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Belfry couple off to The Amazing Race...Again !
Everybody's favorite coalminer and his wife are back for another trek around the world. David and Mary, the lovable, wide-eyed couple from Stone, Ky., finished sixth in the 10th installment. [Image:] The Conley's met at the local McDonalds over 11 years ago and have been married for nearly 10 years. They are the proud parents of three children. [Image:] After falling short of the $1 million prize, Mary was adamant that she and David would not sign up for another Race and leave their children again, but something tells her that they have what it takes to win the million dollars this time around. [Image:] Both have limited traveling experience outside of the Race. David spent some time traveling while enlisted in the U.S. Army while Mary took her first plane ride after being cast on the show. [Image:] A bona fide reality TV junkie, will Mary be able to restrain her excitement and stay focused while racing alongside some of her favorite racers from past seasons? Will they be able to find an alliance as strong as the Season 10 "6 pack" or will their desire to win the money for their children be enough to carry them across the finish line?

Good Luck to David & Mary !!!!!!!!!
She needs to get alittle more mean! Its a dog eat dog race!
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
What a coincidence, Not more than 2 hours ago I talked to both of them. David used to work for me underground several years ago. Anyway, I had to stop at the US Bank at the Mall and as I was walking in I seen him sitting in a brand new Explorer. I went back to talk to him and he said he and his family was getting ready to go on a cruise with Rosey Odonnel(sp). She was paying for the entire cruise. She is supposedly building them a house and paid for his ride. I wish them the best of luck. Its always good to see some of the local people prosper.
Awww, I loved them on the Amazing Race and I can't wait to watch them again this time around. Best of luck to them!

Good luck!!!
I thought that Rosie had already bought/built them a house?

This is great to hear!
its great to see ppl from this area getting the chance to travel the world...good luck and knock um out...make our area proud Big Grin...i didnt get the chance to watch them last time so hopefully my luck will b diffrent this time...i think they should only wear Ts of the schools from our area that would b awsome lol
They wore ALL kinds of Belfry hats and shirts last time. It was pretty awesome.

Wish some members of my family could go on TV and get all kinds of free stuff like these two. Smile

In all seriousness though I hope they do good, but it doesn't matter as much to me now as the 1st time.

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