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RUMOR---Starns Resigns!!
They should have never run Trimble out of town! They stabbed a hometown boy in the back and now they are reeping what they sewed! Starnes went to Rupp with Trimble's kids. Now he sees what it's like there and is ready to get out of town. Sad thing is that the kids are the one's that have to suffer! I wonder if he leaves if the team will want any of the kids back that he ran off? That could be a huge difference for JC!
I had heard before that Morehead might be in his cards down the road with Tindal but that might just be a rumor.
Have to agree bulldog, Trimble was a good fit for J.C. and if you were to poll most of the hall of Fame inductees they would agree also..yet, they are not the ones making the decisions. IMO, that is what is wrong with high school sports today...

Don't really know for sure if Starns has resigned, if so, seems to me he is taking a chance of throwing away a coaching career, who is going to hire someone who resigns during the season?
Where's Eagle Eye??? He's a Starn's fan and chairman of the cheering section. He should have the facts!! Eagle Eye...give us a fly by!!! lol...
Starns did indeed quit his job, I was from the head honcho now anyway. He's ran out on the kids after running numerous players off, leaving coach McKenzie with the job. Starns is a coward in my book and has hurt alot of kids. I'll tell details later.
bulldog42 Wrote:They should have never run Trimble out of town! They stabbed a hometown boy in the back and now they are reeping what they sewed! Starnes went to Rupp with Trimble's kids. Now he sees what it's like there and is ready to get out of town. Sad thing is that the kids are the one's that have to suffer! I wonder if he leaves if the team will want any of the kids back that he ran off? That could be a huge difference for JC!
I had heard before that Morehead might be in his cards down the road with Tindal but that might just be a rumor.

Bulldawg42 I agree Trimble was a great coach and was highly respected by most of the JC family and was run out of town. I dont know what the reason was for the firing of him and all I can say is that he is a one class act and love for him to be back in the LC program but our own school adminstration is so out of wack itself right now.
After reading a bunch of these posts, I will put my two cents in now. I read in more than one that people at Johnson Central wasnt to happy with his coaching style. I read in another that he may be coaching at the college level. You know, there is such a thing as doing what you think is best for yourself and your family. I am sure that he cared about his players, but I wouldnt care to bet that he cares about his own kids if he has any more. In this thread and others it sounded like he was going to be ran off anyways. If he had a offer that he thinks is in his and his familys best interest to take, then he should have.

Dont get me wrong, I am not taking up for him, or putting him down for it, if he did leave then it is his decision. Schools are known for getting rid of coaches. There are coaching changes every year at one school or another. I personally think if he did go, there is only one person who knows what made him make the decision to leave Johnson Central, and that is the man himself. So unless there is a mind reader, I dont think he should be judged on a anonymous web site. Coaches are public figures, but they also have a private life that I am sure they want to be kept private.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:After reading a bunch of these posts, I will put my two cents in now. I read in more than one that people at Johnson Central wasnt to happy with his coaching style. I read in another that he may be coaching at the college level. You know, there is such a thing as doing what you think is best for yourself and your family. I am sure that he cared about his players, but I wouldnt care to bet that he cares about his own kids if he has any more. In this thread and others it sounded like he was going to be ran off anyways. If he had a offer that he thinks is in his and his familys best interest to take, then he should have.

Dont get me wrong, I am not taking up for him, or putting him down for it, if he did leave then it is his decision. Schools are known for getting rid of coaches. There are coaching changes every year at one school or another. I personally think if he did go, there is only one person who knows what made him make the decision to leave Johnson Central, and that is the man himself. So unless there is a mind reader, I dont think he should be judged on a anonymous web site. Coaches are public figures, but they also have a private life that I am sure they want to be kept private.
That's the biggest bunch of crap I've read in a long time. You don't...I repeat..You don't leave your team during the course of the season unless you die or are asked to resign. He's not dead and he wasn't asked to resign and he damn sure isn't leaving to coach the Celtics.
Batpuff Wrote:Bulldawg42 I agree Trimble was a great coach and was highly respected by most of the JC family and was run out of town. I dont know what the reason was for the firing of him and all I can say is that he is a one class act and love for him to be back in the LC program but our own school adminstration is so out of wack itself right now.
Dont think that was the problem. I think it goes pretty deep.
ducky Wrote:That's the biggest bunch of crap I've read in a long time. You don't...I repeat..You don't leave your team during the course of the season unless you die or are asked to resign. He's not dead and he wasn't asked to resign and he damn sure isn't leaving to coach the Celtics.

So, dont you think a person should look out for his family more than anyone or anything else? I am pretty sure he talked to his wife and kids if he has them about his decision. I bet he is more worried about what they think and his own well being than what "ducky" thinks. I would be willing to bet that you dont know 1% of the whole story so why are you so willing to judge someone that you might not even know personally. I would even be willing to bet that you wont even find out 50% of the whole story personally. Not hearing one thing from someone and another thing from someone else.

The fact is, people have to make decisions in their life. Some are easy, some not so easy. A person just has to do what he thinks is best for his own welfare and the welfare of his family. Even if it makes you out to look like a coward or whatever else you want to call them over a internet connection.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:The fact is, people have to make decisions in their life. Some are easy, some not so easy. A person just has to do what he thinks is best for his own welfare and the welfare of his family. Even if it makes you out to look like a coward or whatever else you want to call them over a internet connection.

Maybe so, but I don't know of a decision that would make it necessary to quit at this point in the season! Even if he took another job, it is still toward the end of the season and I doubt that he would start immediately!

But I do agree that we should all wait until we know the facts more before jumping to conclusions.
Lets not bash the man until you know the real story. You are talking about a human that has feelings with a wife and kids. Alot of people are on here bashing him but you all were behind him last year when they won the 15th region and went to the sweet 16. Everything is great when you are winning but when you lose everybody wants to throw darts at you.
Batpuff Wrote:Bulldawg42 I agree Trimble was a great coach and was highly respected by most of the JC family and was run out of town. I dont know what the reason was for the firing of him and all I can say is that he is a one class act and love for him to be back in the LC program but our own school adminstration is so out of wack itself right now.

Why did he leave Lawrence Co. ???
Johnson Cent. could be the best job in the region.

But until the FANS, PARENTS, and ADMIN. let a coach come in and do HIS job this is what your going to get.

Starnes is a good coach, and you guys were going to run him off this year after he took you to RUPP.

Trimble was a good coach, and you ran him off after a regional semifinal year.

You Johnson Cent. fans need to make up your mind, either you play who the "powers to be" want played and hae a year like this year or you play the best players and get rid of kids who have problems and won't listen and win NEXT year.
JC has the biggest school in the region, first class facilities that are about to become even better, and some of the greatest people in the world inside their school system.
BUT..... the JC athletic program has problems right now! It is obvious that the success of the football program has absolutely destroyed the basketball morale to the point that Coach Starnes is fed up with the no-win situation. He may not have the best personality in the world but he is a great person and great coach. He obviously thinks he isn't getting the support that he was promised so he felt his best option was to stop fighting it. The freshmen team dropped the rest of their games because they didn't have enough players and the JV team is down to 6 players. This is from arguably the best feeder system in the state with the way Johnson County has it's athletic programs set up. They have no business not being near the top in every sport, every year..period!!!! If Johnson Central wants whats best for ALL of it's athletic teams, someone needs to take charge of the athletic program and get everyone striving towards the same goal, not cutting the throat of their own people!!
bulldog42 Wrote:They should have never run Trimble out of town! They stabbed a hometown boy in the back and now they are reeping what they sewed! Starnes went to Rupp with Trimble's kids. Now he sees what it's like there and is ready to get out of town. Sad thing is that the kids are the one's that have to suffer! I wonder if he leaves if the team will want any of the kids back that he ran off? That could be a huge difference for JC!
I had heard before that Morehead might be in his cards down the road with Tindal but that might just be a rumor.

He is not the only one they did that to. They also did that to the long time Wrestling Coach Darren Gamble this year and gave the job to Matney. Heard they brought Gamble into the office the same way they did Les. Who knows they may have asked Starnes to resign also.
bball fan Wrote:JC has the biggest school in the region, first class facilities that are about to become even better, and some of the greatest people in the world inside their school system.
BUT..... the JC athletic program has problems right now! It is obvious that the success of the football program has absolutely destroyed the basketball morale to the point that Coach Starnes is fed up with the no-win situation. He may not have the best personality in the world but he is a great person and great coach. He obviously thinks he isn't getting the support that he was promised so he felt his best option was to stop fighting it. The freshmen team dropped the rest of their games because they didn't have enough players and the JV team is down to 6 players. This is from arguably the best feeder system in the state with the way Johnson County has it's athletic programs set up. They have no business not being near the top in every sport, every year..period!!!! If Johnson Central wants whats best for ALL of it's athletic teams, someone needs to take charge of the athletic program and get everyone striving towards the same goal, not cutting the throat of their own people!!

Football and Basketball can co-exist, sadly most schools in the 15th do not want it that way.
OffTheHook Wrote:He is not the only one they did that to. They also did that to the long time Wrestling Coach Darren Gamble this year and gave the job to Matney. Heard they brought Gamble into the office the same way they did Les. Who knows they may have asked Starnes to resign also.
They didn't force Coach G to resign and thats the facts. Coach G was the wrestling coach for the first month of the season and when he won the election this fall he told me himself that he didn't have enough time to do it all and he stepped down as wrestling coach at Johnson Central. This is also what he told the entire team. Why don't you get your facts straight before you get on here and shoot your mouth off about subjects that you don't have the first clue about. I don't know about the Starnes situation but I do know what happened with the wrestling team and you are very wrong. Also why do you care so much what goes on at Johnson Central? You've switched sides so why do you care?
Matney must not get along with anybody in the other sports programs unless its football or wrestling. If you are going to have a strong sports program all the programs need to work together not let one rule the others.
bulldog42 Wrote:They should have never run Trimble out of town! They stabbed a hometown boy in the back and now they are reeping what they sewed! Starnes went to Rupp with Trimble's kids. Now he sees what it's like there and is ready to get out of town. Sad thing is that the kids are the one's that have to suffer! I wonder if he leaves if the team will want any of the kids back that he ran off? That could be a huge difference for JC!
I had heard before that Morehead might be in his cards down the road with Tindal but that might just be a rumor.
horseman Wrote:Matney must not get along with anybody in the other sports programs unless its football or wrestling. If you are going to have a strong sports program all the programs need to work together not let one rule the others.
This is far from the truth. Ask Shawn Hall, Joey Estep,Phillip Wireman, or Coach McCool if this is the case. Like I told another poster know what your talking about before you chime in on a subject.
Golden Eagle Wrote:They didn't force Coach G to resign and thats the facts. Coach G was the wrestling coach for the first month of the season and when he won the election this fall he told me himself that he didn't have enough time to do it all and he stepped down as wrestling coach at Johnson Central. This is also what he told the entire team. Why don't you get your facts straight before you get on here and shoot your mouth off about subjects that you don't have the first clue about. I don't know about the Starnes situation but I do know what happened with the wrestling team and you are very wrong. Also why do you care so much what goes on at Johnson Central? You've switched sides so why do you care?

Just repeating what came directly from a VERY close family member. Nobody is spouting off at the mouth. That may be what happened. But, knowing Coach G the way I do. He is going to do nothing but support his school and not cause waves. Top Notch Guy. I care because I do nothing but support the kids in this ENTIRE county, NOT just on one side of the creek, and I hate to see any of them have to go through these things.
Sad situation. They should look at Matney's success on the girdiorn and just let the coaches coach. I really hate it for the kids there!
This is no longer a rumor. Starns DID RESIGN. Just talked to a Johnson County board member about it. I believe he had a fallout with someone in the administration. But this is still no excuse to leave a team during a troubling season. I hope his resume takes a plunge after what happened.
Just let Matney coach b-ball too since everyone thinks he so good!

bulldog42 Wrote:I got new for you *****! I've never tried to hide who I am! You won't catch me talking smack about your family over the internet, pretty classy man! This is about what has happened to the guys that have been successful at JC and then outside forces have forced them out of town.
It's a shame because there are a lot of good folks there that I care about.. Eddie Blair, Harry Burchette, Stu Cook, Glenn Reeves, Bugs, Pooh etc but too many outsiders are controling the basketball program there and it has hurt the kids in the end!
JC should have the top sports team in all sports in Eastern KY. Coach Matney has been a good example of what can happen if people just leave them alone and let them coach.

Golden Eagle!
JC should be the most successful program in all sports in Eastern KY! You see what happened when Matney came in and didn't let the others around
Your right the people you mentioned above are good folks.
Baller3 Wrote:Just let Matney coach b-ball too since everyone thinks he so good!


What does Matney have to do with any of this?

Matney encourages his players to play multiple sports. And what Mark Starns does has little or nothing to do with what Jim Matney does. I can guarantee you that no Eagle fan wants to see this basketball program fail, and that the success of football should only feed the success of other sports within the same school.

Regarding Starns, the occasional personality conflict is understandable and unavoidable. You lose one or two kids because you don't get along with them or they don't buy the system or the discipline, fine. But when you manage to run them off en masse and deplete your roster to the point that Central has...

As a wise man once told me, "The only common element in all your dysfunctional relationships is you."
I just hope the highschool career of Jesse Meek can re-continue now that he is gone. Starns was not very good socially, and his inability to converse with the community and players may have been why he wanted to leave.
everyone loved Coach Starns last year when they won the regional tournament....Wat happened?

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