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02-18-2007, 09:37 PM
When UK wins big, so does Barnhart
Athletic director gets bigger bonuses than many head coaches
When the University of Kentucky football team won the Music City Bowl in December, Athletics Director Mitch Barnhart told reporters he was surprised to find out that his performance bonus for such a win was $30,000, twice as much as the $15,000 head coach Rich Brooks was set to receive.
Athletic director gets bigger bonuses than many head coaches
When the University of Kentucky football team won the Music City Bowl in December, Athletics Director Mitch Barnhart told reporters he was surprised to find out that his performance bonus for such a win was $30,000, twice as much as the $15,000 head coach Rich Brooks was set to receive.
02-18-2007, 09:51 PM
Doesn't seem right or fair!
02-18-2007, 09:52 PM
I would have to agree with ya PB5.
02-18-2007, 09:54 PM
Yea they just need to clean house.
02-18-2007, 10:06 PM
Batpuff Wrote:Yea they just need to clean house.
What do you mean?
02-18-2007, 10:38 PM
Blinded again there arent ya alfus, By leaning house, I would assume they mean getting rid of Barnhart, Brooks, and Tubby. In my opinion, Brooks hasnt done a whole lot since hes been here as football coach, yeah they won the bowl game against clemson, big whoop, whos to say when they will be back in another bowl game. But I havent been much of a UK football fan since Couch went pro. The biggest problem is Tubby, he in my opinion, has been a lame duck coach since he arrived in Lexington. I dont care that he did win a title, doesnt mean much at all if u cant recruit your own players and do it, which he hasnt done.
02-18-2007, 10:43 PM
UKGIRL20 Wrote:Blinded again there arent ya alfus, By leaning house, I would assume they mean getting rid of Barnhart, Brooks, and Tubby. In my opinion, Brooks hasnt done a whole lot since hes been here as football coach, yeah they won the bowl game against clemson, big whoop, whos to say when they will be back in another bowl game. But I havent been much of a UK football fan since Couch went pro. The biggest problem is Tubby, he in my opinion, has been a lame duck coach since he arrived in Lexington. I dont care that he did win a title, doesnt mean much at all if u cant recruit your own players and do it, which he hasnt done.
Get rid of Brooks? He went to and won the Music City Bowl in his 1st year of having a full recruiting class. Do you not understand how hard the program was hit with violations and sanctions when Brooks arrived. It took time to build the program and he has now put together two good recruiting classes and the future looks very bright for the football program. I don't know how anybody could say Rich Brooks didn't do a good job building them back up from NOTHING.
I'm not arguing with you about this with Tubby anymore. That's beating a dead horse.
But Barnhart has done a great job with UKAthletics. The football team is doing well and Brooks has them pointed in the right direction now.
The baseball team was ranked last season and broke every single school record because of his John Cohen hire.
The Women's basketball team beat a #1 team last season and went to the NCAA tournament because of his hire of Demoss.
And the Mens and Womens soccer teams were both ranked to finish the season this past season because of his hires.
Barnhart has built the Athletics Dept. up to where it has never been, so by wanting rid of him because of your Tubby hating is absurd.
02-18-2007, 10:53 PM
What does Barnhart have to do with how well the coaches coach. He just hires them, he has no effect on how they coach or lack thereof. Yes Brooks has done a great job of rebuilding the program, but last year and maybe this year will be the last good years they have. Who really watches the soccer and other sports that UK has to offer. UK is a basketball school first and foremost, the football team has never really been all that great and baseball has only been pretty good the last couple of years. The girls basketball team has improved but one big win over a number 1 tennessee isnt much, yeah so Tenn. is a powerhouse, big whoop, doesnt mean alot. The only good thing going for UK right now is their cheerleading squad, and they have dominated for years, they havent slacked off like the basketball team. Face it people, UK is no longer one of the greats, i know they have the most wins all time but Carolina is catching up and have been every year since Tubby took over. I used to love watching UK every night they played, hell i looked forward to it, it was the only thing i cared about, then Tubster came in and after a couple years I didnt care if i watched them or not, and now this year its downright sickening to watch them try to play.
02-18-2007, 10:57 PM
UKGIRL20 Wrote:What does Barnhart have to do with how well the coaches coach. He just hires them, he has no effect on how they coach or lack thereof. Yes Brooks has done a great job of rebuilding the program, but last year and maybe this year will be the last good years they have. Who really watches the soccer and other sports that UK has to offer. UK is a basketball school first and foremost, the football team has never really been all that great and baseball has only been pretty good the last couple of years. The girls basketball team has improved but one big win over a number 1 tennessee isnt much, yeah so Tenn. is a powerhouse, big whoop, doesnt mean alot. The only good thing going for UK right now is their cheerleading squad, and they have dominated for years, they havent slacked off like the basketball team. Face it people, UK is no longer one of the greats, i know they have the most wins all time but Carolina is catching up and have been every year since Tubby took over. I used to love watching UK every night they played, hell i looked forward to it, it was the only thing i cared about, then Tubster came in and after a couple years I didnt care if i watched them or not, and now this year its downright sickening to watch them try to play.
You're ridiculous. People like you will NEVER be happy so just go somewhere else. The main part of being Barnhart is to make the great hires and give them funding to increase their wins.
Every single sport has improved under Barnhart with the exception of basketball, and it is not that awful.
The fact that you said big whoop about everything is sad. Especially about the Women's team defeating #1 Tenn. last season.
If it's so sickening then don't watch and stop complaining so much. Seriously if you could see your posts you'd laugh your *** off. You sound like the biggest baby ever.
02-18-2007, 11:06 PM
while I dont agree with you about Tubby, I DO agree with you on Brooks. Brooks was a victim of circumstance in Lexington taking over the mess left over from Hal and co...and not being able to play with a full deck of scholarships, in the toughest conference in the nation, at a place not exactly known for winning. NOBODY in the country would have won more than 4 games at the helm of UK football in any year he has had them except this year, and few would have won 6 with this years team. Brooks is a good coach, that makes good decisions, and is very loyal to his assistants. I have always supported Brooks, and this year made me proud....I think Brooks done the best coaching job in the conference this year, and next year, if he can break even at 6-6, I will submit my coach of the year vote to him. And my two cents and a pat on the back goes to Barnhardt for bringing Brooks to UK and not giving in to those wanting his head. They had OVC talent for the most part, until this year, and even competing in the SEC, he righted the ship..and John Cohen was a fabulous hire for the baseball team..
alfus21 Wrote:Get rid of Brooks? He went to and won the Music City Bowl in his 1st year of having a full recruiting class. Do you not understand how hard the program was hit with violations and sanctions when Brooks arrived. It took time to build the program and he has now put together two good recruiting classes and the future looks very bright for the football program. I don't know how anybody could say Rich Brooks didn't do a good job building them back up from NOTHING.
I'm not arguing with you about this with Tubby anymore. That's beating a dead horse.
But Barnhart has done a great job with UKAthletics. The football team is doing well and Brooks has them pointed in the right direction now.
The baseball team was ranked last season and broke every single school record because of his John Cohen hire.
The Women's basketball team beat a #1 team last season and went to the NCAA tournament because of his hire of Demoss.
And the Mens and Womens soccer teams were both ranked to finish the season this past season because of his hires.
Barnhart has built the Athletics Dept. up to where it has never been, so by wanting rid of him because of your Tubby hating is absurd.
02-18-2007, 11:15 PM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:while I dont agree with you about Tubby, I DO agree with you on Brooks. Brooks was a victim of circumstance in Lexington taking over the mess left over from Hal and co...and not being able to play with a full deck of scholarships, in the toughest conference in the nation, at a place not exactly known for winning. NOBODY in the country would have won more than 4 games at the helm of UK football in any year he has had them except this year, and few would have won 6 with this years team. Brooks is a good coach, that makes good decisions, and is very loyal to his assistants. I have always supported Brooks, and this year made me proud....I think Brooks done the best coaching job in the conference this year, and next year, if he can break even at 6-6, I will submit my coach of the year vote to him. And my two cents and a pat on the back goes to Barnhardt for bringing Brooks to UK and not giving in to those wanting his head. They had OVC talent for the most part, until this year, and even competing in the SEC, he righted the ship..and John Cohen was a fabulous hire for the baseball team..
Amongst the arguing taking place it's hard to agree with someone on the opposite side of a heated issue, but I appreciate you agreeing with me on this one. It's common sense to me that Rich Brooks done a great job and overall Barnhart has done a great job at the helm, despite the differences in opinion of the basketball program he has built the other programs up very nicely.
02-18-2007, 11:17 PM
UKGIRL20 Wrote:Blinded again there arent ya alfus, By leaning house, I would assume they mean getting rid of Barnhart, Brooks, and Tubby. In my opinion, Brooks hasnt done a whole lot since hes been here as football coach, yeah they won the bowl game against clemson, big whoop, whos to say when they will be back in another bowl game. But I havent been much of a UK football fan since Couch went pro. The biggest problem is Tubby, he in my opinion, has been a lame duck coach since he arrived in Lexington. I dont care that he did win a title, doesnt mean much at all if u cant recruit your own players and do it, which he hasnt done.
Brooks has never had the oppurtinity to show himself b/c UK was on 2 years probation. Now that they have the bowl win, he is an excellent recruiter and we will see what he can do with his players. And so far its looking very good. I am looking forward to UK Football this year. You have to be doing something right when a team names there field after you(referring to his Oregon days).
02-18-2007, 11:22 PM
Barnhart did give $7,500 to Brooks so that they both received the same bonus for making it to the Music City Bowl.
02-19-2007, 02:04 AM
I believe Brooks has done a fine job in football. A bowl game, where UK hasnt been in a while, need i say more?
02-19-2007, 09:42 AM
Brooks has earned his keep!
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
02-19-2007, 11:29 PM
Yeah they got the bowl win and it was the first one they have had in a while, but that one and maybe one this coming season will be the last. I dont care if u do think its sad that i said what i did about the other sports, everyone knows that the only sports that matter or get any attention at UK is basketball, and sometimes football and now baseball, oh and the cheerleading squad. Three of the sports just mentioned are doing a hell of a lot better than the sorry basketball team. I say what I say and mean it as well, Im not going to be like everyone else and apologize for things i say just so people will like me or whatever, Im not that kind of person. I stick by what i say, be damned or not.
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