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Should Duke fire Coach K.? His team finished 22-11 this year. Finished in the middle of the pack, ACC. Got beat out the first round of both the ACC and NCAA tourny.
No way, just because he had one bad season doesnt mean he should get the slip. Unlike Tubby Smith, Coach K can regroup and have a great season next season and as much as I hate to say this, I think they will reload and have a great year. I hate to bring Uk and Tubby into this thread, but I guess thats how the comparison is between Smith and Coach K.
Coach K has signed a lifetime contract with Duke. Obviously the University realizes they won't be top 5 every year, but they can deal with that. Duke will never fire Coach K, he will stay until he is ready to leave.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Coach K has signed a lifetime contract with Duke. Obviously the University realizes they won't be top 5 every year, but they can deal with that. Duke will never fire Coach K, he will stay until he is ready to leave.

Agree. Coach K will never be fired. He is one of the best coaches in history.
Coach K should be fired only after he has compiled a record like this:

*Tied the school record for consecutive years not appearing in the Final Four.(8)
*First coach to have 2 consecutive 10+ loss seasons.
*First coach to have 3 consecutive 10+ loss seasons.
*First coach to have 5 10+ loss seasons.
*First Coach at UK to go 8 straight years without appearing in a final 4.
*First Uk Coach to play in a Thursday game in SEC Tourney sine conference expansion
*First UK Coach to not finish at least 2nd in the SEC East since expansion.
*First time losing four straight to an SEC opponent since 1980.
*First time losing five straight to an SEC opponent since 1977.
*First coach never to have either an athletic or academic All-American.
*First time ever losing six straight to an SEC opponent.
*First season sweep by Vandy in 32 years.
* First time since 1974 losing 4 straight to Vandy and only the second time in UK history.
*First loss to Ole Miss in Lexington since 1927.
*First (and only) coach to have 4 SEC losses in one year in Rupp Arena.
*First third place SEC finish since expansion.
*First fourth place SEC finish since expansion.
*First time going an entire regular season without beating a ranked opponent since 1974.
*First and Second time UK played on the opening day of the SEC Tournament since the league
split into divisional play (1992).
* First loss in 19 semifinal appearances since the SEC revived its tournament in 1979.
* First time (except probation) UK finished back to back seasons unranked since 1959-1961 (46 years).
*Most Double Digit loss seasons of any UK coach
*Most Home losses than any UK coach
*Most transfers of any UK Coach
*Most dismissed players due to inappropriate behavior of any UK coach.
*Most losses over a two year period (outside of probation) in UK history
*Worst home loss since 1992 (105-88 to Arkansas).
*Worst loss to Indiana ever (26 points)
*Worst Senior Day loss since 1919.
*Worst Average Points Scored Per Game since the 3 point shot was introduced.
*Worst record at Rupp in (10-5 in 2005-06) in UK history (except 8-6 in 1988-89).
*Worst number of weeks having a team ranked #1 (1).
*Worst average attendance at Rupp Arena since 1976.

*Eliminated in the second round of the NCAA tournament two of the last three years.
*Fewest NBA draft picks of any coach with at least 5 years (only 2 1st rounders in 10 years)
*Fewest NBA draft picks of any active coach after at least 5 years on the job.
*Lowest average points scored per game since 3 point shot was introduced.
*47% of his recruits don’t finish their Senior year.
* Only UK Coach with the overall #1 seed in NCAA tourney to loose in 2nd round.
*Only UK coach to lose to a #1 team at Rupp Arena.
*Only UK coach to have a losing record against Michigan State
*Never recruited a player to play in a final 4 in 10 years as head coach
Yeah, Tubby Sucks, lol
Its a shame someone actually started a thread about firing one of the best coaches in the history of College Basketball. In no way shape or form am I a Duke fan and never will be, but I do have the utmost respect for Coach K and all that he does. He is a class act and doesnt deserve to get fired at all theres no doubt about that.
I HATE DUKE! But they should absolutely NOT fire Coach K. He is too good.
Coach K has the ability to go out and bring in players to fix the situation.....unlike someone else I know.
Bengal Cat Wrote:Coach K has the ability to go out and bring in players to fix the situation.....unlike someone else I know.

Yeah really I agree, and I think I know that person your talking about as well B-Cat.
coach k can fix his team and there is no way he sould be fired. tubby has shown that he can't fix his teams so tubby should be fired.
Coack K should not be fired by no means... I hate dUKe but no way he should be fired!
is this really a thread?, they shouldnt fire Coach K...because this has happened one year, he doesnt make it habitual like Tubby does. And whoever said he'll fix it (i believe it was #1ukfan) is exactly right. Ill bet you anything you want to put on the table they dont lose no 10 games next year..and furthermore, ill bet that same wager that Kentucky DOES lose 10 games (or more) next year..
I think he was being sarcastic to all the fans who want tubby gone lol and sayin since a coach loses double digit games that they should fire him. I think thats what he is saying?

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