Poll: How bad is Racism in EKY?
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Racism in Eastern Kentucky
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Yeah racism exists. But the blacks downing the whites is as bad or worse than the whites downing the blacks. I think there are five hundred million things the government AND our society needs to concentrate on rather than this so called race issue. To me, its barely existent.

Racism is brought to the forefront mostly by minority groups. There are black colleges, hispanic bankc, BET (Black Entertainment Television), NAACP, and many other groups geared toward one ethnic background.

But if there were any white colleges, white coaches associations, and WET (White Entertainment Television) then the media would crucify all those involved.

So that tells me that its only racism if a white degrades any other ethnic group.
Don't pay no attention to Coach Owens Tide, he is still pissed that he lost his debate about coal minin.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:You seem to me like you're a Covert Racist.

Let's watch it now, that's a bold statement to make.
Thank You Comfort Eagle, I thought that was VERY UNCALLED for also!
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:The only reason those schools where set up was to give blacks a place to get an education. Grambling was founded in 1901 and Southern was founded in 1880. So those schools where around when blacks had no rights, it was basically their only way to get an education.

Maybe you don't, but it seems to me that you hold some anger against black people. You seem to me like you're a Covert Racist.

To say that blacks somehow have special rights over whites is absurd. Whites still dominate the media and corporate world.

You're remarks are absolutely absurd, you really need to study things more before you make crazy remarks.

It's crazy when people think racism only goes two ways, racism covers all races, not just blacks and whites, and as long as people hold ideals like yours, it will continue.

You are saying exactly that racism is only racism if whites are discriminating against blacks. Vice versa has to have the same consequence or it is also racism.

By the way, the reason whites dominate the corporate world and the media is because this country is made up of 70% whites, 14% Hispanics, 13% African-Americans, and 3% other. What group do you think would dominate those aspects of American culture based soley on the number of people circulating in population?
BoondockSaint Wrote:You are saying exactly that racism is only racism if whites are discriminating against blacks. Vice versa has to have the same consequence or it is also racism.

By the way, the reason whites dominate the corporate world and the media is because this country is made up of 70% whites, 14% Hispanics, 13% African-Americans, and 3% other. What group do you think would dominate those aspects of American culture based soley on the number of people circulating in population?

No Im not saying that racism is only racism if it's whites are discriminating blacks. I don't see how you got that. In my last sentence I was trying to say that people only see racism as blacks against whites, and vice versa. Racism is present in all races.

I thought tidehoss was going a little overboard by implying special rights by blacks. All minority groups have agency's set up to help them succeed. If they didn't the civil rights act wouldn't have happened.
And I thought you were going a little overboard with the comment that you made to TH32! But wait a minute, you are ALWAYS right of course and everyone else is wrong!
The most racist man in the world is black, and I think we all know who I'm talkin bout too.
Al Sharpton.
Redneck Wrote:The most racist man in the world is black, and I think we all know who I'm talkin bout too.
I think it was totally inappropriate for CO87 to call TH32 a covert racist! I didn't think he came across that way at all.
Thank you very much Football Widow. I am not a covert racist, lol..but Ive cooled down a lot after blasting some things out that I shouldnt have. If anyone (kids especially) seen the post I replied to CO87 (which was removed by mods), then I apologize. But thank you very much.
Football Widow Wrote:I think it was totally inappropriate for CO87 to call TH32 a covert racist! I didn't think he came across that way at all.
Classy move TH32! It offended me but I overcame it and am now fine after gathering myself together!
Redneck Wrote:Don't pay no attention to Coach Owens Tide, he is still pissed that he lost his debate about coal minin.

Im not at all pissed, I could care less what people think about me, I dont let comments or opinions on forum sites bother me.

I don't think I lost the debate. I was just outnumbered by people who oppose my views. Thats a big difference from losing.
Ive been called many things in my life, and If I knew it wasn't true I wouldn't let it bother me. I'm not at all saying you're a racist, I just believed your comments leaned toward that view.

If my words really bothered you that bad then I apologize, I never meant it to be a personal attack, like I stated before I just thought your post leaned toward that view.

I do agree that racism is not limited to whites against blacks, I know that some blacks are racist also. The NAACP and historically black schools in my opinion are not set up to further segregate blacks from whites, and I don't believe they are racist organizations, as you where implying. You say if organizations where set up to advance white people that people would go crazy, until the civil rights movement, everything was set up to help whites, I dont think a few black schools make them racist..

IMO since Caucasians are the majority, some 70% we shouldn't need special organizations to make sure that where aren't discriminated. Thats why I thought your comments where a little exaggerated.

But back to the topic, IMO most racism here comes from ignorance, kids learn in from their parents and pass it on from generation to generation. With such a small black population in Eastern Ky, those thoughts and ideas have stayed around.
BoondockSaint Wrote:By the way, the reason whites dominate the corporate world and the media is because this country is made up of 70% whites, 14% Hispanics, 13% African-Americans, and 3% other. What group do you think would dominate those aspects of American culture based soley on the number of people circulating in population?

Good point.

Coach_Owens87 Wrote:No Im not saying that racism is only racism if it's whites are discriminating blacks. I don't see how you got that. In my last sentence I was trying to say that people only see racism as blacks against whites, and vice versa. Racism is present in all races.

I thought tidehoss was going a little overboard by implying special rights by blacks. All minority groups have agency's set up to help them succeed. If they didn't the civil rights act wouldn't have happened.

Segregation and minority groups had a time and place, I'll go as far as to agree to that for matters of safety and to avoid discrimination. But that was quite some time ago.

But can you not agree that for racism to vanish completely, the minority groups have to evolve, too? There will always be that feeling of unfair treatment by any ethnic group if one group, whether they are in the minority or not, receive special treatment.

Back to racism vanishing completely...I am not a racist, I am a realist. And realistically speaking, I believe that there will always be some racism in the world. It has to do with a number of things, mostly a lack of understanding other ethnic groups or peoples, but it has a lot to do with what people relate to and feel comfortable with. General IQ has a lot to do with it, too, and in my dealings with people over a long period of time on this place God created the ignorant outnumber those with a generous amount of common sense.

Let's bet back to the lack of understanding of people, and "comfort zones". An experiment, if you will. Take any man you want. We'll say an unbiased white man just for the benefit of this discussion, and send him into a room of 50 harmless white men and 50 harmless balck men. By instinct our independent variable must choose a group to join at no urging of anyone in either group. 99 times out of 100 he is going to join the group of whites because it appeals more to his level of comfort. Plainly because he himself is white, and at least has that in common with one group without knowing anything else about them. It's not racism, it is just life. And the same would happen if the roles were reversed. Does that make him a racist? No, it's natural selection.
BoondockSaint Wrote:Segregation and minority groups had a time and place, I'll go as far as to agree to that for matters of safety and to avoid discrimination. But that was quite some time ago.

But can you not agree that for racism to vanish completely, the minority groups have to evolve, too? There will always be that feeling of unfair treatment by any ethnic group if one group, whether they are in the minority or not, receive special treatment.

Back to racism vanishing completely...I am not a racist, I am a realist. And realistically speaking, I believe that there will always be some racism in the world. It has to do with a number of things, mostly a lack of understanding other ethnic groups or peoples, but it has a lot to do with what people relate to and feel comfortable with. General IQ has a lot to do with it, too, and in my dealings with people over a long period of time on this place God created the ignorant outnumber those with a generous amount of common sense.

Let's bet back to the lack of understanding of people, and "comfort zones". An experiment, if you will. Take any man you want. We'll say an unbiased white man just for the benefit of this discussion, and send him into a room of 50 harmless white men and 50 harmless balck men. By instinct our independent variable must choose a group to join at no urging of anyone in either group. 99 times out of 100 he is going to join the group of whites because it appeals more to his level of comfort. Plainly because he himself is white, and at least has that in common with one group without knowing anything else about them. It's not racism, it is just life. And the same would happen if the roles were reversed. Does that make him a racist? No, it's natural selection.

Good post. Great reading this in the context of the debate.
By the way, if the media were truly "dominated" by white, caucasion americans then somehow this story would have made national spotlight, and it could have been justified to call it a Hate Crime. But it didn't!! All of the indicted are African-American, and the victims of the vile crime are white.

Perhaps it was because of a fear of rioting and looting in pre-domiantly African-American urban cities. Just speculation, but it sure makes you wonder.

Here is the link: http://www.sullivan-county.com/wcva/liberal_racism.htm


Boondock I enjoy reading all of your posts. They are unbiased, and straight forward, and filled with great information. I agree with every single one of your posts on here, and you see things from a REALISTIC angle, not a view from a perfect world point of view..
Man, if you want to know the truth, I could give a rats ass if you think Im a racist. The only thing we agree on is that we care less what people think of us. I could care less if everybody on earth hated my guts. However, I DO have buddies, and people I work with that I dont care a whole lot for, that gets on here and reads this stuff. So when they see somebody like you get on here and make statements like that, whether its your opinion or not, the first thing theyre gonna do is run to somebody in the workplace and say "Hoss' a racist!".. yeah Ive been called everything in the book too, and I dont give a crap how you took my comments. I hope YOU read the post I made that got taken off of this thread, because I meant everything in it. The part of it that got me riled the worst was that you said I was a "covert racist". Listen pal, I dont cover up anything. I dont like you at all. I told you I dont like you. And I dont care if you hate my guts either. But Im NOT a racist. Im a REDNECK. There's a difference. A big difference, that people JUST LIKE YOU, cant seperate the difference between the two. Im not going to debate anything you post on here, because truthfully, to me, your views on racism, coal mining, or whatever else, are distorted. My views on racism and yours are completely different. Neither of us are racist, however our views on it are very much different. So you can take this post anyway you like it, analyze it, call your psych doctors, whatever..
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Tidehoss32,
Ive been called many things in my life, and If I knew it wasn't true I wouldn't let it bother me. I'm not at all saying you're a racist, I just believed your comments leaned toward that view.

If my words really bothered you that bad then I apologize, I never meant it to be a personal attack, like I stated before I just thought your post leaned toward that view.

I do agree that racism is not limited to whites against blacks, I know that some blacks are racist also. The NAACP and historically black schools in my opinion are not set up to further segregate blacks from whites, and I don't believe they are racist organizations, as you where implying. You say if organizations where set up to advance white people that people would go crazy, until the civil rights movement, everything was set up to help whites, I dont think a few black schools make them racist..

IMO since Caucasians are the majority, some 70% we shouldn't need special organizations to make sure that where aren't discriminated. Thats why I thought your comments where a little exaggerated.

But back to the topic, IMO most racism here comes from ignorance, kids learn in from their parents and pass it on from generation to generation. With such a small black population in Eastern Ky, those thoughts and ideas have stayed around.
Reverse racism is alive and strong everywhere including EKY.

I was watching a ball game last year and 2 young men attending the ball game were getting int to it. It had nothing to do with skin color, more to do with one letting his mouth override his butt, but one young an was called a racist by adults be cause the other was black......go figure.
My question is why do people get so offended over everything that is said on this site or anywhere else for that matter? If people would not pay attention to what is said by other people, there wouldnt be a problem in this world. But therein lies the problem. Certain people get offended by the slightest things. I could care less what anyone says about me, they can call me honkie, whitie, dumba**, or whatever they wanted, I do not care. I am a bigger person for it for not letting everything bother me. Good lord people, get a life and quit debating stupid topics like this. There is racism everywhere, in every race, culture, creed, whatever, it exists. Why talk about this, when the biggest problem this country or even world faces is that of our leader in the white house. Oh and before I forget, quit apologizing for everything you say people. To me, when you apologize for something you said and truly believe in and stand for, then you are just a fake. You apologize just so you wont be condemned by anyone. Well I will always say what I want and I will never apologize for it. If I ever do, then shoot me. I am one of the few people that stand up for what I believe and wont back down.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Al Sharpton.

Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner. I'd like to beat the hell outta Sharpton, I can't even stand to look at him. There is only person in this world I hate more than Rosie O'Donnell and that person is him.
yeah...you take Rosie, Ill handle Sharpton, lol..you'll have a tougher fight on your hands, lol... although it cracked me up watching Hannity make Sharpton look even dumber than he is..
Redneck Wrote:Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner. I'd like to beat the hell outta Sharpton, I can't even stand to look at him. There is only person in this world I hate more than Rosie O'Donnell and that person is him.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Boondock I enjoy reading all of your posts. They are unbiased, and straight forward, and filled with great information. I agree with every single one of your posts on here, and you see things from a REALISTIC angle, not a view from a perfect world point of view..

I appreciate the compliment, and on any subject matter I try to look at things from as many different points of view as I can.

And as my last comment on this subject matter, I really do believe people need to look past skin color when passing judgement. The problem is the a difference in skin color is visibly noticeable by all, and it stands in the way of making rational judgement a lot times. But that's the world we live in, you don't have to love it, but you should respect that.
I really dont have a view on racism only because im so young.
I can't believe IMUS apologized. I really can't, and when he did, I think that changed every image that people had of IMUS. Not saying I agree with what he said, but that is the problem, like Tim Hardaway making the comment he did, and IMUS making the comment he did and then getting on T.V. and apologizing for how they REALLY feel in reality but think it is "doing the right thing" that is wrong with America today!
My point was proven to me in that no one has posted on here in three days.

Throw a little reverse racism in the mix, and it scares the hell out of most people.
Get this - [YOUTUBE="Double Standard?"]http://my.break.com/media/view.aspx?ContentID=270420[/YOUTUBE]

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