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03-04-2007, 07:12 PM
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Give me a break here son. Patterson sat directly behind the Florida bench. Every time the teams went down the floor, he was on camera. Big smiles all the time. Gator chomping with the corwd. Doubt you could tell that watching on your 12" black and white set. Get HD. You would have been able to read the 'Go Gators' pin on his jacket. Patrick was as happy with the Florida win as the team was. The boy's Gainesville bound. Learn to live with it.
You're cracking me up here. Nobody else witnessed this on the actual game on any message board but you. Now you saw he was wearing a "Go Gators" pin while nobody else has witnessed and would be absurd to even say. Did he call and tell you he was happy with the win or is this another assumption. I watched the whole game, not on a 12 inch TV

Try not to result to getting personal with this also. I don't know why me exposing you would have anything to do with my television set.
03-04-2007, 07:12 PM
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Give me a break here son. Patterson sat directly behind the Florida bench. Every time the teams went down the floor, he was on camera. Big smiles all the time. Gator chomping with the crowd. Doubt you could tell that watching on your 12" black and white set. Get HD. You would have been able to read the 'Go Gators' pin on his jacket. Patrick was as happy with the Florida win as the team was. The boy's Gainesville bound. Learn to live with it.
May I suggest you go to the rules and read number six. I will not tolerate any more of these childish remarks towards staff members. He is as entitled to his opinion just as you are. No use in calling him poor and calling him son. That is not the way we behave on the forums. This is my final warning. Keep it about the topic of the thread and not make it personal.
03-04-2007, 07:15 PM
SportsFan80 Wrote:This team shows no passion for the game whatsoever. They dont play physical at all. Most teams walk all over them and the players dont do anything in return. This is a soft team.
One would think after being handed their butt's 5 straight times by Florida and then the quote from Noah calling them 'Kitty-Cats', they'd actually come out determined to play physical and kick some gator butt, but they just rolled over in the second half, squatted and wet their shorts. To make a long story short, this Tubby Smiff team has no balls at all.
03-04-2007, 07:17 PM
Not trying to get personal alfus...just trying to have a good time with 'ya.
03-04-2007, 07:20 PM
alfus21 Wrote:You're cracking me up here. least you can see the 'comedy' in my posts. :thumpsup: Others don't or refuse to.
03-04-2007, 07:34 PM
Like many have said, Kentucky played a great first half and a piss poor second. Florida just shot the lights out of it, at one point in the 2nd half they shot around 86%!!!! The refs did screw up a few calls, but Kentucky still would've lost. Did anyone hear the comment at the end of the game, the announcers said..."yep, he's packing his bags...he's gone" or something like that. I wonder who they were talking about?
03-04-2007, 07:38 PM
Grassy Knoll Sniper least you can see the 'comedy' in my posts. :thumpsup: Others don't or refuse to.
I saw humor in the fact that you insulted my television. Not because you're trying to be a comedian.
Anyways, I heard that as well Irish, and it made me wonder but I believe he was talking about Noah.
03-04-2007, 07:40 PM
They were talking about the JRs, They didnt just have SR day it was SR / JR day.
03-04-2007, 07:49 PM
alfus21 Wrote:I saw humor in the fact that you insulted my television.
Let me extend an apology to your television.......

03-04-2007, 07:51 PM
Grassy Knoll Sniper Wrote:Let me extend an apology to your television.......
Your remarks are starting to get real old your walking a then line and need to reread rule #6
03-04-2007, 07:58 PM
I believe the problem is the players have no heart, for the game, they look like they could care less, most of them. there is no fire in the stomachs for the game, no pride in wearing the uk blue. Most Ky. boys will kill to play for UK, and never give up on a game, this team, whether it is tubby and the coaches or the players, they don't have the desire and will to play the game all out for 40 mins. When you win the coach gets all the glory, when you lose he deserves all the pain! the standard at UK is higher than any other school in the nation I believe. No championship, or final 4 it is a bad yr. :redboxer:that is how most uk fans look at it. if there is no run in the tourney, i think there will be a lot of bashing of tubby.
03-04-2007, 07:58 PM
Batpuff Wrote:Your remarks are starting to get real old your walking a then line and need to reread rule #6
And rule #1
03-04-2007, 08:10 PM
What can you say? If I could stop vomiting I might come up with something.
03-04-2007, 09:38 PM
Thanks for the clarification.....I guess that Florida is preparing for all the Jr's to leave too....first time I've ever heard of this happening.
03-04-2007, 09:48 PM
IRISH4 Wrote:Thanks for the clarification.....I guess that Florida is preparing for all the Jr's to leave too....first time I've ever heard of this happening.
Nah I have seen it schools do it before even at UK!
03-04-2007, 11:03 PM
you know, i'm not a tubby hater, or someone who can't stand tubby.. as a person, i think tubby is a good guy.. but you can't deny the fact that he is just not getting the job done.. they need a good young coach, whos aggressive, and is a strong recruiter... UK don't get the top players anymore, and its all a domino effect, and its only going to get worse, if changes arn't made
03-04-2007, 11:36 PM
I think when Morris goes out and thomas goes in the game is pretty much over.When Morris picked up his third foul seconds into the 2nd half ,,,tubby takes him out and brings thomas in and the announcers on the radio say,,,well this is never good.Why cant tubby change his tragedy with this predictament and leave Morris in.By the time he goes back in were down 10.No fire at all today and I dont understand this team.Terribly disappointed in the effort!!
03-04-2007, 11:39 PM
IRISH4 Wrote:Like many have said, Kentucky played a great first half and a piss poor second. Florida just shot the lights out of it, at one point in the 2nd half they shot around 86%!!!! The refs did screw up a few calls, but Kentucky still would've lost. Did anyone hear the comment at the end of the game, the announcers said..."yep, he's packing his bags...he's gone" or something like that. I wonder who they were talking about?It is easy to shoot a high percentage,WHEN YOUR GETTING WIDE OPEN DUNKS
03-04-2007, 11:43 PM
alfus21 Wrote:Nobody else witnessed this on the actual game on any message board but you.
Hmm....not correct

03-04-2007, 11:46 PM
BelfryPride Wrote:alfus21 Wrote:Nobody else witnessed this on the actual game on any message board but you.
Hmm....not correct
I've got the game on my computer right now. I've watched it once and skimmed over it twice and am yet to see the things that GKS described in the post I responded with that too. It might only show him once or twice, and it's not close up. You can't spot a pin on him, and at no time on Television can you see him doing the chomp. He supposedly did it at halftime anyways. So yes, I honestly believe I am correct and I'll watch again and again on here and fail to see what GKS was talking about again and again.
03-04-2007, 11:49 PM
Lets stick to the game and not whether or not alfus thinks someone,s post is right or not,,gee whiz.
03-04-2007, 11:53 PM
Old school Dawg Wrote:Lets stick to the game and not whether or not alfus thinks someone,s post is right or not,,gee whiz.
:wtf1: :novb:

03-04-2007, 11:55 PM
alfus21 Wrote::wtf1: :novb:That is pretty cool alfus!!
03-04-2007, 11:56 PM
Old school Dawg Wrote:That is pretty cool alfus!!

03-04-2007, 11:58 PM
Yea I should have put some smiles on my posts so you wouldnt think I was saying that in a mean way but laughing the whole time I was typing.
03-04-2007, 11:59 PM
Alfus the Thomas in for Morris thing is the worst moves tubby makes game in and game out.You do see that dont you?
03-05-2007, 12:01 AM
Old school Dawg Wrote:Alfus the Thomas in for Morris thing is the worst moves tubby makes game in and game out.You do see that dont you?
If Thomas was an offensive threat at all then I wouldn't mind him coming in, because he plays good D and he can get the rebounds but he really hurts us on offense sometimes. I don't know though.
Tubby probably had to pull Morris at that point of his 3rd foul and put Thomas in to get rebounds against a much larger team. Stevenson would have gotten knocked around pretty easily, and if we went with another guard then we wouldn't have gotten any rebounds(we didn't do a good job of that anyways)
03-05-2007, 12:05 AM
Alfus I would rather leave him in with three fouls and keep it close.Morris has a basketball IQ of about 3 so you would be taking a chance leaving him in but taking him out always leaves us in a terrible hole.I hated Noah got un-challenged wide open dunks.I would like to have seen him fouled or something but wide open dunks is inexcusable!!!
03-05-2007, 01:20 AM
Alfus my good friend. The 'Go Gators pin' was a was my entire post. You don't have to watch the replay over and over. Geez.
03-05-2007, 02:53 AM
mrfootball03 Wrote:you know, i'm not a tubby hater, or someone who can't stand tubby.. as a person, i think tubby is a good guy.. but you can't deny the fact that he is just not getting the job done.. they need a good young coach, whos aggressive, and is a strong recruiter... UK don't get the top players anymore, and its all a domino effect, and its only going to get worse, if changes arn't made
:Thumbs: Very good observation! Anyone that disagrees can just sit back and watch what happens over the next few years at UK if some sort of changes are not made!! It is all about recruiting and then some coaching. Even Coach K and Pitino aren't having the best of times this year. YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO GET THE PLAYERS!!! Does anyone ever wonder why we don't get them anymore????:confused:
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