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03-06-2007, 12:14 AM
what if this were to happen? The consolidation of Paintsville and Johnson Central, would it be a powerhouse or what!? I'd like to hear your thoughts. Keep it positive please!
03-06-2007, 12:17 AM
Out of due respect .Why is this a thread. Paintsville is a independent school system. JC is a county school.
03-06-2007, 12:36 AM
[quote=PonyExpress]what if this were to happen? The consolidation of Paintsville and Johnson Central, would it be a powerhouse or what!? I'd like to hear your thoughts. Keep it positive please
03-06-2007, 01:29 AM
Wouldn't the school be named Johnson County High School instead of throwing Central in there?
03-06-2007, 02:07 AM
eaglehoops Wrote:Interesting thread, this will never happen IMO. They would become an instant state contender in just about every sport though. But what I would like to know is who would be the coach in each sport? Discuss please
It may very well never happen, but hey, it almost did happened back in the early to mid 70's.
Instant state condender, no. That was the thought almost 40 years ago as well. Johnson County produced just as many talented teams when they were just 4 small high schools. They have never been more successful as a consolidated school. This would be no different.
03-06-2007, 02:07 AM
Well no doubt that combining two schools with the athletic success (not to mention academic success) that JC and Paintsville have had should certainly increase their athletic and academic successes. And yes it could happen. But I don't look for it to happen anytime soon. It keeps life interesting in Johnson County. lol
BTW, the kids at JC and Paintsville DO NOT hate each other off the field or court any more than some kids hate each other in their own schools. You would be amazed how much interaction there is between the students at both schools. It is just that the competition between the two in athletics and academics and the rivalry with the fans make it seem that they hate each other.
Interesting thread, but what else can you say?
BTW, the kids at JC and Paintsville DO NOT hate each other off the field or court any more than some kids hate each other in their own schools. You would be amazed how much interaction there is between the students at both schools. It is just that the competition between the two in athletics and academics and the rivalry with the fans make it seem that they hate each other.
Interesting thread, but what else can you say?
03-06-2007, 11:27 AM
When they get rid of all the small schools that have had tradition in these programs they're idiots. The consolidation of van Lear, Meade, Flat Gap and Oil Springs silently killed four communities here in Johnson County. It shut down stores, it layed off teachers and it created an enormous bus ride to and from school for some students. The story of David and Goliath touches all of us because David isn't supposed to win. When you have these schools that have 400 students total (no matter what school) and they compete with a school of 1600+ and a 4 million dollar budget, it encourages everyone.
03-06-2007, 05:14 PM
FIRST, the kids don't hate each other, if you think that, your and idiot. If anything, it's the parents that act a fool. And, there are very few of them.
I think this is an interesting topic, it's as if it's an East Coast vs. West Coast thing, and everyone's going to fight in the streets. The two schools are seperated by less than a mile, some kids that live in the city go to the county, some that live in the county go to the city. Neither is better than the other, there all from Johnson County. And, the consolidation could be a good thing. I wouldn't use the word dominant, but I do think that the school would be very successful academically and athletically.
Never say NEVER........I think it maybe closer than we think.....maybe the next ten to fifteen years. Think of this: Who would have thought the Paintsville Little League would be in the shape it's in? This is a city vs. county issue, now the Little League is basically non-existent due to the start up of Cal Ripken.
A large portion of kids in the county and city aren't from Johnson County and with the small size of Paintsville High School, it can really affect the school. In that, kids from other counties don't understand the tradition that Paintsville High School and would have no reason to put up much of a fight it the day comes for consolidation.
I think this is an interesting topic, it's as if it's an East Coast vs. West Coast thing, and everyone's going to fight in the streets. The two schools are seperated by less than a mile, some kids that live in the city go to the county, some that live in the county go to the city. Neither is better than the other, there all from Johnson County. And, the consolidation could be a good thing. I wouldn't use the word dominant, but I do think that the school would be very successful academically and athletically.
Never say NEVER........I think it maybe closer than we think.....maybe the next ten to fifteen years. Think of this: Who would have thought the Paintsville Little League would be in the shape it's in? This is a city vs. county issue, now the Little League is basically non-existent due to the start up of Cal Ripken.
A large portion of kids in the county and city aren't from Johnson County and with the small size of Paintsville High School, it can really affect the school. In that, kids from other counties don't understand the tradition that Paintsville High School and would have no reason to put up much of a fight it the day comes for consolidation.
03-06-2007, 07:03 PM
Does Paintsville Little League use state money like the Johnson County Cal Ripken League does? It sure is easier for something to be successful when you have an unlimited supply money. I believe the lighting on that project is around $90,000. I don't care what county your from, that's hilarious. lLghting at a non sanctioned school baseball league the Board of Education pays for. Hell, Sheldon Clark doesn't even have a baseball field.
03-07-2007, 11:46 PM
I honestly don't see those 2 school systems ever consolidating as long as the 'ville manages its resources wisely. There is a core of people that would rather die than to consolidate with Johnson County. I have no bone to pick on this one---but I do think ever closing Paintsville would be a loss to Johnson County---not a gain.
03-07-2007, 11:51 PM
He didnt ask if you thought it would happen people he asked what would it be like if it did. They would dominate if bill mike happened to be the coach of choice.
03-08-2007, 12:44 AM
Matney-football, Runyon-boys basketball, Wireman-girls basketball, bring back Charlie Adkins for baseball, and let whoever have the rest.
03-08-2007, 12:49 AM
Did anyone else read the pville herald Wed.? BMR said maybe it was time for him to move on and let someone else take over. Is this gonna happen? I know he had a lot of problems getting this years team to respond but I really hope he comes back at least 1 more year.
03-08-2007, 12:51 AM
BMR-Boys Basketball, Phillip Wireman-Girls Basketball, Shawn Hall-Baseball, Matney-Football, Debbie McCool-Softball, Soccer????, Tennis???, C. Meek- Swimming, Track????, Matney-Wrestling, Volleyball-Tossup but I'de say hire someone from the outside that actually knows something about the sport. Anything else I'll coach lol.
03-08-2007, 12:55 AM
I just can't bare another thread like this!!!:puking: :Angry07:
03-08-2007, 01:30 AM
Actually...if this were to happen, in our family, we would call ourselves Pikeville Panthers!!! LOL
03-08-2007, 01:48 AM
eaglehoops Wrote:Did anyone else read the pville herald Wed.? BMR said maybe it was time for him to move on and let someone else take over. Is this gonna happen? I know he had a lot of problems getting this years team to respond but I really hope he comes back at least 1 more year.
Here is the quote that eaglehoops was referring to if anyone else is interested.
Bill Mike Runyon Wrote:I would rate this season, at best, a C. I’m going to be perfectly honest. We got nowhere near where we should’ve gone with a team this good. There’s only one person to blame for that and that’s me. It’s my job to have a team physically conditioned. It’s my job to have the team ready to play for every game and it’s my job to make sure the team plays well together, and I didn’t do any three of those very well this year.I don’t know what my plans [for next year] are at this time. I’ve been in the school business for 29 years ... been coaching 25 years and that’s a long time. It may be time to get some younger blood in here and see if they can’t get out of these kids what I haven’t been able to get out of them, and you can print that.
03-08-2007, 09:54 AM
The Guru Wrote:Actually...if this were to happen, in our family, we would call ourselves Pikeville Panthers!!! LOLThats great news!
03-08-2007, 10:42 AM
The Guru Wrote:Actually...if this were to happen, in our family, we would call ourselves Pikeville Panthers!!! LOL
And in our family, we would move to Boyd County!!
03-08-2007, 10:44 AM
The Guru Wrote:Actually...if this were to happen, in our family, we would call ourselves Pikeville Panthers!!! LOL
LOL...I would hit Prestonsburg up, closer.
03-08-2007, 10:48 AM
Watchful Eye Wrote:Does Paintsville Little League use state money like the Johnson County Cal Ripken League does? It sure is easier for something to be successful when you have an unlimited supply money. I believe the lighting on that project is around $90,000. I don't care what county your from, that's hilarious. lLghting at a non sanctioned school baseball league the Board of Education pays for. Hell, Sheldon Clark doesn't even have a baseball field.Ya, know, I was wondering the same thing. I don't know for sure...maybe someone on here can tell us for sure, but LL does NOT receive any state funding....But the bigger question is.....Can CRL use state money to fund their league? I just can't see with what they have done you said lighting is WAY expensive...that after only one year in existence they have the money taken in from the league only, to do the things they have done. I hope someone can provide some info....
Gatortater Wrote:And in our family, we would move to Boyd County!!Sad,when you consider that you or your family members may have attended and graduated from the Johnson Co. school system. Seems like it was good enough then. Matter of fact it may have helped mold you or what your family members are today . Which I can say personally, as being very good people. Dont understand that statement Gator.
03-08-2007, 11:15 AM
rooster Wrote:Sad,when you consider that you or your family members may have attended and graduated from the Johnson Co. school system. Seems like it was good enough then. Matter of fact it may have helped mold you or what your family members are today . Which I can say personally, as being very good people. Dont understand that statement Gator.I do have some family that graduated from JCHS and they did indeed receive a good education.....but things are so different now than when they were high school....Guess when it's said and done, every school, whether it's Pikeville, Prestonsburg, Louisa, any where you go, has their bad stuff that goes on....unfortunately it has a lot to do with what goes in the communities....and all any parent wants is what's best for their child.
03-08-2007, 11:51 AM
Evidently I have touched a nerve! That wasn't really my intentions. Although there would definately be some serios thinking, not sure what we would do. But we definately feel that bigger is not always better. But i thought most would be able to see that my post was a bad attempt at humor.
The Guru Wrote:Evidently I have touched a nerve! That wasn't really my intentions. Although there would definately be some serios thinking, not sure what we would do. But we definately feel that bigger is not always better. But i thought most would be able to see that my post was a bad attempt at humor.I understand that there is rioting going on on Hambly Blvd. Not sure if the rioting is about the thoughts of you coming to Pikeville, hum............or the thoughts of you coming to Pikeville.

Could be a two sided answer to that question. That's my attempt at humor.
03-08-2007, 12:07 PM
Gatortater Wrote:I do have some family that graduated from JCHS and they did indeed receive a good education.....but things are so different now than when they were high school....Guess when it's said and done, every school, whether it's Pikeville, Prestonsburg, Louisa, any where you go, has their bad stuff that goes on....unfortunately it has a lot to do with what goes in the communities....and all any parent wants is what's best for their child.Yes there are bad eggs every where you go.
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