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Phelps Volleyball
Whats up with Phelps B-team winning alot more than the A-team, Have to say thier assistant is doing a Good Job
This could be because that the B-team doesn't play the talent that the A-team plays. Just a thought.
LOL... BUT the talent they are playing is what they will be playing when they play A-team!! Did ya think of that???
many varsity teams play or start players as young as 7th graders, jusst as basketball teams do.

It cracks me up when parents say when those girls get to start they will dominate
then they realize that hey the other school already had girls their age playing at a different level
JV success does not mean varsity success

anyone remember Ashley Melvin as an example she was dominating at the high school level as a 7th grader
wow wonder how she would have done in jv against jv players
True True but just imagine if the JV girls are doing good NOW what they will be in a couple more years!!
Maybe so.... and I agree with you that when they get to that level in a few years they will be talented... but rite now with players so young its more of a rebuilding year.
Erika Blankenship is sitting on the bench but u wait till she gets better and she will be a a diffenant threat to all teams cause she is a leader. This girl is athletic beast she plays softball,volleyball and basketball and she is threat at all postions
I wonder if anyone else may have noticed the games at Belfry this weekend. Does anyone have any idea why no substitutes were played , especially when after the first couple games it was clear something needed to be done on Phelps team. In my opinion they should look toward South Floyd for a role Model ! Come on , with Phelps being the favorite underdog , would like to see them show what they have.
I'm assuming that your from South Floyd??? IMO... let the coach ----coach.... what goes on with the Phelps "bench" is no ones business other than the coach, kids, and I guess the parents of those kids!!!!
Sorry if you had taken that as a comment against the coaches , i was just curious if anyone else understood such a strategy , seemly that was one which did not pay off. And yes i am a parent from which school is of no concern , Which my true opinion is that school is no place for sports unless the child is an A -average student. The money either donated or from the school system itself is best spent on education . As per say , a waist of time and money . So if it is a parents business then so is it mine also. Thanks your time and patience for a timely reply, but please stick only to the question at hand , and try not to stray to a hostile comment .
I said it was MY OPINION..... it was NOT a hostile comment... IMO... mean in my opinion... Smile
there... was that nice enough???????
Yes i appreciate you pointing out that . whcih of coarse anyone would know what that meant , but have to excuse me for saying, that still does not pertain to the question i had started this thread for. Lets keep on subject only and be ADULTS about it.Evidently you have no idea why they played the same girls all the way thru and kept on the loseing pace. Thank You.
For one thing... they have a TREMENDOUS athlete who is on the bench because of an ATV accident she had this summer. There are circumstances that are beyond anyones control with a couple of the girls.... Does this help to clarify anything for you?? Hope it does!! and BTW... I am an adult.. WHO is around these kids EVERYDAY... I KNOW what goes on with them!!!!!!!!
Well , sounds to me like you have it all figured out , except one thing ....the original question. you have bounced on every other subject,, probably more than thier game ball, i am quite done with you and your sour comments , and i am right there too and know exactly what is going on . if yours was in Volley ball then i could understand it , all i wanted to know why did they take 5 kids and play 10 games lose nine and the others slept on the bench , Thank you extremely very much!!!! PS, next time please say excuse me when you pass me in the hall.
Okay.. I will!! (It depends on which school I am at and what time of day it is!! LOLOL).....AND..... LOLOL.... I can't comment on WHY those kids slept on the bench. You would have to ask them or their coach! She is the one who makes the decisions concerning those girls. I just know that we have some awesome kids in Phelps and NO- mine does not play volleyball but is in other sports. Maybe a good way to remedy the situtation is the coach sit down with the parents if they are having a problem with it and discuss it! What do you think?? What could help them play better and win more games?? Give me your input as I am VERY open minded... and didn't mean to be crass... I'm not usually a smartbutt but it hasn't been a very good couple of weeks!!! LOLOL.....
Yes i agree , seems like you have touched on the right path. Oh and i forgot , tha=ey have Midol is Extra Strenght th i think to help with that, Have a Great Day!!!!
I don't think Midol is what she needs LOL. NOT everyone is a ***** on certain days of the month! Maybe she just didn't get her needed rest time!! :igiveup:
:thumpsup: OHHHH thank you , Thank Youuuu! finally someone understands.
Uh OH... looks like someone else knows me!!! ........
and NOPE.. I don't need midol... not extra strength, not regular strength, NONE!! IF you knew me you would know I didn't need it!!! LMAO!!!!
Ok , that wasnt personal ...Some are just naturally that way...
What way??? I don't think I'm anyway... just me!!!
JARYDCRUMS#1FAN Wrote:Erika Blankenship is sitting on the bench but u wait till she gets better and she will be a a diffenant threat to all teams cause she is a leader. This girl is athletic beast she plays softball,volleyball and basketball and she is threat at all postions
yeah you guys better watch out for Erika.. she is gonna dominate!!
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen - Winston Churchill

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