your so called BETTER player has taken HIMSELF out of the GAME .
TRAIN85 Wrote:Very Well said FOX SPORTS!

I am not defending any type of SLURS just stating it happens WILL continue to happen and that is a fact. The whole WORLD is not going to stop and it is not just the N word that is offensive there is a DICTIONARY of them out there and new ones being introduced everyday.
TRAIN85 Wrote:Pikeville held SC to three three and outs on 20 plays of offense. SC scored twice I believe maybe three times. Dials is a hell of a ball player who did look pretty dang good. The Honakers made a lot of good reads and did a lot of other things well. Hey truthful, do you even know what Pikeville's coaches ask of these boys on the field? If you know so much about Pikeville please share with everyone your all knowing knowledge of what Pikeville's LB are supposed to do and who they are supposed to read and what is supposed to happen up front for all of these other things to happen!

I don t know what the coaches ask of these players I only know what I see again I saw it my way you yours I was not in any way concerned that SC would be out scored.I assume the players excute the plays that their coaches relay to them or do they certain players just make up their own?
truthful Wrote:Hey buddy I know for a fact that high schoolers will look you in the eye and LIE on any body to get out of trouble and to save face HOPE you are not a parent yet cause you got some hard road ahead of you if you believe EVERYTHING a HIGH SCHOOLER said .I know this PERSONALLY as I am in a position to know as I work with kids everyday. AGAIN your word that BELFRY said these things and I guess you are from PIKEVILLE the REFS had the call there if they wanted to make it or if THEY heard anything going on.Again EASY to say this when YOU are LOSING and your so called BETTER player has taken HIMSELF out of the GAME .

Nowhere in my comments did I say high schoolers don't lie. I said it was easy to call a kid a liar to keep from admitting the truth. If you work with kids and are condoning the behavior you are defending then I feel sorry for those kids. I'm not saying that my kids didn't say anything back to the Belfry kids but it was after the fact they disrespected our kids. Pikeville was winning the whole game until the end. The slurs started in the first quarter. All I ask from you is to stop living in the past and see how much brighter the future will be once we learn to harness our anger towards others that don't look the same as we do.
truthful Wrote:I am not defending any type of SLURS just stating it happens WILL continue to happen and that is a fact. The whole WORLD is not going to stop and it is not just the N word that is offensive there is a DICTIONARY of them out there and new ones being introduced everyday.

Just like FOX SPORTS said: "just because someone does it doesn't make it right."
White, black, yellow, or red what's the difference? Nothing! The only people who have a problem are the people who live in the past. We as a people need to realize our full potential will never be tapped into until we let go of the past and live for the future.
truthful Wrote:I don t know what the coaches ask of these players I only know what I see again I saw it my way you yours I was not in any way concerned that SC would be out scored.I assume the players excute the plays that their coaches relay to them or do they certain players just make up their own?

You obviously know more about PIkeville than anyone, so you could probably answer your own question better than anyone else could. You "seeing it your way" doesn't constitute these two kids doing it wrong or being over rated. You first have to gain an understanding of what is being asked of these kids before you can form an articulated opinion. PLease learn to understand the situation before throwing a couple of hard working kids to the wolves.
Im absoulutely ASHAMED of some of the people on here. And they should be ashamed of themselves. Here you have two good football players who have the talent and work ethic to be looked at by D-1 schools and are ranked by college recruiting services. People who evaluate talent for living and therefore know more than anyone one this thread about who is D1 worthy and who isnt. Instead of celebrating these kids these kids some choose to focus on one isolated incident where they lost theyre composure. And one completely MEANINGLESS scrimmage game where they didnt meet Truthfuls "Expert" standards. We should celebrate every athelete that comes out of here and has the oppurtunity to play college footbal on the highest of levels. Instead some want to spew venom of jealousy and anti-Pikeville sentiment to try to tear them down in any way they can. These are some sad and pathetic individuals. In short: GET A LIFE!!!!!!
TRAIN85 Wrote:Nowhere in my comments did I say high schoolers don't lie. I said it was easy to call a kid a liar to keep from admitting the truth. If you work with kids and are condoning the behavior you are defending then I feel sorry for those kids. I'm not saying that my kids didn't say anything back to the Belfry kids but it was after the fact they disrespected our kids. Pikeville was winning the whole game until the end. The slurs started in the first quarter. All I ask from you is to stop living in the past and see how much brighter the future will be once we learn to harness our anger towards others that don't look the same as we do.

I am in now way condoning saying things like this at all, but please don't make Pikeville out to be the victim in this. Since the opening of the game last season it was one particular Panther player and one particular Panther coach that were completely showing a lack of sportsmanship that probably had a direct result in some of the things said. I was shocked to see some of the excessive taunting that was going on from a normally class program such as Pikeville.

In no way, shape, or form does this make it alright for people to make comments like those mentioned IF in fact it did happen. But, from my perspective on that night there certainly weren't any INNOCENT victims wearing Maroon. What was a shame is that the game last year was truly one of the better Pikeville/Belfry matchups in recent years, but afterwards and still to this point in time, we still have to hear about the things mentione din this thread.

And for the record, I don't feel as if the honakers are "overrated" at all. From an athletic ability standpoint, I don't think you will find two more gifted players in Eastern Kentucky, for a mix of speed, strength, and natural football ability.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:truthful, you sound as if you are defending racial slurs as just a part of life and when they are said on the field it is just part of the battle.....THESE MAY THE MOST SAD THINGS I HAVE EVER HEARD ON THIS SITE.

Because it's "everywhere" DOES NOT make it alright.

Racial slurs are NEVER OK..whether it be on the playing field, in the stands, in the classroom, at ones office, or in the living room....IT IS JUST WRONG!!!!

This is for you Fox I would never defend racial slurs if I HEARD them but you can not just believe that it happened because this one or that one said it did .This is the last time I plan to address this post as most of you know our mamas told us that sticks and stones may break your bones but WORDS would never harm you .I do work with kids everyday and in my case I see overweight people take lots of slurs and most go on and some don t.ALL I was trying to say was that a persons conduct says more for them than anything if you do not know that person. I do not know what was said either way I did not bring up this topic someone else on here did I just mentioned the conduct displayed by one of the Honakers I don t think the brother acted that way and he was on the field as weell.He is to be commended for being better. What if some scouts were in the stands they would have came out with the same oppinion as me because they to woud think would this player be acting like this at the next level. I do wish them and any player good enough to play a D! D@ or whatever level the best and YOU doNOT know my race and I may KNOW alotabout ignoring WORDS because thats all they ars. There are more things to concern yourself with about students who don tget enough to eat after they leave school for the day. those little ones and teens who come to school with poor hygeine because they do not have water in the home and oh the really sad ones that are physically and often sexually abused by those that are suppose to be taking care of them so excuse me if I get offended because someone gets their feelins hurt especially a highschooler for name calling HONAKERS GOOD LUCK AND TUNE OUT THE BAD COMMENTS .
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Im absoulutely ASHAMED of some of the people on here. And they should be ashamed of themselves. Here you have two good football players who have the talent and work ethic to be looked at by D-1 schools and are ranked by college recruiting services. People who evaluate talent for living and therefore know more than anyone one this thread about who is D1 worthy and who isnt. Instead of celebrating these kids these kids some choose to focus on one isolated incident where they lost theyre composure. And one completely MEANINGLESS scrimmage game where they didnt meet Truthfuls "Expert" standards. We should celebrate every athelete that comes out of here and has the oppurtunity to play college footbal on the highest of levels. Instead some want to spew venom of jealousy and anti-Pikeville sentiment to try to tear them down in any way they can. These are some sad and pathetic individuals. In short: GET A LIFE!!!!!!

IF scrimmages are meaningless why have them?I thought this was when you showcased what you have andOBVIOUSLY don t have
truthful Wrote:IF scrimmages are meaningless why have them?I thought this was when you showcased what you have andOBVIOUSLY don t have
Scrimages, especially to the Pikeville coaches, are glorified practices. The SV scrimage was the first opportunity for Pikeville to put 11 people out going against another 11 people because of their injuries.
Pikeville's coaches ran as many different things they could so that they could watch the film and work on the plethera of mistakes the made. Yes they wanted to make a good showing, but scoring the most and "winning" was not very high on their to do lists
truthful Wrote:This is for you Fox I would never defend racial slurs if I HEARD them but you can not just believe that it happened because this one or that one said it did .

Doesn't matter if one heard them or not racial slurs are wrong, period.

We are off topic and I am as guilty as anyone for letting this thread get off topic...I apologize....Please let's get back on topic which is ESPN national player rankings.
truthful Wrote:THERE you go they are not the entire team you need everyone one not just your ESPN guys
First, no one ever said they were all we needed. They are major contributors but football needs good games out of all 11 on each side of the ball to win against a good team.
Second, I'm sure if someone from your school was being recoginzed on a national level as one of the best at what they do in the country you would want to congratulate them and wouldnt want people downing them. Stop hatin on these guys and man up and congratulate them.
truthful Wrote:IF scrimmages are meaningless why have them?I thought this was when you showcased what you have andOBVIOUSLY don t have
According to Coach Phillip Haywood and Hillard Howard, two of eastern Kentucky's best, scrimmages are for seeing how your team stacks up against different competition and is a glorified practice....meaningless as far as rankings and "showcases" go.

This thread is about player rankings not any particular teams scrimmage games...please start another thread if it's focus is going to be scrimmages.
TRAIN85 Wrote:PIkeville was actually winning the whole game until the last few minutes so that blows your first statement out. I happened to be on the sidelines and heard the Belfry kids with my own ears saying these sickening things. It is hard to lie when you hear it personally. Calling a high school a liar is always good when you don't want to admit you have done something wrong.
WAS Pikeville in the lead those three quarters? It never matters who was winning its who DID win
Panther Thunder Wrote:First, no one ever said they were all we needed. They are major contributors but football needs good games out of all 11 on each side of the ball to win against a good team.
Second, I'm sure if someone from your school was being recoginzed on a national level as one of the best at what they do in the country you would want to congratulate them and wouldnt want people downing them. Stop hatin on these guys and man up and congratulate them.

YOU are so inmature HATE is a very ugly word too .I did CON. them if you would bother to read to the end of my previous post.

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