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Lindsey Lohan - Addicted to OxyContin

The Associated Press
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. -- Lindsay Lohan's estranged father says she suffers from multiple addictions, including alcohol and the painkiller OxyContin, the Web site E! Online reported Wednesday.
The 20-year-old actress checked into rehab Monday following a weekend that included crashing her Mercedes, being arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence and being photographed slumped in the passenger seat of a friend's car. This is her second rehab stint this year.
She is PATHETIC!!!!!!
Well, I used to have that same notion about folks, who get into this kind of shape, but after reading about & hearing about regular folks as well as celebs, who inexplicibly find themselves in the same situation, because of the same things---- I realized this type of thing knows no bounds or spares no one and my heart goes out to them and their families. Do we think ANYONE would want to actually set out to be in this kind of mess? Do we think a celebrity, who is always being pursued for any type of thing to publish or print about them would want to be portrayed in this fashion? I don't believe so. It's an addiction, that needs treatment. Only until the person involved accepts the fact they have a problem & wants help to recover, nothing will improve. I pray for everyone, who finds themselves in this desperate state. No one sets out to end up like that & that's where people need to begin teaching---- Love your neighbor as your self----
What pharmaceutical company produces Oxycontin?
Lisa Douglas Wrote:What pharmaceutical company produces Oxycontin?

I believe they're called Purdue Frederick Company. I think they've actually gotten into some trouble over their production of OxyContin as well.
You know I believe I heard on the news, a few days ago, that the company, who produces oxycontin was in trouble and a court had levied some stiff penalties. I say, yank it from the shelves! Hit those people in the wallet and make 'em pay, that's really the only thing pharmeceuticals understand is "the bottom line"!
One more thing... folks, clear your medicine cabinets of anything you're no longer using. Flush it and don't leave it anywhere that it may be accessed by visitors or children/teens.
feel sorry for her she needs help.
People think that if your addicted to drugs your the scum of the earth...It is the hardest habit to break and people need to realize that instead of saying she is pathetic...people have problems.
cig107 Wrote:People think that if your addicted to drugs your the scum of the earth...It is the hardest habit to break and people need to realize that instead of saying she is pathetic...people have problems.

If you have problems understanding addiction read the book "alcoholics annonymus"(It''s also the second most selling book ever to the bible) I suggest it to any one. I work at a drug and alchol rehab and Its the book we tell our residents to live by no matter what there addiction. Addiction is a very powerful disease. It causes you to put everything else behind your drug. Thats why people steal and lie to get it. It over powers your will to do almost anything.
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:She is PATHETIC!!!!!!

I agree.
ah, another kid with way too much money, refusing to listen to those trying to steer her in the right direction, and another rich priss starved for attention...who cares if shes on TV anymore? Mandy Moore is hotter than her anyways, lol
Mandy Moore is hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pillsburythrowboy Wrote:If you have problems understanding addiction read the book "alcoholics annonymus"(It''s also the second most selling book ever to the bible) I suggest it to any one. I work at a drug and alchol rehab and Its the book we tell our residents to live by no matter what there addiction. Addiction is a very powerful disease. It causes you to put everything else behind your drug. Thats why people steal and lie to get it. It over powers your will to do almost anything.

I was in a rehab for 30 days, trust me, I have read that book many times.
pillsburythrowboy Wrote:If you have problems understanding addiction read the book "alcoholics annonymus"(It''s also the second most selling book ever to the bible) I suggest it to any one. I work at a drug and alchol rehab and Its the book we tell our residents to live by no matter what there addiction. Addiction is a very powerful disease. It causes you to put everything else behind your drug. Thats why people steal and lie to get it. It over powers your will to do almost anything.
The book that AA is second to can help alot as well.
This doesn't have anything to do with this story, but I saw on the internet the other day that she doesn't wear panties!!!!! LMAO!!!
Well... Thanks for sharing!
The Guru Wrote:This doesn't have anything to do with this story, but I saw on the internet the other day that she doesn't wear panties!!!!! LMAO!!!
i dont wear them either
I am absolutly sick of seeing these spoiled "everything revolves around me" rich girls getting put into rehab. Not the fact that they are in rehab or anything, but that the press seems to overdramatise a situation with one person when people around the country are dying in the same situation and can't afford to go to the day spa "rehab treatment" that these girls get to go to. Some people just sicken me (Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, the list goes on).

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