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Person Above Me Game Part II
^ does not know the url of the myspace
Is Now Gonna Add Me... http://www.myspace.com/heather2007
just added her
^^ Just Got Added And Should Now Go Leave Me Picture Comments Or Something!!
^Just added her on myspace as well
^^ Should Also Comment My Pics Or Something...LOL!!
^Will do....lol
^^ Doesnt Kno That I Knew He Was Gonna Comment That Pic!!
^Should now check out one of her pics..I commented it!
^^ Doesn't Know I Already Got That Comment And KNEW That He Was Gonna Comment That Pic LOL
^Confused me a little bit..lol(doesnt take very much tho)
^^^ SHOULD Leave More Comments And I'll Return The Favor...Comment4Comment!!
^Will do...and she loves comments..lol
^^ Is Correct...They Make Me Happy!!! ESPECIALLY UNEXPECTED ONES!!
^is a girl
^^ Is A Cheerleader..HA HA
^Is a cheerleader
Was Too Slow...Cuz I'm So Not A Cheerleader HA HA
^Is correct..I was too slow!..lol
Has More Posts But Less Points Than Me!!! Tongue
^Should donate me a few or even more points..lol
^^ Is Funny...LOL...Midee1 Started Me Out And Gave Me Some Points...Then I Bet And Got More LOL...So Bet Some Of Yours
^Has a good idea...but doesnt have an avartar..lol
^ discriminates against the less fortunate people who cannot have avatars
^Likes the Bengals.
^ likes to swing all day long
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
^Doesn't know it would be nice.
^ would get bored after an hour!
^ still hasn't added me?
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill
^Is at half court
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