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Count The F's
I know many of you may have seen this before.but this is for those of you have not.

Count the F's in this paragraph?

Finished files are the result
of years of scientific study
combined with the experience
of years...

>>>>Did you count all 6 of them or only 3? Most people forget to include the F's located in the word "of".
Haha, that's weird. I just counted three and I even read it twice.
I did that too 4leaf..and what is sad is that I have seen this a thousand times
I couldn't all six but I saw one similar a few years ago and I only got half of them then.
I counted all 6 which was easy because of the F's from Liberty Valance and Curly Bill's report cards in the past. They kind oF stand out. :twisted:
Yup.... Six.
Wyatt Earp Wrote:I counted all 6 which was easy because of the F's from Liberty Valance and Curly Bill's report cards in the past. They kind oF stand out. :twisted:


I counted 6.. but my IQ is 175.. Confusedhock:
i counted all six.
Interesting gossip: god said it counted all six.
I also counted all six.
At first I only counted 5
I counted
Do you mind if I tell other people: Basketballer said it counted 5.
Go away Basketballer
I counted all 6!
Why? : BallaBaby said it counted all 6.
i counted all 8.... 8)

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