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Coverage Of Press Conference At Mu?
CatDawg Wrote:If they do please take him out.
Smile Smile
So what's the new start time?
Not sure they're still waiting on him.
I keep turning it to WSAZ and I see Oprah... Its not on CSTV either.
Not on WSAZ but the sister station My Z. Go to the link on here to get the internet coverage from WSAZ / MY Z.
it's on
I think BGR deserves a link from WSAZ's website considering we are the only people watching these guys...
5 mintues...I heard the guy say it.
jammin' jamey Wrote:I think BGR deserves a link from WSAZ's website considering we are the only people watching these guys...

I wonder if ANYBODY who is a Florida basketball fan is
watching this...I doubt it...they're watching Urban
Meyer talk about spring football...
jammin' jamey Wrote:I think BGR deserves a link from WSAZ's website considering we are the only people watching these guys...

hahha...not quite JJ. Go checout the Catspuase...Smile
has BIlly D got lost lol
This isn't the best distraction from class when he isn't there.
Is that Rob Bromley???
corndog23 Wrote:hahha...not quite JJ. Go checout the Catspuase...Smile

Oh yeah...You're right on. Big Grin
jammin' jamey Wrote:5 mintues...I heard the guy say it.

they as well said that 20 min ago lol
I see WKYT in the house.
What was catspause saying?
There are about 5,000 Kentucky fans watching this thing CD...its awesome.
There's Rob Bromley CatDawg.
I saw that. We should have gotten a bunch up and gone over there and made a big showing for him to come to UK.

I sure that would have made his decision easy then. LOL
Bromley is has impatient has we are.
He's like a father to be going to wear a hole in that floor.
Is it me, or does Rod Bromley look a little ticked off
by the whole delay?
I thought the same.
CatDawg Wrote:Anyone see Andy Katz the other night when he got into it on air over Billy D comparing this to Roy Williams when he left Kansas?
I missed it, CD. Do you mind explaining? :o
Here He Is!!!
no billy yet 4:52 pm bear hug him mitch.
here we go
nice tie
just showed up.

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