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Resistance:Fall of man
Anyone played this?
This game is bad.:rockon:
It looks pretty sweet from what I have seen of it.
Somerset_Football Wrote:It looks pretty sweet from what I have seen of it.

Yeah I just bought it tonight and the game is awesome but the online play rocks you have at some points 20 vs 20 in teams never lags one bit. It has a awesome weapon choice and awesome game play. I highly recommend this game to anyone with a ps3 especially if you are looking for a good game to play online.This game blows halo 3 away IMO.Insomniac games did sony good with this game.
My son LOVES this game!
I played this game at my friends house and it is a great game
I just beat this game on medium today and now I have unlocked some extra guns like the reaper on hard and multiplayer!!!!. The reaper is a gun with two seperate bad *** guns that hold 50 bullets each one in left hand one in right so you can do some serious damage.It was a great game even better online.:letsparty
the game is solid but it definitely doesnt compare to Gears. Sony pulled the trigger on this one too soon. They should have waited another month or two and got it completely polished up.
Best game out for ps3
A friend of mine has it and i really like it. The online multiplayer is pretty good.

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