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RUMOR---Starns Resigns!!
rooster Wrote:Yeah right, you support both schools. You hate Central with a passion, so why even post junk like that? Just last week you blasted the administration at JC about something you know absolutely nothing about and was totally false and then tried to cover it up. ( Oh I forgot, that was your St. Bernard doing the talking and you actually was talking about Sheldon Clark.) Now your doing the same thing again about something that you dont know the first tidly about.

You have just about worn out the Matney stuff over the last couple of years. Give it a rest and get a life on that one.

Funny thing that you weren't blasting Bill Mike when he walked out and quit on his team last year. I remember the story of the kids going over to his house to beg him to come back. How come that wasn't the fault of the Paintsville Admin, and this is? Dont want to talk about that I guess.

From what I am reading on here Starns resigned , he was not fired or forced out. Do you have first hand information about anything that has taken place? I doubt it!!

Typical JC drama? I dont think that anything can match the 3 ring circus that has enveloped the Paintsville football program and the backstabbing that has taken place there the last couple of years. Of course you dont want to talk about that either do you?

It seems that trying to find something to blast JC about has totally consumed your every thought process. Why do you feel that you constantly have to do that? Did an eagle attack you when you were little and you now have nightmares about it , or what?

Words have never been as true as these. Both sides have had their fair share of complications. No reason for anyone to kick the other when they are down. I do not agree with the choice that Starns has made, however I'm very sure that Johnson Central will do a great job of choosing the teams next head coach, whether it be Tommy McKenzie or not.
get Johnny Ray turner back he cut a deal and is not going to pull any time
I would not think JRT would have very much interest in coaching at Johnson Central or any other school.
Tommy is the best young coach in the state johnson central people dont even know how good this is going to work out for them. i played college ball with him and he is by far the smartest player i ever seen or played with. So to all those jc fans trust me this is a good thing.
thedarkside Wrote:Tommy is the best young coach in the state johnson central people dont even know how good this is going to work out for them. i played college ball with him and he is by far the smartest player i ever seen or played with. So to all those jc fans trust me this is a good thing.

What are you basing that on. What has Tommy done from a coaching stand point that makes him the best young coach in the state. I'm not gonna disagree about it being a good thing for JC cause it will be IMO. I think the players will respond to him more. He definately knows the game, he was a great player and very smart.

As for those of you hoping Tommy will bring Jesse Meeks back, he doesn't deserve another chance. He was the one who QUIT then team, why would they want a player like that.
I wasn't gonna post on this thread because I believe the less said, the better. However, I do believe I remember a faction wanting Tommy McKenzie when Starns was hired. I agree with thedarkside.... this is a good thing. I hope the school jumps onboard and supports the new coach and the boys! They deserve it.
Redneck Wrote:What are you basing that on. What has Tommy done from a coaching stand point that makes him the best young coach in the state. I'm not gonna disagree about it being a good thing for JC cause it will be IMO. I think the players will respond to him more. He definately knows the game, he was a great player and very smart.

As for those of you hoping Tommy will bring Jesse Meeks back, he doesn't deserve another chance. He was the one who QUIT then team, why would they want a player like that.

I agree, IMO Jesse quit just like Starns and doesn't deserve another chance. I don't think Mckenzie would give him another shot anyway. It's way too late in the season to start messing with the teams chemistry, esp. when your team doesn't have much anyway.
Redneck Wrote:What are you basing that on. What has Tommy done from a coaching stand point that makes him the best young coach in the state. I'm not gonna disagree about it being a good thing for JC cause it will be IMO. I think the players will respond to him more. He definately knows the game, he was a great player and very smart.

As for those of you hoping Tommy will bring Jesse Meeks back, he doesn't deserve another chance. He was the one who QUIT then team, why would they want a player like that.
you don't know the situation with Meek, so you need to just keep your mouth shut about him.
Also, Tommy is the only man for the job. He is about the entire Johnson COunty program.
I hate to hear all of this. This Program doesn't need anymore problems.
rooster Wrote:Dont think that was the problem. I think it goes pretty deep.
The Guru Wrote:What did they do???
Take him out of the classroom, give him an admin. pos. and a Pay raise. He is much more able to take care of his family now.
Sure he liked Coaching, but, Coaching is not the be all end all. Sure some like to think that being a coach is the greatest accomplishment there is, but in reality, it's just a job and if you can make more money by not coaching, then why not?

First and foremost, let me say that I am a fan of Burrhead Lemaster. However, when Chuke arrived things were done behind the scene to undermind the situation. A large number of the powers that be will tell you off the record that Burr was done wrong and forced out. However, to save face he was put into administration and the situation went away. Let me say that I hope Coach McKenzie does a good job and things staighten out with Central. Both county schools should support each other except when they play each other
Waitin for Friday Wrote:you don't know the situation with Meek, so you need to just keep your mouth shut about him.
Also, Tommy is the only man for the job. He is about the entire Johnson COunty program.

I don't care about his situation, he QUIT.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:After reading a bunch of these posts, I will put my two cents in now. I read in more than one that people at Johnson Central wasnt to happy with his coaching style. I read in another that he may be coaching at the college level. You know, there is such a thing as doing what you think is best for yourself and your family. I am sure that he cared about his players, but I wouldnt care to bet that he cares about his own kids if he has any more. In this thread and others it sounded like he was going to be ran off anyways. If he had a offer that he thinks is in his and his familys best interest to take, then he should have.

Dont get me wrong, I am not taking up for him, or putting him down for it, if he did leave then it is his decision. Schools are known for getting rid of coaches. There are coaching changes every year at one school or another. I personally think if he did go, there is only one person who knows what made him make the decision to leave Johnson Central, and that is the man himself. So unless there is a mind reader, I dont think he should be judged on a anonymous web site. Coaches are public figures, but they also have a private life that I am sure they want to be kept private.

Nice Post!
Redneck Wrote:I don't care about his situation, he QUIT.
Yeah and a lot of kids at Paintsville quit, but they came back.
Waitin for Friday Wrote:Yeah and a lot of kids at Paintsville quit, but they came back.

Who quit???
Redneck Wrote:Who quit???
I can name one starter off the state championship team that quit more than once,but i won't say on here.

ADMIN NOTE: Don't say anything unless you can back it up.
gamestopper11 Wrote:everyone loved Coach Starns last year when they won the regional tournament....Wat happened?
Wrong.. Everyone from JC knew he was a good coach but alot of people thought he was a know it all and his way was better that the rest. Not many of his players liked him. Last year 15th region MVP couldnt stand him he just loved playing basketball so he played. Look at how many BBall players quit after the first bit of the season last year.
I just don't know about this whole thing. I mean how true this is.
This thread needs to stay on topic....The thread title is RUMOR...Starns Resigns!

This is not about a possible new coach or former coaches or Paintsville or anyother school.
getting a little testty areny we. i love it. everyone thought that he was the greatest thing walking now they see what he really is. cant wait to see matney leave for belfry when he gets a chance:lmao:

Waitin for Friday Wrote:you don't know the situation with Meek, so you need to just keep your mouth shut about him.
Also, Tommy is the only man for the job. He is about the entire Johnson COunty program.
Hard Hitter Wrote:Wrong.. Everyone from JC knew he was a good coach but alot of people thought he was a know it all and his way was better that the rest. Not many of his players liked him. Last year 15th region MVP couldnt stand him he just loved playing basketball so he played. Look at how many BBall players quit after the first bit of the season last year.

That right there is JC's problem.

HE WAS/IS THE COACH!!!!!! His way is the right way because it is his program. Your way is NOT the right way, the principles way is NOT the right way, the players way is NOT the right way, the fans way is NOT the right way, and the JC BOE's way is NOT the right way.

The last part sums it up, the kid played because he loved basketball, not because his parents were living through him, or because it made him popular.
NEXT Wrote:That right there is JC's problem.

HE WAS/IS THE COACH!!!!!! His way is the right way because it is his program. Your way is NOT the right way, the principles way is NOT the right way, the players way is NOT the right way, the fans way is NOT the right way, and the JC BOE's way is NOT the right way.

The last part sums it up, the kid played because he loved basketball, not because his parents were living through him, or because it made him popular.

Great post NEXT...
Diogenes Wrote:* 2006 Class AAA state semi-finalists, 13-1 record.
* 2006 15th Region boys basketball champs.
* 2004 baseball state final four.

wow that is impressive!:Clap:
Waitin for Friday Wrote:I can name one starter off the state championship team that quit more than once,but i won't say on here.

No one quit during the 1995/96 season and came back, I know that for a fact!!
Waitin for Friday Wrote:I can name one starter off the state championship team that quit more than once,but i won't say on here.

You ain't got a clue of what you're talkin about.
Need to change the rumor...Starnes is back as coach of JC.
rooster Wrote:Yeah right, you support both schools. You hate Central with a passion, so why even post junk like that? Just last week you blasted the administration at JC about something you know absolutely nothing about and was totally false and then tried to cover it up. ( Oh I forgot, that was your St. Bernard doing the talking and you actually was talking about Sheldon Clark.) Now your doing the same thing again about something that you dont know the first tidly about.

You have just about worn out the Matney stuff over the last couple of years. Give it a rest and get a life on that one.

Funny thing that you weren't blasting Bill Mike when he walked out and quit on his team last year. I remember the story of the kids going over to his house to beg him to come back. How come that wasn't the fault of the Paintsville Admin, and this is? Dont want to talk about that I guess.

From what I am reading on here Starns resigned , he was not fired or forced out. Do you have first hand information about anything that has taken place? I doubt it!!

Typical JC drama? I dont think that anything can match the 3 ring circus that has enveloped the Paintsville football program and the backstabbing that has taken place there the last couple of years. Of course you dont want to talk about that either do you?

It seems that trying to find something to blast JC about has totally consumed your every thought process. Why do you feel that you constantly have to do that? Did an eagle attack you when you were little and you now have nightmares about it , or what?

Look, opinons are like buts. Everyone's got one and most stink. I gave my opinion, you gave yours and fortunately, I'm grown up enough to cope with both.

I NEVER support a quitter regardless - blue, black, or otherwise. BMR has coached 20 years and quit 21 times (one year he quit twice). Drama is drama regardless where it occurs.

HOWEVER, I do think JC has coaching ADD. They can't stay happy with one coach long enough to let them build a program. I NEVER stated Starns was fired, I just said that maybe he got tired of being the step child and quit. Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing.

As for Matney, he doesn't stay at one school very long, and unfortunately, he leaves bad blood when he goes (just ask the folks at SC). However, I don't question his ability to coach or win.

As for blasting JC, yes, I support both schools, but like all on the site, I have a preference.

Have a nice day and find some happiness! You don't have to hate others who don't share your opinion. That is the type of ignorance that leads to terrible things.
Unbiased Wrote:Need to change the rumor...Starnes is back as coach of JC.

So is this fact or not?? Does anyone know for sure?? There has been over a hundred posts on this thread and no one seems to know anything.

Like I said earlier, we don't need to jump to conclusions until the facts are known!

So if anyone has some hard facts, lets hear them!
EKY Sportster Wrote:So is this fact or not?? Does anyone know for sure?? There has been over a hundred posts on this thread and no one seems to know anything.

Like I said earlier, we don't need to jump to conclusions until the facts are known!

So if anyone has some hard facts, lets hear them!

Okay, here are the hard facts! Starns did resign Saturday afternoon. However, after meeting with administration he has decided to back out on his resigination and will remain coach at JCHS for the remainder of the year! Thats really it, he resigned then unresigned... I guess he can't make up his mind! IMO after quitting once I wouldn't want him as my coach but that's just me. What does everyone else think?
eaglehoops Wrote:Okay, here are the hard facts! Starns did resign Saturday afternoon. However, after meeting with administration he has decided to back out on his resigination and will remain coach at JCHS for the remainder of the year! Thats really it, he resigned then unresigned... I guess he can't make up his mind! IMO after quitting once I wouldn't want him as my coach but that's just me. What does everyone else think?

Heres exactly what I think, hes selfish. If Starns can quit and come back then why can't Meeks? You can expect players to quit throughout season but when a coach does, it looks very bad on him and his character. If Starns can come back then Meeks should be able to.:redboxer:

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