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JC in 07?
With a great year behind them and some tough losses to graduation on the offensive line and defense all around how will the Eagles fair in 2007? They will have Shawn Grim, JK Ratliff, Chase Richardson, Ian Welch, Dennis and Nathan Dillion, Wes Preston, Trey Belhasen, Nathan #44 (not sure of last name) all back but who are some young names that can step up? Also, does anyone know who they might be playing, besides their new district opponents of course.
I'm not sure of the schedule next season, but I don't see why next season we can't be even more competitive than we were this past season. Grim will be himself, another 2000 yard plus season I'm sure. I believe they may open the passing attack a little more next season. But I can't wait for the schedule to be released, we should have some real quality opponents on it after this past season. I hear Belfry is an almost definate for a regular season game instead of the annual scrimmage. What a great time to be an Eagle player or supporter!!!
They'll be a strong team again next season. Shawn Grim will have another big year.
JC played great ball this year, I don't see why they won't next year
Yeah Grim will once again be a force next year. And if they do get Belfry on the schedule I will be there to watch that game!
-STAT- Wrote:Yeah Grim will once again be a force next year. And if they do get Belfry on the schedule I will be there to watch that game!

I don't blame you, it will probably be one of the hardest hitting games anyone will see. The past two seasons in their scrimmages have displayed some of the hardest hitting I've ever seen! So if you are a fan of hard hits, this is definately the game for you.
They may lose alot but with the 70 players coming back they should be easily replaced.
They will be fine next year. Dunno if they'll make it to semis again or anything but they will be one of the top teams in their region nonetheless.
They will have a great year next year. Shawn Grimm will be one of the states leading rushers.
JC in my opinion, has another exciting season to look forward to!
Panther#42 Wrote:JC played great ball this year, I don't see why they won't next year

They will be really goodnext yr. but I dont think they will make it as far as what this yrs. team did because of there region If I am not mistaken Highlands and CCH is in there region...I wish them all the luck though...
How many seniors did they lose?
about 7 that played.
JC will be tough for at least the next 2 years IMO
Sports Nut Wrote:JC will be tough for at least the next 2 years IMO

As long as Jim Matney is on the sidelines they will be tough.
They may possibly win their district but I don't know much about Woodford Co. and some of the other teams in the district, but certainly not their region with heavy hitters CCH and HHS. Who knows this year's state semi could be a preview to next year's regional final.
JC will be a very talented team in 2007 with a tough schedule, capable of repeating this years success. You are right as long as Matney is the football coach JC will be winners!
They will be fine
Who all did they lose?
Of those who played...
Blake Johnson - FB/LB
Chris Meeks - WR
Michael Tackett - LB
Tommy Taylor - DB/WR
Coty Conley - O/D Line
Ryan Baldwin - O Line
Shawn Ousley - D Line
I Think thats it. Quite a few, but JC has one hell of a depth chart as seen this year when we lost about 5 or 6 starters near the beginning of the season including our QB. With the way JC is hitting the weights this offseason, look for them to come out once again knocking heads off.
They will have a great year next year
cbls_75 Wrote:They may possibly win their district but I don't know much about Woodford Co. and some of the other teams in the district, but certainly not their region with heavy hitters CCH and HHS. Who knows this year's state semi could be a preview to next year's regional final.

You are somewhat correct. As you said next year Johnson Central will be clumped together in Class 5A Region 3 with Highlands, Cov. Catholic, etc. But what people dont realize is that with the playoff format for Class 5A next year, Johnson Central, considering it can win its district(District 6), would play the winner of District 8, and not District 5 which is the district with Highlands and Cov. Cath. So that means Johnson Central, once again figuring that they can make it that far, would not play Highlands or Cov. Cath til the semi finals just as they did this year.

In my opinion, Johnson Central has to be the considered the favorite to win the district and make it to the Semi Finals at this point. Ashland, JC's strongest district opponent last year lost 22 seniors and only brings back 2 starters from this team. With Bryan Station, Woodford Co., and Montgomery Co. being in somewhat of a building process, JC should win its district. As far as how they will determine the Region Champ Im not sure, but I will say this. JC returns alot of talent in key places next year. Both Highlands and Cov. Cath where senior dominated and took a hard hit with graduation. I would consider JC to be right there with both programs but due to the prestige of those 2 programs, I will not place JC ahead of them.

It will be an exciting season once again for the JC faithful and one full of new accomplishments. Johnson Centrals hardest task in my opinion will be replacing the leadership and abilities both Tackett and Johnson showed from there Linebacker position. If some kids step in and fill those positions this team will be better than it was last year.
I actually made a mistake in posting about the Playoff road JC may face next year. JC considering it wins its District which is District 6 would face the winner of District 7 for the Region 4 Championship.

Here is a link for all those who want to take a look.
JC should have another great season. Grimm will run all over everyone again.
UnderArmour24 Wrote:JC should have another great season. Grimm will run all over everyone again.

Statements like these might come back to haunt you. He did lose some of his line, but he was an excellent running back last season. Might not have the big numbers like he did this past season...but I look for him to have another productive year. Remember though, it's those guys in the trenches that make the holes for him to run through....a lot of his success will depend on them.
Well JC if they win the district would have to play the force that is Mercer Co. to win the Region
IRISH4 Wrote:Statements like these might come back to haunt you. He did lose some of his line, but he was an excellent running back last season. Might not have the big numbers like he did this past season...but I look for him to have another productive year. Remember though, it's those guys in the trenches that make the holes for him to run through....a lot of his success will depend on them.

One thing that he does have back though is Chase Richardson. Chase was responsible for alot of Grimm's yards.
JC lost some talented and quality kids. But as long as Jim Matney and Co are at JC and he recieves the level of support he gets and deserves, I am not worried about next year. Alot of great kids will be back and Matney will find the answers for the open spots.
Looks like another great season for the eagles.

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