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Best sophmore in 58th district?
Just wondering about your all's opinions on the subject.
Give me a list of Sophomores in the 58th and i'll give you my opinion..I can't think of one.
Josh Prater (AC) and Adam Slone (SF) Bradnon Tackett (BL) Richie Tackett (BL) Cody McCay (BL) in no order and all that comes to mind
Seth Setser, Alex Stumbo, Austin Gearheart, and Jody Tackett are some from P-burg
is Jody Tackett actually playing this year...if so he will help out a lot.
Yes, he is playing this year
Dont think Prater is playing this year for AC
thats too bad...big loss for AC...I think that he could have been their leadin scorer
He would have provided alot for them. But they have a pretty strong Senior class this year. Considering they have only had a combined 4 Seniors in the past 2 years. They have a grand total of 4 just this year. So they will have alot of leadership and will be alright without him
Now that some names are thrown out there I Probabily have to say Adam Slone from South Floyd is the best. I would have said Prater at Allen Central but since he's decided not to play I'll give Slone the #1 spot.
UnderArmour24 Wrote:Seth Setser, Alex Stumbo, Austin Gearheart, and Jody Tackett are some from P-burg
I heard that Jody isn't elligible until January
He isnt. He will be playin in January when he gets elligible.
-STAT- Wrote:Dont think Prater is playing this year for AC

I don't know if I'd count Prater out just yet. I know he's been saying since summer ball (back in June) that he wasn't playing this year. But it still wouldn't surprise me a bit to see him out for basketball as soon as football is over.
Josh Prater could be one hell of an athlete if someone would just give hime some discipline. He is a fine football player, and an even better basketball player. And last year was his first year playing baseball since Little League, and to me, he looked pretty impressive, considering he was out as long as he was. If he would actually put some work into it, and quit being "lazy" about everything, he could be a very impressive All-Around Athlete.
StrikeoutKing Wrote:Josh Prater could be one hell of an athlete if someone would just give hime some discipline. He is a fine football player, and an even better basketball player. And last year was his first year playing baseball since Little League, and to me, he looked pretty impressive, considering he was out as long as he was. If he would actually put some work into it, and quit being "lazy" about everything, he could be a very impressive All-Around Athlete.

I totally agree. Josh is a natural athlete- he just needs to quit being lazy about it.
Adam Slone i guess hes about the only 1 i can think of

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