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Should Hammond be fired at SCHS
Tricky Wrote:Isn't there a School Board also?????

The School Board can sit Blackburn in the corner if they want to and give him nothing.
Sounds like people need to attend the Board Meetings and complain to the Members.

Blackburn owns the school board.
Two members are related to him, and he made sure another (his sister's husband) got in as well..
twentythree Wrote:The big problem with Board members being elected is just this:

The students who actually experience the problems and repercussions of the choices made by the BOE are very rarely old enough to vote. Martin County has the most screwed up system of electing officials I have ever witnessed in my entire life. People around here don't take pride in their power to vote. They don't take the time to understand the issues of what is going on around them and the negative effects it has on their children's future. Most of the time, people running for office don't even have a stand or opinion on a major issue the county is having. In order to run for an office in this area, all you need is popularity.

People here have the nerve to SELL their votes. If a candidate offers $200 to most people around here, they're so poverty stricken, that they'll take it and not think twice. What kind of system is that? Personally, my freedom of choice cannot be bought and I take pride in the fact that our forefathers faught for our right to vote, our right to choose.

Our kids and Martin County do not have a chance for improvement, ever. Martin county is made up of mostly uneducated people, and those that do seek an education after high school are usually so hell bent on getting out of the place that they don't return. Its a vicious cycle of decisions based on money and who you are and until kids from Martin County get their educations, return to Inez, and take a stand for THEIR children, nothing will ever EVER change.

I know you're going to reply with

But twentythree, if there are no educated people in Martin County, what about the teachers, lawyers, and doctors that are actually citizens there?

Plain and simple, those people are only out for themselves. The teachers (for the most part, excuse me for stereotyping) vote for who will best benefit them. As far as the Doctors and Lawyers go, I can count them on one hand. There may be 5 voting doctors and 5 voting lawyers in Martin County. 10 votes can't make a decision by themselves. And IMO, more than half of those 10 would base their decision on WHO that person is. Its all about who you know, who you are, and how much money you have, not about the job you do, the things you stand for, or the decisions you will make.

When I was in high school me and some of my fellow students brought an issue to the board of education. We suggested that they take styrofoam plates and bowls out of the school... I'm not going to get into the whole argument but the board basically agreed to do so and 4 or 5 years have passed now and its STILL there. It doesn't matter what kind of argument you make to them, they will do what they want either way. And the next people you vote in are going to be the same KIND of person, different name and face. They'll tell you what you want to hear and just keep on doing as they wish.

And to put this post on topic, Mark Blackburn is NOT a bad guy. He is trying his best to do what he sees fit. JR is a great PERSON, you guys are completely correct in saying that, but his coaching style is a lot less than desireable.

Do I think he should be fired? No. I think that someone just the same or worse will be put in his place because of who's kid they are or something equally as ridiculous.

Your post hit the nail on the head.
I also have heard that JR wouldn't start Blackburns 8th grade boy on the basketball team, and this was a contributing factor to what Blacky did.

All Blackburn is doing is surrounding himself with family, and the few friends he has, because in a year or so he'll be done.

Word is that this is Mrs. Elliots, SCHS principals last year, because Blackburn wants assistant principal Nichols to have the job. So, he's running Mrs. Elliot out. He's trying to get as many people in his backpocket as possible.

You heard me right Meade, Nichols as principal.
Man would that blow..
Gorn Wrote:Your post hit the nail on the head.
I also have heard that JR wouldn't start Blackburns 8th grade boy on the basketball team, and this was a contributing factor to what Blacky did.

All Blackburn is doing is surrounding himself with family, and the few friends he has, because in a year or so he'll be done.

Word is that this is Mrs. Elliots, SCHS principals last year, because Blackburn wants assistant principal Nichols to have the job. So, he's running Mrs. Elliot out. He's trying to get as many people in his backpocket as possible.

You heard me right Meade, Nichols as principal.
Man would that blow..

I think you all are ridiculous in complaining over someone who brings the AUTHORITY that you so often complain about the school lacking (the alternative kids coming in and destroying stuff, Meade) Nichols may be hateful, and Mrs. Elliot may be strict, but that is exactly the kind of order that has been missing from Sheldon Clark SINCE IT WAS BUILT.
Twenty Three they direct their authority in the wrong position such as telling students now to stand in the senior hallway at break. Mr Nichols actually said that. I could understnd if people were being raped there but I'm pretty sure thats not an issue. I dont see why he doesnt focus on getting the alternative school out, get some teachers in there that can actually talk with some decent grammar. I mean if you walk in there you will see they have so many rules that are irrelevant to education. The place is a dump and they don't need to make it harder on the students who hate showing up there in the first place.(about 98% of students myself included). The place really is a joke and I'm done with this topic
Meade Wrote:Twenty Three they direct their authority in the wrong position such as telling students now to stand in the senior hallway at break. Mr Nichols actually said that. I could understnd if people were being raped there but I'm pretty sure thats not an issue. I dont see why he doesnt focus on getting the alternative school out, get some teachers in there that can actually talk with some decent grammar. I mean if you walk in there you will see they have so many rules that are irrelevant to education. The place is a dump and they don't need to make it harder on the students who hate showing up there in the first place.(about 98% of students myself included). The place really is a joke and I'm done with this topic

I'll agree, Meade. I'm not there anymore to witness these things first hand, but I will agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY that even though teachers are "qualified" by their little piece of paper, I need a little more proof of intelligence... and most of the Sheldon Clark staff heavily lacks in that department. I could talk circles around most of them.
Mark Blackburn isn't using his authority in the right way. He's surrounding himself by people he can trust (then again, doesn't everyone?) and running off everyone he doesn't like. This includes JR Hammonds, which is highly unfair. Simply because JR has no talent at Sheldon Clark doesn't mean he should be fired..

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