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Best team players
to you, who are some of the best team players in pro sports history
I havent thought about this one much but i am going ot start
when i find someone i will tell you who i think
In what aspect do you mean?

In the NBA, the best team player to me would be MJ. He demanded the best out of you all the time, and if you did that for him, he would help you to win games. Enough games to win 6 Championships.

Magic Johnson is another team player because he always looked for the open guy.

Scott Skiles was a not as well known good team player, he holds the record for most assists in a game 30.
in any aspect really
any sport
just the guy like you said about MJ that demands the most from his team to win!
magic johnson is the best team player in history, but no one really cares about this subject tho
Jason Kidd and Pistol Pete Marovich.
Um...MJ overall. He made most of the players on his team into all stars. Some of the players already had talent.
like who man.....steve kerr?
i def. have to go with luc longley
haha luc longley
they big BULLS center during their championship run
what about Bill Weddington?
I would have to go with Osacar Robertson and M. Jordan
I really never got to watch Oscar play but I know hes a great!
lol...D30 i dont think ne one got to watch oscar watch on this forum...
well i mean obviously I am saying i never got to watch any of his games on espn classics either!
I think one of the best team players I've ever seen is Steve Nash. He gets everyone involved and he is the reason the Suns are as good as they are IMO.
steve nash or magic johnson, magic is prolly the greatest team player in the history of the nba, with lebron trying to get there
Nash dishes out the assists, just like Magic
and you are right Lebron is doing his best!
kobe bryant. :roll:
kobe bryant. :roll:
Bryant mabye if he didnt cause so much tema turnoil off the court, that is unless u were kidding about your last statement...
im pretty positive he was kidding, people need to leave kobe alone, just give the lakers 4 years and theyll be back on top
I can't believe no one has mentioned John Stockton. He was definitely not a player known for scoring. He has to be included as one of the best team players of all time. Just ask Karl Malone.
yeh but jules karl malone was also a great team player, those 2 are prolly the best team players to play together
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:im pretty positive he was kidding, people need to leave kobe alone, just give the lakers 4 years and theyll be back on top

Without a player like Shaq playing for the Lakers, the Lakers won't be back on top anytime soon. I guess they could give special thanks to the GM for running off Shaq and Phil though. :roll:

You build a team around Shaq, not Kobe. Just look at Miami. They'll win the East now.
how can u choose a guy thats 35 and is gettin old over a guy whos 25 and still has yet to reach his potential, this move was made for the long run, not just for the upcoming season...and the heat wont get past the pistons in the east
IMO, Kobe has already reached his potential. I think everyone has seen that he can't win without Shaq. Shaq is 33 by the way. There are already players in the league that are better than Kobe or just as good such as LeBron, T-Mac, and Iverson, but it isn't everyday that you find someone as dominate as Shaq. You won't either.
T-mac and iverson, cmon there not as good as kobe....and lebron the guy hasnt even done ne thing in the playoffs yet for gods sake...will everyone just let him reach 25 before they start sayin how great he his....cuz he aint until he wins a ring, and that aint happenin soon
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:lol...D30 i dont think ne one got to watch oscar watch on this forum...
Not over a 100 games probably. They were also on tv way back then even when he was playing for the Cincinnati Royals. He was traded to Milwaukee where he teamed up with a young Kareem to win the NBA. Great scorer and and assist man who also played defense. Everyone on here is not a young whippersnapper. :wink:
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:T-mac and iverson, cmon there not as good as kobe....and lebron the guy hasnt even done ne thing in the playoffs yet for gods sake...will everyone just let him reach 25 before they start sayin how great he his....cuz he aint until he wins a ring, and that aint happenin soon

T-Mac and Iverson both assume the same role as Kobe. They are their team's go-to-guy. Therefore, I also think they all fall in the same category. I think the only team that has play-off hopes is the 76ers and I don't even see that happening because Webber isn't playing well.

On a side note, LeBron's team is winning. At his young age, he's nearly taking over the league. The numbers he is putting up are incredible. He has been the main reason his team has had success. However, Kobe's is not. This is the Laker's first year without Shaq and they are losing. They didn't even come close to having a losing record when Shaq was his teammate.
o yeh they 98, 99 they were really terrible...
and its his first year adapting to a new offense, leave kobe alone

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