11-14-2006, 11:32 PM
windmill Wrote:ok guys, i forgot all of you UK fans know it all too, i guess thats why good ole Dean Smith passed up ole Adoplh? right? UK is a good team but they will not win no more than 21 games, and they will not go to the sweet 16, BUT, you guys are UK fans so i cant win, you know it all, but when UNC beats them by 20, and U of L and Indiana beats them, i guess you guys will have some lame excuse, and thanks Gridiron, your STUPID for thinking UK will beat any of them 3, your the STUPID one, but good luck UK your gona need it, and not getting Lofton will come back to kick them in the a$$ when Tenn beats them in both meetings, in case you think im wrong, go back and watch some Lofton highlights from last nights game
UK is 3 times the team that UL and IU is this year so how can you say they they are gonna be us by double digits???and as far as Den Smith being a better coach the Adolph is STUPID. No body will ever be as good as good ole Rupp!!!
11-14-2006, 11:33 PM
ok once again stupid UK fans, all i said was Smith passing Rupp, and he was a hell of a coach, but not as good as John Wooden, and ok whatever when they get killed im not even going to say a word
11-14-2006, 11:37 PM
windmill Wrote:im not even going to say a word
I bet

11-14-2006, 11:39 PM
no really wait and see, i cant wait till Hansbrough goes wild on the god of all basketball Morris, and Ty Lawson, well i wont even say anything about him, but UK will not win this game id bet anything on it
11-14-2006, 11:40 PM
windmill Wrote:ok once again stupid UK fans, all i said was Smith passing Rupp, and he was a hell of a coach, but not as good as John Wooden, and ok whatever when they get killed im not even going to say a word
my god... how stupid are UNC fans... and I thought dUKe fans was bad
11-14-2006, 11:41 PM
haha that was a good one, i hate duke, and i dont dislike UK at all, i was just saying what i thought would happen this year and all of you UK god's jumped all over me, and ive been a UNC fan for a long time, dontthink im just jumping on the waggon because im not
11-14-2006, 11:44 PM
windmill Wrote:haha that was a good one, i hate duke, and i dont dislike UK at all, i was just saying what i thought would happen this year and all of you UK god's jumped all over me, and ive been a UNC fan for a long time, dontthink im just jumping on the waggon because im not
Never said you was on the wagon and don;t think that I am jumping on the UK wagon either because I have been a UK fan ever since I was born. Well we both agree on something about dUKe!!!
11-15-2006, 12:18 AM
yeah ok good, i hope UK does do good this year thats just what i thought, and yes i hate duke with a passion
11-15-2006, 09:41 AM
Wow, never seen anything so heated just over a prediction of a UK game. Thats pretty bad
11-15-2006, 12:24 PM
-STAT- Wrote:Yeah same here. we have alot of faithful true blue fans and Windmill saying those words gets to people like us. But I dont think they would b beating us by triple digits tho...lolI dont even like UK but triple digits sounds a littel crazy.
11-20-2006, 11:07 PM
Kentucky-86 Miami(OH)-52
11-20-2006, 11:09 PM
UK will dominate them. It should be an easy game for the CATS. GO BIG BLUE!!!!!
11-21-2006, 01:29 AM
#25 Wrote:UK will dominate them. It should be an easy game for the CATS. GO BIG BLUE!!!!!
I hope you're joking. This game has been over since last week.
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