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How does everyone feel about the new playoff format?
With November coming up, it must be playoff time. I was just wondering what everyone though, I hate it to be very blunt and honest. Teams are playing the same teams they played the week before or 2-3 weeks before. I always liked making the trips to another stadium or having a team from the other district come to your place, it was what defined playoff time for me. Also, with the realignment and addition of two classes next season, you'll see some disticts where all the teams make the playoffs. Some not deserving, some not even winning a game as the majority of districts have 4-5 teams in them. I understand, wanting to have more teams involved in the playoffs but it almost makes me feel as if they're taking away from the decent teams. I think with the 6 classes in align, to make the state more competitive the top two teams from each district should be the only ones eligible for the playoffs. And they should play the top two teams from the opposite distict in their region.
The KHSAA has succeded in turning the playoff atmosphere into something monotonous and boring. Part of the excitement IMO about the playoffs is playing a team you probably havent played before. Unless its a rivalry game in the Playoffs this systme takes away from that.
To answer the question...I hate it.
PantherPride68 Wrote:The KHSAA has succeded in turning the playoff atmosphere into something monotonous and boring. Part of the excitement IMO about the playoffs is playing a team you probably havent played before. Unless its a rivalry game in the Playoffs this systme takes away from that.

Agree 100% If it wasn't for the Pburg/SC rematch i probally wouldn't want to watch a game in the first round.
I hate it!!
Not only is it going to be boring, but I am sure that in some second round games, that the 2 best teams in the entire region will be playing each other!!
The Blue Blur Wrote:With November coming up, it must be playoff time. I was just wondering what everyone though, I hate it to be very blunt and honest. Teams are playing the same teams they played the week before or 2-3 weeks before. I always liked making the trips to another stadium or having a team from the other district come to your place, it was what defined playoff time for me. Also, with the realignment and addition of two classes next season, you'll see some disticts where all the teams make the playoffs. Some not deserving, some not even winning a game as the majority of districts have 4-5 teams in them. I understand, wanting to have more teams involved in the playoffs but it almost makes me feel as if they're taking away from the decent teams. I think with the 6 classes in align, to make the state more competitive the top two teams from each district should be the only ones eligible for the playoffs. And they should play the top two teams from the opposite distict in their region.

Nicely said...I couldn't have said it any better.
I think this thing is horrible that they done the playoff games like this. Its always a fun time to get on the charter bus and ride off if you get a 4 or 3 seed and going to a different place that you never have been to.
I absolutely hate it. The first 2 rounds are going to be boring except in a few cases of games. The really good and exciting games will not be played until the 3rd round in the region championships for the most part. To say the least... I hate it!!
I have said it numerous times on other sites I wish they would go back to the OLD system where the top 2 teams in the district make the playoffs. It makes the season start just a little bit later.
I Hate It. Next Year In Beechwood District There Will Be Beechwood, Dayton,bellevue,ludlow. They Will All Be In The Playoffs,because They Are Only Teams In There District. Ncc & Holy Cross Move Up To Class Aa.

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