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05-03-2006, 04:15 PM
For those of us without a clue about cheerleading
Who typically judges cheerleading tryouts???
What are the judges looking for???
What percentage of a girls score is gymnastics???
Do politics play a part in who is selected???
Who typically judges cheerleading tryouts???
What are the judges looking for???
What percentage of a girls score is gymnastics???
Do politics play a part in who is selected???
05-04-2006, 02:39 PM
Okay,.... to help ya out...
Judges- depends on where you are and who is the sponsor
Looking for- motions, smoothness, transition, jumps, basic all around ability.
Scoring-- depends on who you have judge and what type of score sheet they are using.
Politics-- I'm not even gonna touch that one!!!
LOL... hoped this helped ya out!!!
Judges- depends on where you are and who is the sponsor
Looking for- motions, smoothness, transition, jumps, basic all around ability.
Scoring-- depends on who you have judge and what type of score sheet they are using.
Politics-- I'm not even gonna touch that one!!!
LOL... hoped this helped ya out!!!
05-05-2006, 10:57 AM
phs1986 Wrote:Okay,.... to help ya out...So a sponsor can decide who judges? And what type of scoring there is??
Judges- depends on where you are and who is the sponsor
Looking for- motions, smoothness, transition, jumps, basic all around ability.
Scoring-- depends on who you have judge and what type of score sheet they are using.
Politics-- I'm not even gonna touch that one!!!
LOL... hoped this helped ya out!!!
Sounds like a sponsor can basically hand pick her squad.
05-05-2006, 11:49 PM
LMAO.... you said that I didn't!! LOLOL...
I know when I cheered, one year we had KAPOS judges come in and do it... another year... the seniors who were leaving did the judging.... BUT the criteria was rough.....personally, I if I ever coached would NEVER pick a team on my own... I would have the principal or someone else chose who judges so that I could not be accused of anything!!!
I know when I cheered, one year we had KAPOS judges come in and do it... another year... the seniors who were leaving did the judging.... BUT the criteria was rough.....personally, I if I ever coached would NEVER pick a team on my own... I would have the principal or someone else chose who judges so that I could not be accused of anything!!!
05-08-2006, 11:29 AM
fox sports Wrote:For those of us without a clue about cheerleading
Who typically judges cheerleading tryouts???
What are the judges looking for???
What percentage of a girls score is gymnastics???
Do politics play a part in who is selected???
1. KAPOS judges. Picked by the County Athletic Director. (In Floyd anyway)
2. & 3. Depends on the score sheet, sharpness, voice, jumps, motions, etc.
4. Politics?? I dont think so. The judges only know the girls by number their name is never called. The coach sets a number of girls to have on the squad before tryouts begin. The highest scores win. Only the girls, coach and judges are allowed in the gym...:Cheerlead
05-08-2006, 01:03 PM
come on...where are all the cheer people...keep em coming
01-18-2007, 11:09 PM
FOX SPORTS Wrote:For those of us without a clue about cheerleadingOur judges were UK cheerleaders and former cheerleaders.
Who typically judges cheerleading tryouts???
What are the judges looking for???
What percentage of a girls score is gymnastics???
Do politics play a part in who is selected???
Tumbling is worth about 10 points
They are looking for sharp motions, good jumps, good tumbling, time & rhythm
And. if you have judges who are from your school or county; or your coach does the judging & picking, then YES! politics DO very much so get involved!!!
Hope I Helped!!!
01-19-2007, 12:36 AM
Judges: Should be independent and neutral and not really know the girls. But this isn't always the case and is not required.
Looking for: They should be looking for crisp motions, good spirit, good transition, smiles, good jumps and gymnastics, and so forth.
Gynastics percentage: Depends on the school and sponsor. But IMO it should be considered at least 30 percent. For a top competition squad it would have to be much higher. But there is more to it than just gymnastics.
Role of politics: Should be none. But in a few places that is not true. As with any school activity, politics always finds away at some point. But it isn't that big of a deal, at least no more than basketball or any other sport. lol
Looking for: They should be looking for crisp motions, good spirit, good transition, smiles, good jumps and gymnastics, and so forth.
Gynastics percentage: Depends on the school and sponsor. But IMO it should be considered at least 30 percent. For a top competition squad it would have to be much higher. But there is more to it than just gymnastics.
Role of politics: Should be none. But in a few places that is not true. As with any school activity, politics always finds away at some point. But it isn't that big of a deal, at least no more than basketball or any other sport. lol
01-19-2007, 01:10 AM
Welol.....I do know a member here that could give about as accurate an answer as any on here.
Actually, I know a couple!!!
I know for a fact that one member has been a KAPOS judge for over a quarter century!!! She must be very old!!!LOL They have judged tryouts of every kind and competitions everywhere including State several times!
Actually, I know a couple!!!
I know for a fact that one member has been a KAPOS judge for over a quarter century!!! She must be very old!!!LOL They have judged tryouts of every kind and competitions everywhere including State several times!
01-19-2007, 01:22 AM
Judges: Most coaches have KAPOS certified judges, but it's not manditory. A coach can do whatever he/she wants basically.
Looking for: The coach creates the tryout sheet and tells the judges what to look for. In highschool: Motions, jumps, voice, rhythm and gymnastics.
Gymnastics: Any squad serious about compeating must have all backhandsprings, and maybe even a round off tuck.
Politics: I don't think politics are a big deal during tryout time. Coaches what the best on their team, regaurdless of who they are. However, those involved in cheerleading know that around competition time, politics play a mojor role; like it or not.
Looking for: The coach creates the tryout sheet and tells the judges what to look for. In highschool: Motions, jumps, voice, rhythm and gymnastics.
Gymnastics: Any squad serious about compeating must have all backhandsprings, and maybe even a round off tuck.
Politics: I don't think politics are a big deal during tryout time. Coaches what the best on their team, regaurdless of who they are. However, those involved in cheerleading know that around competition time, politics play a mojor role; like it or not.
01-19-2007, 03:17 AM
FOX SPORTS Wrote:For those of us without a clue about cheerleading
Who typically judges cheerleading tryouts???
What are the judges looking for???
What percentage of a girls score is gymnastics???
Do politics play a part in who is selected???
Alot of these things depend on the school, the coach, and the talent level of the field of people trying out. But typically....
Judges: Although it is not a requirement, it seems that most coaches like to go with KAPOS certified, out of region judges for their tryouts. (This however, is most applicable @ the high school level only!) It seems like that this allows the coach to cover all of his/her bases if there were to ever be any accusations.
Looking For: Generally speaking, they are looking for a GENUINE smile, loudness of voice, sharp motions, enthusiasm, and their ability to perform the tryout material (dance, sideline, cheer, etc.) as compared to the rest of those trying out. Even those with less capacity to perform on the technical aspect can help themselves out with all of these other things on a generous enough score sheet!
Gymnastics: This depends on the school, the coach, and the talent level of those trying out. At the school I attended once upon a time, it would fluctuate from year to year. One year, in the beginning, only a standing handspring and a roundoff handspring were required. In a couple of years, a roundoff tuck was a requirement. If you have relatively few that can perform these gymnastics, then it obviously wouldn't make any sense to make these things a requirement, or anything more than "added points" on the score sheet. Otherwise, you'd end up with 2 or 3 cheerleaders! It just depends on what the coach is willing to "put up with" as far as having or not having gymnastics goes!
Politics: Oh, the dreaded word! I'm just going to leave it at that some coaches and administrations let it play a much bigger role than what it should, I would imagine, but I would also venture to say that some coaches and administrations play it pretty clean!
I don't know if that helped you at all with your questions, but hopefully it cleared some things up!

01-19-2007, 03:25 PM
FOX SPORTS Wrote:For those of us without a clue about cheerleadingDepends upon where you are.... & how strong your Administration happens to be and how devoted they are to supporting their students best interests.
Who typically judges cheerleading tryouts???
Typically the cheer coach contacts the judges, or the cheer coach contacts a KAPOS representative who puts each of the parties in contact, but I have been contacted by Principals before too. It is best to use @ least a couple of KAPOS certified judges. (you may use people who are not "certified" but have loads of experience in areas like dance & gymnastics) It is always best if the coach just greets you, gives you the score sheets & necessary items... then let's you get on with things. ( I guess I feel this way because I've done it for so long...LOL)
What are the judges looking for???
The best available. I look for a GENUINE SMILE & GOOD EYE CONTACT... I LOOK FOR PROPER AND WELL EXECUTED MOTIONS. I look for pointed toes on jumps. (I love to see well executed jumps.. I'd love to see way high jumps... but as long as they are done correctly, that's fine) I look for cheerleaders who can perform well within a group. I look for rhythm & timing. As far as gymnastics... I believe the cartwheel and roundoff have gone the way of the dinosaur.... today's backhandspring is almost like the cartwheel.... it truly isn't a big deal, but should be a part of the requirements. BHS, ROBHS, ROBT, ROBHSBT... THEN ANY SERIES COMBO FOR BONUS is typically what good coaches are looking for. (As a coach @ the varsity level.. I would not take anyone without a BHS and ROBHS) You may build upon this during the course of the season. I also try to look for flyers and bases & keep that in mind as the tryouts progresses.
What percentage of a girls score is gymnastics???
This all depends upon how many different things they are required to do & the point value the coach assigns to each of them. Then there is the bonus areas... so it's hard to give a %.
Do politics play a part in who is selected???
01-20-2007, 01:32 AM
IISnakE Wrote:Depends upon where you are.... & how strong your Administration happens to be and how devoted they are to supporting their students best interests.
Absolutely right! But at least this is the way it should be done!
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