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Barry Bonds just hit career homerun #755 against the San Diego Padres. The pitch was a 2-1 fastball, and was hit into the left field bleachers. Congrats to Barry Bonds on this great achievement.
What a way to end a night with watching history happen
756 will happen tonight to
I doubt it...the Giants go back to San Francisco on Monday I think. I believe he'd rather hit 756 there.

I hope he is now cursed and will never hit 756, but that's just me.
Cheered as if I was there. Was awesome! Hope he hits 800!
ComfortEagle Wrote:I doubt it...the Giants go back to San Francisco on Monday I think. I believe he'd rather hit 756 there.

I hope he is now cursed and will never hit 756, but that's just me.

ESPN went on and on about how it's basically tainted and how he admitted to Balco and all that. I figured they'd at least give him his day in the sun, but he's a cheater, so it doesn't bother me.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
To this I say...


This is the biggest joke in the history of baseball. No one even cares cause no one will consider him the home-run king... all i can say is i dont care one bit for alex rodriguez but i cant wait till he passes bonds. Bonds needs to do the game a big favor and quit now at a tie. Just to save himself and everyone else the misery.
Panther Thunder Wrote:This is the biggest joke in the history of baseball. No one even cares cause no one will consider him the home-run king... all i can say is i dont care one bit for alex rodriguez but i cant wait till he passes bonds. Bonds needs to do the game a big favor and quit now at a tie. Just to save himself and everyone else the misery.

On ESPN, they just said people were holding up * signs
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:On ESPN, they just said people were holding up * signs

HA! That's pretty funny. At least it shows that the people put some thought into the sign, rather than just writing down something stupid.

You guys kill me. Barry Bonds has NEVER tested positive for any type of steroid. People also forget steroids weren't even tested for in the MLB not to long ago. You also say you can't wait till Arod breaks it. Well guess what. Arod is the next hot topic in Jose's new book coming out. Another thing. It is never mentioned how much weight Hammerin Hank put on in his last few years before breaking the record and also just before retiring. And please Ripken playing over 2,000 games without missing ONE! Try and tell me that there wasn't alittle medical aid there. If a player today did the things The Babe did in his day. That player would be in therapy and NOT the Hall of Fame. If players back in the Babe's time had juice. They would have used it. Don't get me wrong. I am NOT for roids. But, for everyone to even think that in the late 60's and 70s it wasn't being used is crazy. Something else that drives me nutts. Look at the balls used then and the ones used now. If the Babe could hit the ones now he would have hit 1,000 dingers. Also, here's one for todays sluggers. Look at the pitching compared to then. How many 90 mph throwers were their back then with the junk they throw with it. Also Panther Thunder. Were you even born when Bonds was a Rookie? Did you even know that he played for the Pirates? I hope when Bonds breaks the record he gives us one of his old school spins after he watches it leave the yard and then rounds the bases.
You're right, OTH, Barry Bonds has NEVER tested positive for any kind of substance. I have my own personal theories and this and that, but one thing is for sure, he is tied with Hank Aaron for the all-time record for most HRs hit a career. I don't think it really matters though to be honest, because a guy by the name of Alex Rodriguez will break it here in about 7-8 years anyway. But congrats to Barry and his milestone. I believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty, so show me proof that Barry has juiced and then, and ONLY then, will I change my opinion of one of the greatest hitters of all time.
OffTheHook Wrote:I hope when Bonds breaks the record he gives us one of his old school spins after he watches it leave the yard and then rounds the bases.

If he does something like that, I hope his next at-bat that he takes a 95 mph heater right to the ribs. Not because he's a cheater (like you said, it hasn't been proven) but just because he's a arrogant, classless punk.

They weren't just holding up signs, they have shirts that have *, then right under it in small letters...756

Bonds created this himself. If he wasn't such a turd to the media, he would have a better image. He is his own worst enemy.
More Cowbell Wrote:To this I say...


I must say, to me anything Bonds does will never hold the correct light in my book. However, I think the bigger story is A-Rod (the man who will past Bonds eventually), hitting his 500th HR 8 days after turning 32. WOW! I absolutely hate the Yankees but man that man deserves some props when he seems to be doing it naturally.
Scotty doesn't know Wrote:I must say, to me anything Bonds does will never hold the correct light in my book. However, I think the bigger story is A-Rod (the man who will past Bonds eventually), hitting his 500th HR 8 days after turning 32. WOW! I absolutely hate the Yankees but man that man deserves some props when he seems to be doing it naturally.
I'm not saying anything here, okay? This just reminded me of something my dad pointed out earlier. I mentioned how A-Rod was the new "hot topic" of Jose Conseco's latest book, and how Conseco claims to have "aided" (or whatever you want to call it) A-Rod with performing enhancing drugs. I told my dad that A-Rod WILL break the all-time record eventually, and that he will have done it with pure hard work and talent. My dad calmly stated, "That may be true. But Conseco hasn't been wrong about anyone yet has he?" And he was right. Conseco was dead on with the guys he mentioned in his "Juiced" book. It just got me thinking and I thought I would pass it along. haha. A-Rod is one of my favorite players, and I have no reason to believe he has cheated himself or the game of baseball.
StrikeoutKing Wrote:I'm not saying anything here, okay? This just reminded me of something my dad pointed out earlier. I mentioned how A-Rod was the new "hot topic" of Jose Conseco's latest book, and how Conseco claims to have "aided" (or whatever you want to call it) A-Rod with performing enhancing drugs. I told my dad that A-Rod WILL break the all-time record eventually, and that he will have done it with pure hard work and talent. My dad calmly stated, "That may be true. But Conseco hasn't been wrong about anyone yet has he?" And he was right. Conseco was dead on with the guys he mentioned in his "Juiced" book. It just got me thinking and I thought I would pass it along. haha. A-Rod is one of my favorite players, and I have no reason to believe he has cheated himself or the game of baseball.

That is the first time I have heard A-Rod's name in with a steriod accusation. Kind of a shock but heck if you are int he sport public eye your name will get tossed around.
Scotty doesn't know Wrote:That is the first time I have heard A-Rod's name in with a steriod accusation. Kind of a shock but heck if you are int he sport public eye your name will get tossed around.

It's not the public tossing A-Rod's name around. It's Jose Conseco. The man that got this thing blown up the way it is now. People "boo" Bonds and have their little "*" signs. But, you know what....they're in the bleachers watching it happen. This is GREAT for the the Greatest game on earth. I don't care what anyone says. And yes, I hope A-Rod passes him. IF...He stays healthy, he should. People who REALLY love the game of baseball are enjoying this. Because look at what we have got to witness so far in the last few years. The Sammy and Mark HR Chase with McGwire breaking Maris's HR Record. Then Bonds pasing that one as well. The Angels, White Sox and RED SOX winning the World Series. Nolan Ryan throw No-Hitters like no other. Ricky Henderson & Vince Coleman swiping bases like you will NEVER see again. I mean baseball fans have been blessed in the last 30 years and I for one am loving it.
to me, its not even about Bonds not testing positive or the record being tainted. I just hate Barry Bonds. Ive hated Barry Bonds since he played the race card in Pittsburgh because of Van Slyke making more money. I hate Bonds because he is an arrogant, selfish bastard that doesnt deserve this record. Sure there's many more in the record books that were arrrogant and selfish. But this is Bonds. Bonds is in an asshole league of his own. I only wished for him to get hits and homers when he wore the Pirates uniform, but as soon as he bolted Pittsburgh, I'd hoped he'd never get a hit again. I hated him when he played for my favorite team, but I REALLY hated him when he left. Thats why I dont want to see Bonds with anykind of record. I hated the day he hit #71, and I'll hate the day he hits 756(*). I do hope they put an * beside of it. I dont care if he's innocent. I hope baseball finds some way to screw him anyway it can. We all know that Bonds was on steroids, he even admitted it, and then lied to everybody (I didnt know what that was=BULLSHIT). He's a rich piece of trash. I still hope somebody beans him in the head with a 100mph fastball, and if it can possibly miss that 60 inch plasma TV sized forehead, I'd love to see it bust his face open, and he retire, at #755, with an * beside of it, right under Henry Aaron in the record books. That would be justice. Bonds doesnt deserve to hold the most precious record in baseball. Hell I wouldnt care who hits it, just not Bonds.
Bonds will never be Ron Gant! I don't give a shit what he does or how many HR's he hits! Smile
Eventually A-Rod will break this record years down the road. Im not a Barry Bonds fan at all and yeah he probably has cheated the game more than anyone, but thats alot of homeruns over a career and to actually see someone break one of the most hallowed records in sports history is pretty amazing, only if it was someone else doing it, lol.
More Cowbell Wrote:Not because he's a cheater (like you said, it hasn't been proven) but just because he's a arrogant, classless punk.

You know I have a couple of friends that are major league umpires. (Charlie Reliford and Greg Gibson) They both said that he is indeed an arrogant prick. Charlie also to me that he had the honors of throwing him out of a game many years ago.:Clap:
TidesHoss32 Wrote:to me, its not even about Bonds not testing positive or the record being tainted. I just hate Barry Bonds. Ive hated Barry Bonds since he played the race card in Pittsburgh because of Van Slyke making more money. I hate Bonds because he is an arrogant, selfish bastard that doesnt deserve this record. Sure there's many more in the record books that were arrrogant and selfish. But this is Bonds. Bonds is in an asshole league of his own. I only wished for him to get hits and homers when he wore the Pirates uniform, but as soon as he bolted Pittsburgh, I'd hoped he'd never get a hit again. I hated him when he played for my favorite team, but I REALLY hated him when he left. Thats why I dont want to see Bonds with anykind of record. I hated the day he hit #71, and I'll hate the day he hits 756(*). I do hope they put an * beside of it. I dont care if he's innocent. I hope baseball finds some way to screw him anyway it can. We all know that Bonds was on steroids, he even admitted it, and then lied to everybody (I didnt know what that was=BULLSHIT). He's a rich piece of trash. I still hope somebody beans him in the head with a 100mph fastball, and if it can possibly miss that 60 inch plasma TV sized forehead, I'd love to see it bust his face open, and he retire, at #755, with an * beside of it, right under Henry Aaron in the record books. That would be justice. Bonds doesnt deserve to hold the most precious record in baseball. Hell I wouldnt care who hits it, just not Bonds.

And where is Van Slyke now? I also know a guy that played in the Yankees organization and got to meet A-Rod and guess what....He said the same thing about A-Rod being an asshole. A lot f MLB players are big headed. If they put an "*" next to Bonds name. Then thay need to put one next to Ripken's name as well. Because NO-ONE plays that many in a row without alittle aid. What about an "*" next to Ryan. He played an aweful long time and just like Hank, put on some bulk near the end of his career and those were the days when roids were thick in MLB and they didn't test. So the way I see it. EVERY player from that era needs an "*" next to their name. :thumpsup:
OffTheHook Wrote:It's not the public tossing A-Rod's name around. It's Jose Conseco. The man that got this thing blown up the way it is now. People "boo" Bonds and have their little "*" signs. But, you know what....they're in the bleachers watching it happen. This is GREAT for the the Greatest game on earth. I don't care what anyone says. And yes, I hope A-Rod passes him. IF...He stays healthy, he should. People who REALLY love the game of baseball are enjoying this. Because look at what we have got to witness so far in the last few years. The Sammy and Mark HR Chase with McGwire breaking Maris's HR Record. Then Bonds pasing that one as well. The Angels, White Sox and RED SOX winning the World Series. Nolan Ryan throw No-Hitters like no other. Ricky Henderson & Vince Coleman swiping bases like you will NEVER see again. I mean baseball fans have been blessed in the last 30 years and I for one am loving it.
I haven't quite been around to enjoy baseball for 30 years, more like k19, but I'm a HUGE fan of the game and all the excitement it brings. Even the oldest fan feels like a kid when they talk about baseball. I remember watching McGwire and Sosa revive baseball during the post-strike era as they chased Marris' single season HR record. I remember watching Ripken trot around Camden Yards after the 5th inning of his 2,131st consecutive game. I get chills watching clips of Mazeroski's HR in 1960, and highlights of the tremendous post-season played by the 2004 Boston Red Sox. This game is great...for America, for the fans, and for the little kid in us all. You've got to love baseball.

"The one constant through all the years...has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past... It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again." -Terence Mann, "Field of Dreams"
OffTheHook Wrote:And where is Van Slyke now? I also know a guy that played in the Yankees organization and got to meet A-Rod and guess what....He said the same thing about A-Rod being an asshole. A lot f MLB players are big headed. If they put an "*" next to Bonds name. Then thay need to put one next to Ripken's name as well. Because NO-ONE plays that many in a row without alittle aid. What about an "*" next to Ryan. He played an aweful long time and just like Hank, put on some bulk near the end of his career and those were the days when roids were thick in MLB and they didn't test. So the way I see it. EVERY player from that era needs an "*" next to their name. :thumpsup:

To compare Bonds to Cal Ripken Jr. might be the most RIDICULOUS THING I HAVE EVER HAD TO READ!:moon:
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:To compare Bonds to Cal Ripken Jr. might be the most RIDICULOUS THING I HAVE EVER HAD TO READ!:moon:

No-one is comparing them what so ever. 2 totally different types of players. I was just stating that they are from the same erra and that anyone from that erra needs the little "*" next to their name. Yes, his attitude sucks to some. But, the man could play and can still hit. I know his avg. is down this year but heck he is hitting towards 6 guys on half a field, when most of the league is hitting at 4.
OffTheHook Wrote:No-one is comparing them what so ever. 2 totally different types of players. I was just stating that they are from the same erra and that anyone from that erra needs the little "*" next to their name. Yes, his attitude sucks to some. But, the man could play and can still hit. I know his avg. is down this year but heck he is hitting towards 6 guys on half a field, when most of the league is hitting at 4.

You're saying that Ripken was kept healthy by steroids? That's a joke, why wouldn't he have been getting bigger? I believe steroids can make you bigger and stronger, but I think they'd destroy his body over a long period of time, which then he wouldn't have been able to play consecutive games.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:You're saying that Ripken was kept healthy by steroids? That's a joke, why wouldn't he have been getting bigger? I believe steroids can make you bigger and stronger, but I think they'd destroy his body over a long period of time, which then he wouldn't have been able to play consecutive games.

Everyone's body reacts differently to roids. It also depends on what kind of exercise program you are on. Wether you want to bulk up or not. But most do gain weight. Roids also promote growth and healing. I am sorry though. NO MAN can go that long without missing a game and without some sort of medical or suplemental aid. And like I said earlier. Roids weren't even tested for in that erra so to most MLB players they were fine and a lot of the banned supplements now were being used then. Big Mac used Andro and talked about it. It wasn't banned at the time and you could by it at GNC. But, it is banned now. And I Loved Ripken the player. I just don't like Riken the League. lol Wink
they may have put on a little bulk, but you couldnt watch a widescreen movie on their foreheads. Like I said, I dont care if its tainted or not. I hate Barry Bonds for reasons much different than anybody else. And as for the Van Slyke quote, you dont play as long when you do it naturally than when you rub "magic cream" (you know, that stuff "I didnt know it was steroids" bullshit he tried to feed everybody?) all over your body..I loved Van Slyke, he was and will always be my alltime favorite player, and Bonds resented the fact that VS was the far more popular player. So he played the race card and screamed "preferred treatment for Andy Van Slyke 'cause he's white", and got out of Pittsburgh. Bonds may have 500 more homeruns than Van Slyke, and may have far superior numbers, but Bonds will always be the biggest asshole in all of sports. I dont care about A-Rod, what kind of a prick he is, but when A-Rod breaks that record, I'll be the happiest fan on earth. But for now, I'm preparing myself for the blackness that will cover baseball until somebody breaks it. And if Bud Selig EVER does anything positive while he's running MLB, he'll put the damn * beside of the 756.
OffTheHook Wrote:And where is Van Slyke now? I also know a guy that played in the Yankees organization and got to meet A-Rod and guess what....He said the same thing about A-Rod being an asshole. A lot f MLB players are big headed. If they put an "*" next to Bonds name. Then thay need to put one next to Ripken's name as well. Because NO-ONE plays that many in a row without alittle aid. What about an "*" next to Ryan. He played an aweful long time and just like Hank, put on some bulk near the end of his career and those were the days when roids were thick in MLB and they didn't test. So the way I see it. EVERY player from that era needs an "*" next to their name. :thumpsup:

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