Poll: Against the Coal Mines
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Are You Against Coal Mining?
Are you??
I don't know why anybody would be against all forms of coal mining. I know here in Lexington a lot of people are against Mountain Top Removal but not all in general.

I'm for all coal mining until a cheaper alternative comes along which doesn't appear to be anytime soon. Alternatives are needed for the future but as for now we have to take what we can get.
what do you think the economy of eastern ky revolves around ?
Keeps the lights and the TV's on.
-STATS- Wrote:Keeps the lights and the TV's on.

Keeps these computers on, lol.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Keeps these computers on, lol.

lol, yes yes cant forget about the computers.
yeah I don't know anyone that would disagree with it in EKY...it produces so many job's and I don't think eastern ky could survive with out it.
And if anyone does disagree with it from Eastern Ky or anywhere for that matter..Then get the hell out..Just My opinion!!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:And if anyone does disagree with it from Eastern Ky or anywhere for that matter..Then get the hell out..Just My opinion!!

I agree PB5. Its one of the only ways folks can make a living around these parts.
Thanks STATS-. It is just alot of my family and alot of other people's family has worked hard long hours, days, nights, and years in the mines and busted there tails for all of America and the rest of the world!~
My husband is a miner, my dad (and the hubby's dad) were miners, BOTH sets of my grandfathers were miners, their parents were miners... and so on and so on..... So NOPE.... I'm not against mining... Where would this part of the country be without mining?? IMO... A ghost town!!
If we didn't have coal minin, you could go ahead and take KY and WV off the map.
yep, I agree totally Redneck. Ive recently gotten both my surface and underground cards, and am looking for an underground job..You'd be so surprised at how many people around here absolutely despise the thought of mining. Yes a lot of them say mining is out of touch, but forget that coal makes up 52% of our nations current power and 88% of our nations power reserve.
Redneck Wrote:If we didn't have coal minin, you could go ahead and take KY and WV off the map.
Great points TH32!
Would the person who voted yes please state there reasoning? PLEASE OWN UP TO YOUR THOUGHTS AND VIEWS!!!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Would the person who voted yes please state there reasoning? PLEASE OWN UP TO YOUR THOUGHTS AND VIEWS!!!

LOL.... Ya know I was thinking the same thing!!! LOLOL.....I'm just curious as to why they voted yes???
Well it's obvious that the OP is the one who voted yes. (OP meaning original poster)

I was only the second one to vote and I voted NO, before me there was only one person who had voted, and they had voted YES. Therefore, it was the thread creator, who has now cowered since no one agrees with him.
How about we shut off the "juice" to those in Lexington, who are against it. While we're doing that... let's remove everything that has been built or bought in Lexington(pronounced Lox-ing-tahn) with Coal Dollars and see how long they last. Let's just STOP taking our COAL DOLLARS to them for car, clothes, entertainment purchases, along with schooling or sports related activities... and see how long it takes them to sing another tune! I bet all of the outlying areas adjacent to "Metropolis" would be glad to take our money and be gracious enough not to make fun of us or shut down our primary source of income while they were doing it!
IISnakE Wrote:How about we shut off the "juice" to those in Lexington, who are against it. While we're doing that... let's remove everything that has been built or bought in Lexington(pronounced Lox-ing-tahn) with Coal Dollars and see how long they last. Let's just STOP taking our COAL DOLLARS to them for car, clothes, entertainment purchases, along with schooling or sports related activities... and see how long it takes them to sing another tune! I bet all of the outlying areas adjacent to "Metropolis" would be glad to take our money and be gracious enough not to make fun of us or shut down our primary source of income while they were doing it!

LOLOL.... I LOVE IT!!!! :Cheerlead
I knew you would....LOL!!!
been doing it for 7 years.. im all for it..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
So TRUE and agree!
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

TidesHoss32 Wrote:yep, I agree totally Redneck. Ive recently gotten both my surface and underground cards, and am looking for an underground job..You'd be so surprised at how many people around here absolutely despise the thought of mining. Yes a lot of them say mining is out of touch, but forget that coal makes up 52% of our nations current power and 88% of our nations power reserve.

The funny thing is that's the ENTIRE NATION. Coal accounts for like 97% of KY's power and 95% of WV's.
Very good points being made! What is sad is that we have to make points for some idiots!
thus backing up your last post about removing Kentucky and West Virginia off the map..you are exactly right though, it makes up that much of Ky's power, and imagine if this nation had to dip into the coal reserves..I bet those environmentalists would be hush hush then..
Redneck Wrote:The funny thing is that's the ENTIRE NATION. Coal accounts for like 97% of KY's power and 95% of WV's.
Anyone against it should have to live in our shoes for a while. My dad is a miner, all of his brothers are miners, his dad was a miner, his dad was a miner, so on and so forth, my mom's dad was a miner, all of his brothers were miners, his dad was a miner, his dad was a miner, and so on and so forth yet again. Some of us here in Eastern Kentucky have it pretty bad now with our money coming in from the mining industry but without it there wouldn't be enough jobs here for a tenth of the population and even MORE people would leave the area. I won't even go into where America would be with coal mining. I can't speak for all Americans. I can speak for myself and say that I wouldn't have half of what I do without my dad mining.

Coal is what greases the wheels that run the whole thing. Doctors lawyers and Indian Chiefs, all depend upon coal to some degree.
Has RavenBoy still not responded? That's sad. Come on RavenBoy, tell us why you don't like coal mining.
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