11-30-2006, 08:14 PM
^^ Is At An Undisclosed Location!!
11-30-2006, 08:39 PM
^Is at Irvine!
12-01-2006, 12:06 AM
^ is at myspace.com
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
12-01-2006, 01:07 AM
^Has 5 post less than me now! But has a good reason why I have more and its very understandable..lol
12-01-2006, 01:12 AM
^^ Should Cheer Me Up

12-01-2006, 01:20 AM
^Is sad
12-01-2006, 01:21 AM
^^ Is Correct...Should Make Me Feel Better...LOL!!!

12-01-2006, 01:27 AM
^What is wrong?
12-01-2006, 01:28 AM
^^^ Long Story, Family Sucks, Cant Wait To Leave For College!!
12-01-2006, 01:46 AM
^Is looking forward to a new life..lol
12-01-2006, 02:00 AM
^^ Made Me Laugh...
LOL Thanks!!

12-01-2006, 02:24 AM
^needs to comment one of my pics
12-01-2006, 02:21 PM
^^ Should Return The Favor And Comment Mine!
12-01-2006, 02:40 PM
Likes Bluegrassrvals.c
12-01-2006, 04:11 PM
^ about time he swithed to rivals
12-02-2006, 10:45 PM
^ is still yet to add me to myspace lol!! im gonna catch back up stat!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
12-03-2006, 02:22 AM
^^ Has Added Me On Myspace!!
12-03-2006, 08:14 AM
^Loves Myspace...
12-03-2006, 08:39 AM
^^ Just Sent Me A Friend Request On Myspace
12-03-2006, 02:55 PM
^Likes Russell
12-03-2006, 02:56 PM
^ LT is a BEAST!!!
12-03-2006, 02:57 PM
^UK is in the music city bowl!...music to my ears!
12-03-2006, 04:51 PM
^ is about time UK made it to a bowl
12-03-2006, 07:42 PM
^Loving the old Bengals helmet.
12-03-2006, 07:58 PM
^ needs to explain who is on his avatar
12-03-2006, 08:44 PM
^Some animated picture of an old gangster..lol
12-03-2006, 09:53 PM
^ IN the Mafia
12-03-2006, 10:44 PM
^Im only 17...lol
12-03-2006, 11:06 PM
^ couldn't remember a cell number from the night before!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
12-03-2006, 11:36 PM
^^has changed her avatar again!! (It's been a while since I posted in this thread)

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